Palisades Charter High School

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 24, 2019 at 5:00 PM PDT


Gilbert Hall, Palisades Charter High School,15777 Bowdoin St., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board of Palisades Charter High School may request assistance by contacting the Main Office at (310) 230-6623 at least 24 hours in advance.

Supporting documentation is available at the Main Office of the School, located at 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, (Tel: 310- 230-6623) and may also be accessible on the PCHS website at
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.  All items may be heard in a different order than listed on the agenda.

DIAL-IN NUMBER: (605) 475-5900. ACCESS CODE: 660-0134
Please note that the conference dial-in number above is only active when a Board Trustee has indicated they will calling from an off-site location to participate.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests

  C. Public Comment
"Public Comment" is available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda item or under the general category of "Public Comment."  "Public Comment" is set aside for members of the audience to raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda. However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not respond or take action. These presentations are limited to two (2) minutes, per person. A member of the public who requires the use of a translator, in order to receive the same opportunity as others to directly address the Board, shall have twice the allotted time to speak, and the total allocated time shall be appropriately increased as well.           Govern Code § 54954.3(b)(2).

  D. Approve Minutes (06/18/19)
  E. Approve Minutes (08/15/19)
  F. Approve Minutes (08/27/19)
  G. Approve Minutes (08/27/19)
II. Organizational Reports
  A. Student Report
  B. Parent Report
  C. Classified Staff Report
  D. Faculty Report
  E. Human Resources Director (HR) Report
  F. Director of Operations Report
  G. Director of Development Report
  H. Chief Business Officer (CBO) Report
  I. Executive Director/Principal (EDP) Report
III. Board Committees (Stakeholder Board Level Committees)
  A. Academic Accountability Committee Updates
  B. Budget & Finance Committee Updates
  C. Charter Committee Updates
  D. Election Committee Updates
  E. Post-Retirement/Lifetime Healthcare Benefits
IV. Board Committees (Board Members Only)
  A. Board Members Only - Committee Updates
  • Audit
  • Grade Appeal
  • Survey
  • Evaluation Committee 
V. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Department Presentations/Initiatives
  • Link Crew 
  • Student Programs 
  B. 2020-2021 School Year Start Date
  • Consider start date for the next three years. 
VI. Facilities/Operations
  A. Approval of 2019-2020 Safety/Security Emergency Operations Plan
VII. Finance
  A. 2018-2019 Unaudited Actuals
  B. 2019-2020 Budget Updates
  C. Budget Transfer Policy
VIII. Governance
  A. Board Retreat Follow-Up
  • Finalize SMART Goals for 2018-2021 Schoolwide Goals
  B. 2019-2020 Compliance Monitoring & Certification of Board Compliance Review
  C. 2018-2019 Annual Performance-Based Oversight Visit Report
  D. Reschedule October 15th Board Meeting
  • Our Charter Presentation is scheduled on the same day. 
  • Alternate Dates:  Wednesday, 10/16 or Tuesday, 10/22 
  E. Palisades Charter High School Bylaws
  F. Palisades Charter High School Recusal Policy
  G. Board Resolution for English Learner Authorization Waiver
IX. Consent Agenda: Finance Items
  A. Approval of Field Trips
X. New Business / Announcements
  A. Announcements / New Business
  • Public Comment Criteria/Update

  B. Announce items for closed session, if any.
XI. Closed Session
  A. Conference with Legal Counsel: Anticipated Litigation
  • (Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9)
  B. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release
  • (Govt. Code section 54957)
XII. Open Session
  A. Return to Open Session
  B. Report Out on Action Taken In Closed Session, If Any.
XIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting