Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 20, 2016 at 5:00 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Amanda Campbell, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Ellen Pfahler, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Robert Rene, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent

Andrew Paris

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

Robert Rene

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Amanda Campbell

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Sep 20, 2016 at 5:14 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approve Minutes



Approve Minutes



Public Comment

No public comments

II. Presentation Items


College Center Update

Table until next month.  Ruth Grubb not able to attend today.


Tech Update on Chromebooks and Security Cameras

Robert Rene arrived.
Donna Mandosa provided an update on the Chromebook project.  The Chromebook deployment is going well.  History textbooks being rolled out on the Chromebooks next week.  In about 2 weeks will know what we need.  Some seniors will need them.
Jeff Roepel discussed the newly installed security cameras and presented views from various cameras on campus. Over 50 new cameras installed, greatly expanding the area covered. High quality pictures from these cameras and they perform well in low light and at night. Authorized personnel can look at the iPad and see camera feeds.  We can also provide access to Police and Fire Department if necessary. 

Ellen Pfahler inquired about whether signs are posted indicating that there is video surveillance. Signs have been posted.There were already signs but more have been added. Amanda Campbell inquired as whether there is a plan to install more cameras. As of now they are working within budgetary constraints.  More may be added later based on need and budget.


Columbia Schoolwide Survey Results

4th year of survey so there is data with which to compare the results. The survey itself contains some of the comparisons.
There are limits to the comparisons based upon the desire not to make the survey materials too voluminous and also because some of the questions have changed, so for new questions there is no data to compare.
Ben presented the student results. Most of the data is similar to what the data showed last year. Things improved or stayed the same. Only 281 responses received, which is less than 10% of the students. There is a need to get more participation from students.
Dara presented data summary for the parent responders. Results indicate improvement in school climate. Parents said that Pali is a place where students can succeed - it rose from 77% to 81%.
Amanda presented data summary for the faculty/staff. Time was provided at a faculty meeting this year to encourage and increase participation; however, faculty participation only increased by 4 faculty members.  “A” ratings increased and there were the fewest number of C ratings in history of this survey; A very significant increase in staff morale; Increase in satisfaction with staff and faculty relations; Better job at celebrating important individual school wide accomplishments;Increase in satisfaction in way problems are dealt with; Improvement in perception of administrator effectiveness.

In the open-ended question with regard to improvement, almost all faculty and staff want to see more opportunity for professional development. Most of those who responded want to see more opportunities to have professional development related to technology.
There was a request for more professional development for classified employees. There was also a request for professional development pertaining to the teacher’s subject matter. Amanda Campbell noted this is happening this year.
Emilie Larew presented additional faculty and staff results.  Faculty and staff are in agreement that there is more constructive disagreement rather than conflict and that school climate has improved. Some questions about the evaluation process; 71% said that they post on Schoology/Infinite Campus weekly (but the others may have been primarily classified); Significant improvement on collaboration with other teachers; Increase in teachers using similar assessments in classes; Felt that there could be improvement in the accessibility of rigorous classes, which is something that PCHS has addressed this year; Want to see more academic support for low performing students, which is something that has been addressed this year as well; Rise in the percentage of responders who would recommend PCHS.

Comments included that academics and teachers are the best part of PCHS; Students came in second; Faculty third. Focus on social justice is appreciated.
We do want to significantly increase participation by all stakeholders. Survey was open for 4 weeks and this was longer than in the past and it was sent out earlier. The survey is used for Dr. Magee’s evaluation and in evaluating the progress toward our school wide goals, so is very important that we increase participation for multiple purposes.

Emilie Larew noted that 3% of students indicated that they are gender neutral or transgender so the steps we have taken to support these students are very important.  Leslie Wooley believes that likely it is statistically accurate even though we do not have high participation. Robert Rene commented that the vast majority of the findings indicate continued progress and that it indicates there are some opportunities that are fairly important. He wondered if we can identify the issues and develop a plan for those areas and stated this should also be an opportunity to identify areas where there needs to be a continued focus. One particular area is the Math Department, especially with regard to whether the Math teachers care about the students.  Susan Ackerman wondered about the operational definition of what "care" looks like.



