Palisades Charter High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 18, 2016 at 5:15 PM


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School, 15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.
Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

Trustees Present

Amanda Campbell, Andrew Paris, Dara Williams, Deanna Hamilton, Ellen Pfahler, Emilie Larew, Emily Hirsch, Leslie Woolley, Robert Rene, Rocky Montz, Susan Ackerman

Trustees Absent


Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

Amanda Campbell, Emily Hirsch

Ex Officio Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

Non Voting Members Present

Dr. Pam Magee, Greg Wood

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Robert Rene arrived at 5:47 p.m.
Welcomed Rocky Montz to his first meeting as as Trustee.


Call the Meeting to Order

Emilie Larew called a meeting of the board of trustees of Palisades Charter High School to order on Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 at 5:17 PM.


Public Comment

Public Comment by Jack Allen
1) Concerned about the number of Schoology emails he receives.  Complaint is that he has to open the email to find out what it is about and many are irrelevant. He doesn't want to receive so many emails.
 2) Complaint about enormous amount of time students required to put in to the play Spamalot.  Four to six hours a day for a number of months is too much.  His grandson came home around 9:30 each night and he didn’t have time to study and his grades suffered.  Mr. Allen stated that the school does not ask this much of the athletes. He thinks that 2 hours a day on a school day and 4 hours on a performance day should be the maximum. 


Approve Minutes

Ellen Pfahler made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 08-23-16 Board Meeting on 08-23-16.
Leslie Woolley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Susan Ackerman
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz
Deanna Hamilton
Dara Williams
Amanda Campbell
Leslie Woolley
Emily Hirsch
Emilie Larew
Ellen Pfahler


Approve Minutes

Ellen Pfahler made a motion to approve minutes from the Other on 08-27-16 Special Board Meeting - Board Retreat on 08-27-16.
Susan Ackerman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Amanda Campbell
Deanna Hamilton
Rocky Montz
Leslie Woolley
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Susan Ackerman


Approve Minutes


II. Academic Excellence


College Center Update

Ruth Grubb presented information about the College Center and our recent graduates. GPA’s have risen without a corresponding rise in SAT scores.  Approximately 175 students are doing some sort of early application presently.  There are more and more early applications available every year and more colleges pushing the kids to apply by an early priority deadline. FAFSA opened earlier this year as well. Some out of state schools opened their applications as early as July and some of these schools will actually send out acceptances at the beginning of senior year. U.S. colleges are becoming more international, making admissions more competitive. Changing the school calendar to start later in August or after Labor Day would be a problem for these early applications as well as regular applications. Huge increase in the number of students taking AP exams and it is difficult to find the the physical space to administer the exam.  Last year PCHS had to buy and rent tables in order to administer the exams.  Fewer students took the PSAT than last year, perhaps because so many students took the PSAT last year when it was offered during the school day instead of on a Saturday.  There may be other potential factors as well – sporting conflicts, AP readiness, more students taking the ACT.   Robert Rene asked about the cost of taking the PSAT.  There is a fee waiver for juniors.  We could consider a fee waiver for sophomores who are on the lunch program.  Ms. Grubb reported were not many queries about fee waivers.  
Statistics for admittance to USC, UCLA, UCB, and CSUN were shared. 97% of graduations attend a two-year or four- year college. Ben Makhani brought up that many of his friends are opting out of the competitive environment and opting to go to a community college first. Members noted that boys are not doing “as well” as girls and would be interested in determined why this may be the case.  
From the College Center’s perspective, it is much better to have the fall semester completed prior to the winter break in order to get the fall semester grades out to prospective schools in a timely matter.  Approximately 1/3 of Pali students are enrolled in one or more AP classes.  For AP classes, an earlier start date is more beneficial in terms of having more time to learn the material before the exam date and it also limits class time after the exam dates that may not be as productive. Robert Rene asked about what advice would she give the Academic Accountability Committee to improve things for the students.  The significant increase in student stress over recent years is noticeable.  The balance between academics and getting a good night’s sleep is important.  Informing the parents about thinking outside the box about where the students should go.  Not always best for the students to try to get into the exclusive schools, should consider all options.  


