Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 17, 2017 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
 Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
 Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.

Trustees Present

Andrew Paris, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Ellen Pfahler, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Robert Rene, Rocky Montz, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent

Amanda Campbell

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Guests Present

Shelby Ladnier

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Jan 17, 2017 at 5:15 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

No public comment.


Approve Minutes

Tabled until next meeting.

II. Facilities


Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Presentation

Supporting an VAPA Complex.
Arts Education is important
Introducing themselves to the new Board.
They realize that it takes an enormous amount of money.
Hoping for bond money, CTE money, grants from various foundations.
Showed a video, which explains the importance of such a complex and how Pali's current facilities.
Presented the renderings for a VAPA Complex
We have students at every top performing arts college.
Ellen Pfahler inquired about their opinion about the designs presented to the Board previously.
Rick Steil indicated that they are happy that a VAPA complex was included in the proposed designs.
The multi-purpose room is really that and not a legitimate theater.
Having a theater makes it more of a destination school.
There are alumni and others who are involved in the Palisades who can be called upon to help.  Rick Caruso and JJ Abrams were brought up as examples.
The VAPA faculty want the Board to know how important it is for the school.
Robert Rene arrived at 5:30 p.m.
They have had some events and shown the video but they have not had significant success in fundraising and the presentations Feeling that they may not have presented to the right target audience.
It would benefit the school and the community to have it.  And it would also be another rental space.
It was stated that fundraising has been difficult and they are seeking to get support from the Board.  
Nancy Fracchiolla pointed out that the field is getting a redo and that other programs need support as well.  
Ellen Pfahler brought up that it has to be included in the vision of the school. 
Rick Steil brought up that the fact that the renderings included the VAPA Complex made them feel like they were supported.
Sports and the arts are what bring people here.
Emilie Larew thanked all the participants for coming out and did assure them that there input will be sought before any plans will be made.
Monica Iannessa brought up that Vickie Francis is on LTSP and represents the VAPA team.
Susan Ackerman brought up that there is a long list of powerful people in Hollywood who have connections to the school.
Rick Steil brought up that getting the Board behind this is something that can help.  And getting one large donation from one of these heavy hitters can get the ball rolling.


Track & Football Field Status & Replacement Plan

Presented by Rocky Montz and Dave Riccardi.
Working on a track and field replacement for a couple of years.
The field is collapsing on itself and the track is delaminating.
Met with vendors for field and tracks.  Narrowed down to two vendors.
Also looking to upgrade ADA compliance when the modifications are made.
Powerpoint presentation by Rocky Montz
Field was finished in November of 2007, with ribbon cutting by Carl Lewis.
Field lasts 8 to 10 years.  It's like a carpet.
Technology is rapidly changing and there is a lot of turnover.  Company that installed our track and field is no longer in business.
The track should last longer than the field.  But in our case the track did not.  
The track may not have been installed properly.  If it had been we might be looking at a resurfacing right now but because of the poor installation we are looking at replacement.
Separation, holes, delamination, water getting under the field where the track has separated from the field.  Areas that have been fixed have problems.   The fixes are obvious and look terrible.  
The field seams are being pushed apart. There are holes.  There are dips between the track and the field and it is supposed to be level.  There is rippling and dimpling.  These problems are most likely due to a comprised base cause the it degrading.  It is safe enough to play on but not optimal.  
The field should not have a G-Max score of over 200g's.  Great fields have G-Max scores of 140g's.  Our field has a G-Max score of over 200g's for 3 out of the 10 places measured.
Replacement options.
Go back to the grass system for the field only.
Partially replace/repair parts of the field, which would be very patchy.
Completely replace the field and the track.  
Price range $650,000 to $950,000
Possible companies are:
Astro Turf
Field Turf
Free Form.
Thinks that we get what we pay for if we go for the lower priced option.
Looking to use organic infill (no crumb rubber).
Concern that black crumb rubber may have health risks, although studies are inconclusive.
Cavalry just put in a field that may have a cork base.
Track replacement
between $250,000 to $450,000
Possible companies are:
Free Form
Funding options:  $200,000 is in budget for deferred maintenance for the track.  A $300,000 request for this year was denied. 
Each year money has been put aside for general deferred maintenance, which amounts to $600,000.  
Meaning that we should have $800,000 set aside.
Options for fundraising:
Fundraising with possibly a large donor who wants naming rights.
Prior payment plans for groups that rent it.
Bank Loans
Requesting $1.5 million to finish everything. 
Leslie Woolley asked how long we are able to use the current track and field.
Dave Riccardi indicated that he does not believe that we can use it another season.
And it needs to start right after graduation in order to get it done on time.
Groups who permit to use it have been notified that it won't be available over the summer.
Susan Ackerman brought up concussion concerns.
Dara Williams brought up shin splints as a problem.
Ellen Pfahler brought up that it really is a safety issue.
Once the work is completed, it won't be leased out for public non-sporting events.
Leslie Woolley inquired about the maintenance.
Dave Riccari indicated that there are maintenance plans
Track $7000 year and field $2000 a year with us doing some of the maintenance.
The better tracks and field require less maintenance.
Warranty on the field and track as well.
Robert Rene brought up as a safety issue we don't really have a choice here.  He also brought up that the Budget Committee needs to look long term at these types of items.
Emilie Larew brought up that if we are going to get it done by this summer, we have to vote in February.  
Dave Riccardi and Rocky Montz agreed that we should vote in February.
Rocky Montz said that LAUSD fields don't have the crumb rubber but they do have rubber.
To approve it would be best to have it on the Budget Meeting Agenda and to have the documents with the relevant information.
Gregg Wood brought up that what is actually in the deferred maintenance budget is $425,000, in part because of the pool construction and pool loan.
Last time we got $500,000 from AYSO and $200,000 from Pali Blues.  AYSO had use of the field for 3 years.
So we see if an organization can pay us up front for the permitted use and that can fund the field, as we did with AYSO.
LTSP has looked at this as well.  
Emilie Larew pointed out that we can move forward on it but it is just how it will be funded.
Dara Williams suggested that they also present the bids.  
Contractors may be available to come to the Board.
Greg Wood brought up that the prevailing wage issue because if paid for with public funds (general fund monies as opposed to fundraising monies), we have to pay the prevailing wage.