Monica Iannessa discussed the CAASPP scores, also known as the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) test. There is a four-point rubric as well as a scaled score. The four points are: standard not met, standard nearly met, standard met, standard exceeded. Claim Chart addresses specific skills and whether the students are above standard, near standard, or below the standard. The ELA claims can actually be done across subject areas.
The test is computerized and computer scored for multiple-choice questions.  There are graders for the open questions. Only the 11th grade is tested at the high school level.
Charts were presented with regard to the scores at each level and as compared to Santa Monica High School and El Camino Real.  We are on par with these schools. We do not get data on any individual student so can’t tell whether a particular student is improving.
Yearly comparison chart included in the materials for the State, County, LAUSD, and Pali.
These tests really establish a baseline since this is a new test.  Really need a few years of data to see a trend.  Looking at last year’s math block assessment (IAB) to see where we want to go with instruction this year. We are still shifting in curriculum to align to the state standards.
9th graders all taking Environmental Engineering and then all 10th graders would take Biology.  For those who take Algebra II in 9th grade, they can take Chemistry in 9th grade and then they could take Honors or AP Biology in 10th grade.  (They can still take AP Chemistry but would be encouraged to take AP Biology to get their life science credit in 10th.) Environmental Engineering counts as physical science.
Robert Rene brought up that there needs to be a plan to address the math because the scores really correlate with the survey results indicating there is sentiment among stakeholders that the teachers don’t care. Suggestions to address this included putting in activities schedule to make students feel more supported. That was part of the idea behind the advisory period, but that would affect the bell schedule – this has been extremely controversial in recent years.  That may be an idea for the future and to build out the bell schedule to incorporate a period to do this.
Susan Ackerman discussed finding out from students what having a teacher care about them looks like. Ellen Pfahler brought up how both positive and negative comments can really affect a child. Emily Hirsch inquired as to whether the teachers have been shown the results of the survey.The administration is starting to share data with the PLC’s. The survey is also publicly available in the Board materials.
The Board is looking forward to a presentation from the Academic Accountability Committee about the CAASPP Scores. The recent committee meeting was canceled due to lack of a quorum.


PCHS A-G Course Completion Analysis by Course/Dept for Students Not Meeting All A-G Requirements

The Board previously requested additional information about the specific classes / requirements that were missing for students not meeting A-G requirements when they graduated. Jeff Hartman presented data about which A-G requirements student in the most recent graduating class were missing. Dara Williams brought up the disconnect between the 4 students who took AP Chemistry but did not meet their A-G requirements.Ben Makhani brought up that he had to take it upon himself to take it upon himself to take a second year of Spanish. The 4-year plan is a written document but there is a plan for some type of digital plan in Infinite Campus.It would also be available to parents once it is in there.
Counselors are being transitioned to a color coded graduation progress and A-G digital program in Infinite Campus.Not fully implemented yet, but there is progress.Once the counselors are more familiar with it, then the plan is to open it up for students and parents.Have to make sure that parents and students know that it is a general plan but not set in stone.
Counselors are well versed in A-G but they are receiving more training to make sure that they are ensuring that students meet the requirements.


SMC College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement Update

There is both a CCAP Agreement and an MOU, both of which need approval. The agreement allows SMCC to limit enrollment to PCHS students.  Under the CCAP agreement this would happen and it would also allow PCHS students priority enrollment in SMCC classes.  The MOU was just provided.  Difference between Computer Science 3 and AP Computer Science, no prerequisites for the Computer Science 3.  The SMCC class is a college credit course that can be taken with you.  No AP test to get college credit.  Also, the Computer Science 3 class is offered during 7th period so it may fit into some students’ schedules whereas the AP class may not (or vice versa).  The advantage to taking it here is that you get college credit and high school credit.  The CCAP agreement is substantially the same as last year.  The MOU is new.