Presentation By the Academic Accountability Committee - CAASPP Score Comparisons

The Academic Accountability Committee was unable to meet to prepare the presentation due to lack of a quorum.  Monica Iannessa presented the data for "exceeded" and "met" standards for PCHS and other schools in the area. Reviewed some comparison to other schools in the area. Ms. Iannessa reported the school is looking at different possibilities to create incentive for students to take it seriously such as potentially putting scores on transcipt. Dara Williams felt that this might not be helpful and may ultimately put more stress on the students who are already the most stressed out. Targets for this year are 83-85% in ELA and 58-60% in Math.


Santa Monica College (SMC) College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Agreement Update

SMC Career and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) agreement update and Dual Enrollment MOU were reviewed.  This was a follow up from the meeting last month.

Leslie Woolley made a motion to Approve the SMC CCAP Agreement Update and Dual Enrollment MOU.
Emily Hirsch seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dara Williams
Andrew Paris
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Rocky Montz
Leslie Woolley
Amanda Campbell
Deanna Hamilton
Emilie Larew
Susan Ackerman


2016-17 Schoolwide Goals - Progress Tracking Metrics & Measurable Outcomes

Dr. Magee presented the schoolwide goals with information on how they will be measured and tracked.  This information was also dDistributed to the faculty today. Much work has already been done to achieve these goals. Working with student senate/ASB to engage students. Bigger challenge is parent engagement – letting them know but also involving the parents in reaching the goals.

The vote was tabled until next month.

III. Finance


2016-17 Educator Effectiveness Grant Budget

PCHS received monies last year for the Educator Effectiveness Grant.  We have to spend the money by the 2017-2018 school year.  Disseminated some funds to teachers.  Looked at the spending from the Academic Achievement Team and then took it to the Curriculum Counsel and the Budget Committee to ultimately decide the needs of the faculty in determining the plan. The funds must be used or will be lost.

Ellen Pfahler made a motion to Approve the Educator Effectiveness Grant Budget.
Robert Rene seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ellen Pfahler
Andrew Paris
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman
Dara Williams
Emily Hirsch
Amanda Campbell
Deanna Hamilton
Robert Rene
Leslie Woolley
Emilie Larew
Emily Hirsch left.


2016-17 Prop. 30 Education Protection Act (EPA) Budget

Funding for schools through increased sales taxes and increased taxes to high income individuals.  Requirement that PCHS shows how the funds are to be used. Budget & Finance recommended approving this budget.  PCHS will receive $4,333,866.  There are limits on what the funds can be used for.  The funds are set to expire in 2018. Prop 55 would extend it to 2030 if it passes, so we will know more in November.
Dara Williams made a motion to Approve the budget for Prop 30 funds.
Deanna Hamilton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Rocky Montz
Robert Rene
Ellen Pfahler
Andrew Paris
Leslie Woolley
Deanna Hamilton
Emily Hirsch
Susan Ackerman
Amanda Campbell
Dara Williams


Change in Bank for Depository & Credit Card Relationship

After paying off Bank of the West Loan we have the flexibility to change banking relationship.  Bank of the West does not have the best service and their fees are higher than some others.  Greg Wood and Arleta explored other banking relationships with a variety of banks.  There are offers from two banks, Cathay Bank and California Credit Union. Mr. Wood thinks that they are both good, but there may be some intangibles that would suggest one would be better than the other.  He would like more time to investigate possibilities further before making a recommendation. Ellen Pfahler asked whether there is a preference for having a branch nearby, but Mr. Wood is of the opinion that with on-line banking, armored car service, and other services available that this isn’t necessary.

The vote was tabled until next month to allow time to gather more information.

IV. Governance


Update Regarding Adoption of Board On Track

Board on Track has been adopted.  Board members need to accept the invitation and get their account set up.  There is a learning curve and we are working out the kinks with some of the logistics of using it.  Board committees can use it as well if we choose to do so.  It will allows to track who has certain skills, which may help us determine what skills we need to look for in new board members that may be lacking.  This could be helpful with Board elections and determining who may be a good match for our needs.  We have only had it for two weeks, so we are in the early stages still.


Annual Charter Office Oversight Visit Information Including Governance and Compliance Monitoring

Last year’s results are included in the materials, the blank one is for this year.  Includes Board compliance as well as other aspects of school operations.  Conflict of interest is something that is actively looked at, so it is important to be aware of this especially given that there are employees on the board.

The Oversight visit generally occurs over the course of a couple of days. The Administration has generally completed the information necessary to present to the Charter School Division for the oversight visit.  The information required is voluminous.  Greg Wood attended a Charter Association Regional meeting and these oversight visits came up as a topic.  There is a hope for consistency in the reviews but there is a feeling that sometimes it depends on who conducts the visit. CCSA is trying to help ensure consistency. 
Amanda Campbell left.