III. Academic Excellence


PCHS School Calendar: 2017-2018 School Year and Beyond

Pam Magee indicated that after our discussion learned that LAUSD changed its school year calendar and now indicates that it will start on August 14th or near that date.  We have received survey submissions but the survey has been extended to this Friday to give some parents extra time.  We have also received emails from parents who may not yet have students at Pali.
Emilie Larew brought up her impressions:
Many families want to align with LAUSD.  Most seem to be comfortable with the August 14th start date.
LAUSD has only indicated that it will keep that calendar for one year.
We are possibly looking to adopt a calendar more longer term.
There will be a faculty vote as this effects their employment contract.
Ideally we want to approve of a calendar in February so that all stakeholders can plan for the future.
The teachers will consider a multi-year approach as well.
There is a desire that we not scramble to do this every year.  
We can consider changes farther down the road with regard to the breaks even if we choose a multi-year start date.
Robert Rene brought up some of the zeal expressed in the emails.  Additionally, some of the emails show that there is a misunderstanding of the process and the reasons for the discussion.  Would like to discuss some of the reasons behind things so that we can inform the parents.  Want the parents to have a better appreciation for the reasons.  
Dara Williams has responded to each of the emails.
Ellen Pfahler has responded to them as well.
Robert Rene believes that we should be explaining the process.
Leslie Woolley brought up that Robert brings up a good point.  We have discussed how do we respond to this. It may be helpful to respond in a way that is informative.  
Emilie Larew brought up that we have been working on the decision making process and that the communication piece is always a challenge.  
Robert Rene didn't know that other Board members were responding and that he thinks this is a problem.  
Robert Rene thinks it is important for Pam to respond with a letter to all of the parents.
Pam Magee agreed to do it.
Rocky Montz inquired as to whether the teachers have a date to vote on it.  Emilie Larew responded that the teachers do not yet have a date to vote on it.  But it will be before the February Board meeting.
Steve Klima is working on putting together the specific calendars, including possibly looking at a multi-year plan.
Rocky Montz brought up that it seems to be an issue bringing it up every year.
Obviously easiest if the Board is on the same page as the teachers.  In the past they have been aligned.  But not sure about this year.


PCHS Alternative Programs

Presented by Pam Magee.
The alternative programs are Virtual Academy and Temescal Academy.  
Want to have Temescal align with Pali.
Working with Tom Siler to ensure that we are consistent.
Charter Office wants students to be able to go back and forth.
Credit recovery and health reasons are some reason that students are there.  Some students prefer the smaller learning environment, which is also an advantage of the Virtual Academy.
Cap of 75 but we have about 60.  Economic efficiency is better achieved if we are closer to our enrollment cap.
Ways to make parents and students aware of the program.
CTE (Career Tech Ed) can be something that Temescal can also focus on.


Update on Schoolwide Goal #4

Goal #4,
Update provided in materials at the meeting.
The Schoolwide Goal Update will be added to the materials for the meeting.
16 different things listed as the progress on the goals.
Dara Williams asked about the SHADES program.
Teen court seems like a great program.
The graffiti incident here went to Teen Court.