Both items will be brought up for a vote at the next meeting to ensure we allow sufficient time for public comment.  No vote will occur presently.


School Safety Report

Dave Riccardi reported that PCHS has come a long way from no cameras and much less security on campus.The Raptor System that was just installed allows school to identify sex offenders before they are allowed on campus.Other schools are looking at our school as the leader in these areas.For instance, with film crews the names are submitted ahead of time and then they can be vetted before they arrive. New security guards including a retired police officer.New gates installed. Trying to tighten up the front area where there are no gates.There is a Safety Committee and there are employee trainings, including ALICE training.There are devices to assist getting kids down from the second story if needed.
Additional security and safety items: PCHS has repaired fences/gates including holes in the fence, put in new crosswalks, added stop signs and do not enter signs.Security cameras will allow Operations to see who is violating the rules, including traffic rules.The visitor policy is included in the safety plan and the buddy system has been updated. Teachers and visitors need badges and students need their I.D.s.
Operations is looking at pricing an ornamental fence to protect more of the school and to direct foot traffic toward the front of the school. Visitors without ID or who are identified by the Raptor system as sex offenders can meet with appropriate personnel in the Dolphin Tank if they need to be on campus to attend a meeting.
Ellen Pfahler asked if all teachers are trained in CPR.Not all teachers are; however, all coaches are certified in CPR and Special Education Aides are trained as well.
Ben Makhani asked if there could be a gate on Temescal for the swimmers, due to specific challenges they experience.  Dave is looking into possibilities. 
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the School Safety Report.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Amanda Campbell
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Susan Ackerman
Emilie Larew
Deanna Hamilton
Leslie Woolley
Ellen Pfahler


Fiscal Policies and Procedures

Greg Wood presented information on the numerous fiscal policies and procedures we have in place.They are in the materials. Many of the financial policies are also on the website as well. The procedures concerning the purchasing of goods are included in the materials. These policies and procedures can be regularly reviewed through the Budget & Finance Committee to see if there needs to be any updates.There should always be a way to update policies and procedures if there is a need to modify them. Greg Wood believes that the Budget & Finance Committee can report back to the Board regularly with regard to the policies and procedures.
We do not allow any personal charges on any of the school credit cards.



Unaudited Actuals

Have to get the unaudited actuals by September 15th.The auditors then look at them and will do the audited actuals.Materials with the specific financials were provided with the Board materials.
Net Fund balance is over $9.9 million - sign of a healthy organization.Some of this balance is associated with fixed assets which are not readily liquid.
2015-2016 Fund Balance addition – $612,000. Very positive year and will add to our fund balance.Building up the fund balance is important not just to sustain the organization but also to grow the organization. The $612,000 surplus will offset the $800,000 deficit from the previous year.
We got a three-year agreement with the teachers and a similar proposal for the classified staff.Since most of the funding comes from the state, we are still dependent upon that and if there is a recession then funding can be effected.
In the $9.9 million Fund balance, $5.6 million is Designated for retirement health care.


Review of Board Retreat and 2016-2017 Schoolwide Goals

Emilie Larew gave a brief summary of the Board Retreat and the goals agreed upon at that retreat.  Those goals are:

Goal 1: PCHS will continue to foster:
1) Appropriate types of communication for all stakeholders in order to ensure a respectful, well-informed community
2) A sincere consideration of communications
3) An understanding of the appropriate avenues of communication

Goal 2: PCHS will continue to ensure that curriculum is aligned vertically and horizontally to ensure student success in all subjects.

Goal 3: PCHS will continue to increase student success through positive classroom climate and increasing student pass rates.

Goal 4: PCHS will foster a positive school climate by continuing to build trust among students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, and Board members by educating all stakeholders about the needs and concerns of other stakeholder groups, demonstrating respect for all types of diversity, and increasing cohesion, connectedness, and compassion at all levels.