Approval of Charter Office Compliance Monitoring Checklist



Resolution Establishing Responsibilities of Post-Retirement Health Care Benefits Advisory Committee

Resolutions presented as contained in the materials.
Dara Williams made a motion to Approve the Resolution Establishing the Responsibilities of Post-Retirement Health Care Benefits Advisory Committee.
Ellen Pfahler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Emilie Larew
Amanda Campbell
Emily Hirsch
Robert Rene
Andrew Paris
Deanna Hamilton
Ellen Pfahler
Leslie Woolley
Dara Williams
Rocky Montz
Susan Ackerman


Approval Of Updated Membership for Board Committees

Dara Williams made a motion to Approve the Post-Retirement Committee Members - Dara Williams, Rick Steil, Susan Frank, Ellen Pfahler, Steve Klima, Karen Perkins, Paul Mittelbach, Sherrie Martin and Sophia Chock.
Ellen Pfahler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Robert Rene
Dara Williams
Leslie Woolley
Ellen Pfahler
Emily Hirsch
Susan Ackerman
Emilie Larew
Deanna Hamilton
Amanda Campbell
Andrew Paris

V. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Support And Evaluation


Update Regarding Information Gathering on Evaluation Cycles for School Leaders

Robert Rene had contact with a preeminent search firm about the frequency of School EDP evaluation’s.  After the first year evaluation, most schools do an evaluation every three to five years. Robert Rene was going to go to the Academic Accountability but Leslie Woolley felt that seem like the correct committee. Dara Williams suggested this might be better addressed by the Evaluation Committee.

There may be governance documents that address this and it is addressed by the oversight committee in their annual review, so it is important to ensure any changes comply with our Charter, governing policies, and oversight requirements.
Leslie Woolley will find materials related to this and the non-employee members will schedule an evaluation committee meeting.

VI. Facility


Facilities Study - GKK Architects

Dave Riccardi presented along with GKK. Looking at possible ways expand and improve the school facilities. Presentation about where we might like to see the school in a few years. Looking at potential of the facilities and legal requirements. Transforming some of the facilities to 21st Century STEM classrooms would benefit students.  The architectural firm is currently working with Venice High School on an $85 million facilities project.  They looked at existing campus and how we might be able to add 800 students to the campus in addition to looking at funding possibilities.  (All theoretical possibilities at this point as our Charter contains specific information on student enrollment numbers.)  They have already started working with LAUSD on installing air conditioning for the gym.  They displayed a map of existing site conditions and how rooms and buildings are currently being used. Based on current codes (not on actual usage), PCHS is undersized for multipurpose spaces, the lunch shelter area is oversized, and the library is undersized.  Possibilities presented were based on thinking about how to reorganize learning nodes for better teacher and student collaboration, improving visibility, ease of access, flow, and for faculty/staff to be able to observe all parts of campus.  Considered the visual for when the public enters the campus, but also at security for an open campus like ours.  Ways to enhance natural lighting as well as ways to accommodate technology to enhance student learning were included.  A chart of with capacity information was presented.  PCHS is undersized by 6 classrooms.  Enhancements could possibly include tennis courts and softball field.  To accommodate additional students there would need to be 29 additional classrooms.  Necessary square footage data was presented as well as the square footage PCHS would gain by utilizing the space currently occupied by the bungalows.  Three different planning options were presented.  One possibility looked at having more green space, a park-like setting that is nature focused along with enhancing athletic space.  Another possibility for improving utilization of space is underground parking below buildings and enlarging the green spaces at the back of the school behind where the quad is now.  In the third potential presented there would also be underground parking. A Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) building was included in each, with different possible locations on campus.  Potential Funding Prop 51 is on the November Ballot, which has $500 million available for charter schools.  Usually it is a 50/50 match, meaning that the charter has to come up with 50% of the cost.  Normally it is a four-year time frame. Overcrowded schools get priority, but there are other factors as to what schools received priority.  Each school is placed on a list of unfunded projects. There would likely be some funding for planning.  Any building over 25 years old is eligible for funding for upgrades. LAUSD may come up with a match for funds for an augmentation grant, which would reduce the amount that PCHS would have to come up with to meet its 50% match of funds.  There are also other possible funding sources -- seismic upgrade funds, CTE grants.  They would calculate how much funding PCHS could get in order to calculate what amount of a loan we would need.   Ellen Pfahler brought up the reduction of parking spaces.  PCHS does have more than the number of spaces required but all the plans anticipate maintaining the current number of parking spaces because in fact most of the parking is routinely used. Anticipate the process would take four to five years.  Any major construction would completed in phased so that current spaces can be used in the interim.  Options for having more of a green facility are available, such as solar.  The cost of that was looked at and also compared to the potential savings over the long term. Some of the funding would be set aside for overages and unexpected costs.  Dr. Magee spoke about the lack of space on campus, which was the impetus for this facilities assessment.  There will be priorities based upon the priorities set by the school.  Now the plan is to work on ways to access these funds. 