Potential New Policies/Resolutions - Safe Zone & Suicide Prevention

Pam Magee presented.
Discussed multiple policies, which will be brought to the Board.
Suicide attempts and even suicides have effected the school
Pali does have a crisis management team and policy and procedures in place.
Looking at LAUSD policies and our policies in place.
There will be more to come on this with regard to specific policies.
With regard to a Safe Zone that relates to immigration issues and making sure that our students feel safe.
LAUSD as well as other charter schools are also addressing this.
Want to ensure students feel protected and that this is not a place where students feel that immigration may come.
Safe Zone is more at a completion stage.
It is not on for a vote for this meeting but we can bring it back in February if we need to vote.
Ellen Pfahler asked if LAUSD's policy covers us.  
Pam Magee indicated that the charter schools think it needs to be made clear that this is important.

IV. Finance


College Readiness Block Grant Budget Approval

Budget & Finance Committee has not met.  So we need to table this until they have been able to vet this item.


First Interim Financial Report

Greg Wood presented.
Three times a year that the state requires us to submit updated budget information.
First report includes actual expenditures through October.  It also requires and added revenue or expenses so that if budget should be updated it can be.
There were modifications to the 1 to 1 Chrome Books, which was funded at a lower amount and a modification to the amount spent on salaries and benefits to accommodate the new contracts, which included a salary increase for faculty and staff.
Because these were offset, the budget is fairly on track.
Cash surplus was estimated at $73,000.
We did receive mostly favorable funding updates. Title I increases; lottery monies.
Revenue in total will go down but some of the expenses will also decrease.
Expectation for surplus would go up to $110,000.
ADA remains strong, which is the major source of our funding.
Trying to offset withdrawals from the 1st semester by adding new students for the second semester,
Overall positive about where we are going and where we will end up.
Obviously long term planning needs to be done for things like the Track and Field and a potential VAPA complex.
2017-2018 and 2018-2019 there will be some significant benefits increase, which may affect the estimated cash surplus.
Governor is talking about revenues slowing down so that could affect the surplus.
Robert Rene commented about the estimated revenue of $100k+.  Inquired about whether encouraged or discouraged about future years.  Greg Wood indicated that he is mildly discouraged.
Hoping for positive information from the Governor's proposed budget.  The numbers Greg has are fairly conservative.  
The May revise is what the Assembly will use to approve the budget.  (They usually do.)
That will give us better information and a sense of what one-time funding there is as well as the overall increase in funding.
Employment contract is factored in and that is a three-year contract so that is a known figure and knowing this assists us in planning the budget.
Real privilege to work with a group that can work with a budget that is a moving target.
Leslie Woolley pointed out that is why Greg Wood is winning business award from the Chamber of Commerce.


Consolidated Application (CONAPP)

Greg Wood presented.
Title I and Title II funding.
In past Board has given authority to EDP to sign the 2016-2017 Consolidated Application subject to bringing the full application back to the Board. 
Robert Rene made a motion to Approve the EDP sign the Consolidated Application as requested.
Ellen Pfahler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ellen Pfahler
Leslie Woolley
Amanda Campbell
Emily Hirsch
Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris


Aligning PCHS Mileage Rate with Federal/IRS Standards

IRS mileage reimbursement is 53.5 cents.
If the Board will approve that our reimbursement rate is the same as the IRS rate then we won't have to vote on this every year.
Robert Rene indicated that we should zealously manage this because the reimbursement rate is so high.
Greg Wood indicates that there are checks in place (such as google maps) and required documentation.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to Approve that the Palisades Charter High School mileage reimbursement rate align with the IRS rate.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Deanna Hamilton
Susan Ackerman
Amanda Campbell
Ellen Pfahler
Dara Williams
Emilie Larew
Robert Rene
Leslie Woolley
Rocky Montz
Emily Hirsch
Andrew Paris


PCHS Purchasing Procedures & Acccounting Procedures

This was on the agenda last month but not for a vote.  
Now this is an action item to be approved by the Board.
Ellen Pfahler made a motion to Approve the PCHS purchasing procedures and accounting procedures as presented in the materials.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Amanda Campbell
Leslie Woolley
Ellen Pfahler
Deanna Hamilton
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Emily Hirsch
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz

V. Governance


Approval Of Updated Membership for Board Committees

No new members to approve.