Goal 5: PCHS will identify sources of funding, personalize the fundraising with focused goals and projects, and set measurable short- and long-term goals.
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve the 2016-2017 Schoolwide Goals.
Ellen Pfahler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Dara Williams
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman
Ellen Pfahler
Amanda Campbell
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Amanda Campbell left.


Administration/Management Board Seat Election Results

Rocky Montz is the only person who ran and he won. 

Board members agreed that he will have to participate in training.  He will be required to listen to the audio of the Board Training from this year and participate on a conference call with legal counsel (along with the other 2 new Board Trustees - Emily Hirsch and Andy Paris).
Ellen Pfahler made a motion to approve seating Rocky Montz in the administration/management Trustee seat and to require legal and governance training as discussed by the Board.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Leslie Woolley
Susan Ackerman
Emilie Larew
Ellen Pfahler
Amanda Campbell
Andrew Paris
Dara Williams
Robert Rene
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch


Palisades Educational Support Personnel (PESPU) Agreement

Amy Nguyen presented the PESPU Agreement, which provides for a 3-year contract with raises over 3 years.  It also updates the evaluation process, gives the PCHS cafeteria workers more time to prepare the cafeteria for the school year, and defines a new tech position.

Emilie Larew, Amanda Campbell, and Susan Ackerman abstained from the discussion and vote.

III. Organizational Reports


Executive Director & Principal

Stands as submitted. Encouraged everyone to look at the video of the PBS show that discusses high school and featured PCHS faculty, staff, and students.  A new assistant for the EDP has been hired and he is present tonight.


Chief Business Officer

Stands as submitted.


Director of Operations

Stands as submitted.


Director of Human Resources

Stands as submitted.


Director of Development

Mike Rawson spoke about the Tech Equity Campaign.  We have raised close to $30,000, which is 10% of our goal.  Raising this much at the outset is a positive indicator of potential for raising more.  For campaigns that start out strong in the first week or two, there is a 60% chance that the goal will be achieved.  Since the numbers were released last Friday, $10,000 of the dollars were donated.
Letters written in Spanish will be sent to Spanish speaking families. Next week there will be an email campaign to the alumni, which will be followed up by a social media campaign for the millennial alumni.
Applying for a grant to have more points to pay for lunch because of the length of time it takes to get through the line in the cafeteria; applying for a grant to start Digital Reality and Sports Medicine classes; applying for a grant to the LA 2050 program for transportation.  This grant is in conjunction with Paul Revere. Looking at ways to get matching funds.

For the Tech Equity Campaign, the Board members will be provided with materials to forward to request donations. Some additions to the system were suggested including a donor box and additional efforts to reach alumni donors. Need to spread word to the community what we bring to the community.


Student Report

Blood drive coming up - ASB is getting a $7000 from Red Cross if meet quota; Club day today and tomorrow; Football Fest and Homecoming coming up; Homecoming is at Sky Slide; Student Summit for Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities so a plan can be developed to disseminate the Bill of Rights.


Parent Report

Nothing to report.


Classified Report

None.  Andy Paris absent.


Faculty Report

Sandra Martin wanted the Board to know that she is concerned the Columbia Survey did not give an accurate picture of the school, teachers, or students.  Her concerns include that the majority of parents and students who took it are not representative of our student body and very few students of color participated. She wants this issue to be addressed in the next survey.



Budget & Finance

Went over the Brown Act to ensure compliance.  Minh Ha Ngo is the chair.  Olivia Castro is the vice chair.  Looking for more teacher representatives.  ASB and Booster Club gave their reports.  Next meeting is Monday September 26, 2016 at 3:30


Audit Committee

Auditors will come back at the end of October.  Need to coordinate dates for Audit Committee to meet with the Auditors.  Once we have the audit timeline we will meet.