This is very early in the process and no decisions have been made about what would change or how.  Stakeholder input would be sought prior to making such a significant decision that impacts the whole campus community.

VII. Organizational Reports


Executive Director / Principal (EDP) Report

Stands as submitted.  Tonight at LAUSD Board meeting they are discussing charter schools, including possible move to proceed with acting for the revocation of El Camino’s Charter. Important for charter schools that parents voices are being heard and school’s voices are being heard. There is a committee of LA charter schools that has formed an Advocacy Council.  The group wrote a letter to LAUSD. The letter was presented to the Board.
Ambassadors program - many students applied, with many very qualified candidates.
From last year’s oversight report, we have taken into the consideration those items on which the committee wanted to see improvement.  Some of them are incorporated into our goals.



Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report

Stands as submitted.  He notes that there are two open positions at LAUSD that will directly impact PCHS:
1) Charter Operated Programs (COP) SELPA director
2) Charter School Division Director of Finance has just retired and that position has not been filled.



Director of Operations Report

No report - see facilities presentation item.


Human Resources Director (HR) Report

Stands as submitted. Trying to recruit teachers for next year. Paternity and maternity leave for classified being updated based on change in the law.


Director of Development Report

Video regarding campaign was projected.  Digital education is marching forward and we cannot ignore this.  $58,592 raised to date.  The campaign has been extended to the end of the month. 

Asking for a grant to national School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance to increase point of service of school lunch.
Seeking funds for CTE Grant, while complying with current requirements
Making Future Grand for after school and summer program for STEAM workshop
Grant for Tech Equity for Ahmanson Foundation
Would like contacts at the Eli Broad Foundation
Faculty has generated almost $1000 and the faculty goal was $1200.

Robert Rene suggested contacting the Getty.


Student Report

Homecoming spirit week; Homecoming at Sky Slide; Only have 100 tickets left
Student Summit to discuss the student bill of rights - November 14th focus on getting bill of rights into the hands of the students


Parent Report

Parent contacted Dara Williams regarding school calendar
May want to consider setting up something for parents to be able to have input
Robert Rene brought up that parents have been contacting him about academics
Important to note that we now how have stretch targets for the CAASPP that will make parents satisfied that progress is being made
Ellen Pfahler made a motion to extend the meeting for 30 minutes.
Andy Paris seconded


Classified Staff Report

No classified staff report


Faculty Report

No faculty report

VIII. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)


Budget and Finance Committee Report

Discussed in Greg Wood’s reports relating to the finance items that were approved.


Academic Accountability Committee Report

Susan stepped down as the chair and Lisa stepped down as the secretary.
Did not have a quorum for the last meeting.
New chair will be elected at the next meeting.


Charter Committee

Will set up in early December. 
New members should indicate what committees they would like to be on.  We do need participation because there are many committees that need participation.


Election Committee

Nothing to report


Post-Retirement Healthcare Benefits Committee

Other than the resolution and approval of the members as previously discussed, nothing new to report.

IX. Board Committees (Board Members Only)


Audit Committee

Meeting will take place soon.


Fundraising Committee

Nothing to report.


Survey Committee

Nothing to report


Communications Committee

November meeting will be scheduled.

X. Consent Agenda


Approval of reimbursements for Executive Director / Principal

No items on the Consent Agenda


Approval of Field Trips

No items on the Consent Agenda

XI. New Business / Announcements


Board Chair to announce items for closed session, if any.

Dara Williams requested that there be an agenda item at the next meeting to discuss non-school sponsored field trips.

XII. Open Session


Return to Open Session

No Closed Session.


Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.


XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Emilie Larew