LAUSD Charter School Division (CSD) - Compliance Monitoring Checklist

Compliance with each of the 19 categories.
Very time consuming to prepare this documentation.  Time intensive and quite a lot of it.
So big thanks to those who work on this every year.
Rocky Montz made a motion to Approve the Compliance Monitoring Checklist.
Andrew Paris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Susan Ackerman
Andrew Paris
Emilie Larew
Amanda Campbell
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Deanna Hamilton
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch


PCHS Student Attendance Policies and School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Possibilities

We do not have a Board level attendance policy.
We have looked at it over the years and have tried to work with other charter schools and come up with a plan.
Emilie Larew would like to see us come up with a Board level policy to address this.  
So we need to address a policy as to what is considered an attendance problem and how to address it.
Want to look into to addressing this and also the reasons behind the attendance problems.
We do have alternative programs that can possibly address attendance problems and we may need to figure out how to use these programs to perhaps address some of these problems.
Need to look at supporting students with attendance issues where the alternative programs might be a good match.
So need to develop policies as to these alternative programs.
Challenge where we are not part of a district where we have a SARB (School Attendance Review Board).
Getting kids here benefits our ADA.
Emily Hirsch did not realize that we don't have a SARB.
Robert Rene also did not realize that we did not have a SARB.  Believes we would benefit from having this.
LIsa Corr has worked on this as well.  
Dara Williams brought up that she has had experience with SARB and has sat on boards in the past and currently serves on a SARB.
Leslie Woolley brought up that we have an attendance policies.  So we need to figure out what other programs we have to benefit these kids.  So inquiring are we talking about the number of days you can miss or how to help these kids succeed.
Dara Williams described some of the aspects of a SARB.
Susan Ackerman brought up that it is not always black and white with the consequences of attendance issues and that maybe it should be. But Emilie Larew brought up that we are not here to micromanage.
Just may want to develop Board general policies so that it is clear to everyone what the policies and processes are.
Currently we don't have these processes in place.
Either a SARB or the equivalent.
Having a student just continuing to fail is not a great option.
Need some level of intervention.
Dara Williams asked that we have a board resolution agendized that we task Virtual Academy and Temescal to come up with a plan to take students with attendance issues.
Each kid is different.
Leslie Woolley suggested an ad hoc committee.
Dara Williams brought up the Brown Act.
So there will be an administrative committee but Board members can be invited to give input since Emily Hirsch and Dara Williams have expertise in this area.

VI. Other


Non-School Sponsored Field Trip Policies & Procedures

Tabled until next meeting.

VII. Organizational Reports


Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

Report stands as submitted.  
PCHS Points of Pride for Fall Semester 2016-2017
Shelby Ladnier is a Pam Magee's new assistant
Louie is also a new front office staff member.


Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Working with other conversion charters to coordinate with CBOs to combine knowledge and possibly going to LASUD as a group of combined voices.
Other than that the report stands as submitted.


Director of Operations Report

Report stands as submitted.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Report stands as submitted.


Director of Development Report

Mike Rawson presented
Summary of funds raised is included in the materials.
Will be reaching out to AYSO and to parents of the students on the various teams that use the track and field in order to raise some of the funding for the field.
He has been attending VAPA meetings and has stressed to them that fundraising efforts need to be coordinated.
There are certainly alumni who we can approach to see about giving donations.
Honoring alumni is something that he is going to do.
Want to find out from the parents with a survey about fundraising, including whether they are being properly thanked and if their feelings about the way fundraising is conducted.  
Robert Rene inquired about whether there are any constraints with regard to naming rights.
Pam Magee indicated that there are none.  Typically if someone is given naming rights it is for donating half of the cost.


Student Report

Students are coming in from break refreshed.
Winter inFormal will be in February.
First time doing it at Pali.
Basketball event coming up.
Blood drive coming up on Thursday - small gym 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.



Parent Report

Dara Williams brought up that we have gotten emails from parents about the school calendar.


Classified Staff Report

Some grumblings about signing in and out.


Faculty Report

Amanda Campbell's baby was born on Christmas Eve.

VIII. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget and Finance Committee Report

Nothing to report.


Academic Accountability Committee Report

Nothing to report.


Charter Committee Report

February 15th at 3:30 is when the meeting is planned.  It will be held in the library.


Election Committee Report

Nothing to report.


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee Report

Meeting is scheduled for January 25th at 4:30 p.m. in the staff cafeteria.

IX. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Audit Committee

Nothing to report.


Survey Committee

Nothing to report.


Grade Appeal Committee

Nothing to report.

X. Consent Agenda


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

Leslie Woolley made a motion to Pass the consent agenda.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Susan Ackerman
Emilie Larew
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch
Amanda Campbell
Rocky Montz
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler
Leslie Woolley


Approval of Field Trips

See above.  Consent agenda passed unanimously.

XI. New Business / Announcements


Next Regular Board Meeting is on Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.

8:28 going into closed session.

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

Board went back into open session at 8:48 p.m.


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.

No reportable action taken.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Woolley