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee

Meeting scheduled for September 29th at 4:00 in the conference room in Building A.


Academic Accountability Committee

Discussion of LAUSD's earlier start date. LAUSD is starting a week later next year and an additional week later the following year.
Academic Accountability will be looking at various pros and cons of changing the start date.


Election Committee

Covered in the item to seat the new Admin/Management Trustee.


Charter Committee

Meeting will be scheduled by Chair Dara Williams.


Fundraising Committee

Covered in the report by Mike Rawson


Survey Committee

Discussed in depth by presenters of survey results. No separate report.


Communications Committee

Meeting to be called but chair Dara Williams is conducting meeting for Post-Retirement Health Care and Charter Meetings first.

IV. Discussion Items


Update Board Committee Membership

Lisa Saxon is now on the Academic Accountability
Andy Paris is now on the Election Committee
Andy Paris is now the primary on the Grade Appeal and Rocky Montz is the backup
There was a discussion as to who is already on the Election Committee
Leslie Woolley made a motion to approve Lisa Saxon as a member of the Academic Accountability committee.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Robert Rene
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Amanda Campbell
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman


Review & Update of Governing Policies

Emilie Larew reported that our current governing policy 2.7 requires that, "The Board shall have legal counsel available at all Board meetings, unless regarding a special meeting, as determined by the Board."  The Board is not currently following this aspect of the governing policies and the Board officers and Risk Management committee believe an update to this language would be appropriate and fiscally responsible, since legal counsel is not necessary required for every Board meeting.

The proposed updated was:
2.7 The Board shall have legal counsel available at Board meetings when deemed appropriate by the Board’s officers, based on the agenda items to be discussed.

Robert Rene made a motion to approve the amended governing policy using the proposed language.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman
Deanna Hamilton
Amanda Campbell
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler


Multi-Year Budget Plan Development

Discussion that there should be a multi-year plan for financial stability and the ability to plan ahead for expenditures.
Ellen Pfahler made a motion to task the Budget and Finance Committee with developing recommendations for a multi-year school budget.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susan Ackerman
Leslie Woolley
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Ellen Pfahler
Robert Rene
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Emily Hirsch
Amanda Campbell


Educator Effectiveness Grant Budget



Board Support with Compliance & Progress Monitoring through Board on Track

Video presentation from Board on Track. Emilie Larew discussed how this helps continuity with a system that keeps track of all the documents and all archived materials. Provides assistance with logistics of postings including agendas, materials, and minutes; tracking progress toward goals; additional training/support through Governance Coach.

V. Consent Agenda


Approval of Field Trips

Dara Williams made a motion to pass the consent agenda.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Emilie Larew
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman
Ellen Pfahler
Amanda Campbell
Dara Williams


Approval of Reimbursements for the Executive Director / Principal

See above.

VI. New Business / Announcements



California Charter Schools Association Conference is March 20th to 23rd in Sacramento.  Trustees should start thinking about whether they are interested in attending so that appropriate tickets, accommodations, etc. can be planned.



Agenda Requests

Robert Rene spoke with Mark Epstein about a Board resolution to have department heads come to report on academic progress, including data so that we can start a dialogue for improvement. He is interested in looking into this further to add to a future agenda.

Robert Rene expressed that it is particularly difficult for the top leadership to be evaluated on a yearly basis and would like to review the frequency of the Executive Director / Principal's evaluation cycle on a future agenda.
Robert Rene spoke with Mark Epstein about a Board resolution to have department heads come to report on academic progress, including data so that we can start a dialogue for improvement. He is interested in looking into this further to add to a future agenda.

Robert Rene expressed that it is particularly difficult for the top leadership to be evaluated on a yearly basis and would like to address the frequency of the Executive Director / Principal's evaluation on a future agenda.


Board Chair to Announce Items for Closed Session

No Closed Session Items.

VII. Closed Session


No Closed Session Items


VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emilie Larew