Golden Charter Academy


GCA Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 14, 2023 at 4:00 PM


Golden Charter Academy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: GCA Board of Trustees Regular Meetings
Time: December 14, 2023 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


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Directors Present

B. De Vore (remote), H. Johnson, I. Green, K. Thomas, S. Morris

Directors Absent

E. Gonzalez

Ex Officio Members Present

A. Breuer, R. Golden

Non Voting Members Present

A. Breuer, R. Golden

Guests Present

A. James, J. Xiong

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Thomas called a meeting of the board of directors of Golden Charter Academy to order on Thursday Dec 14, 2023 at 4:07 PM.


Roll Call


Pledge of Allegiance

Pledge of Allegiance led by Keshia Thomas. 


Approval of the Agenda

B. De Vore made a motion to approve the Agenda.
I. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Public Comments

II. Consent Agenda


November 16, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes

S. Morris made a motion to approve the minutes from GCA Board of Trustees Meeting on 11-16-23.
H. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Financial Warrants

S. Morris made a motion to approve the Financial Warrants.
H. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Information / Discussion


Reports and Updates

Principal Report (Mandy Breuer, Principal)

Stay tuned for January's Principal's Report. 


CEO Report (Robert Golden, President & CEO)

Shout out to Dr. G for constantly creating a guest list for our monthly Golden Tours. Keshia Thomas for supporting our admin with classroom/ teacher evaluations. Thanks to Dr. Morris and Dr. De Vore for attending the Leadership meeting the other week at Parsec education. SUPER shout out to Hannah Johnson for contributing to the $10,000 donation we received this week! Superintendent Bob Nelson campus visit yesterday. Thank you for taking the time to visit our campus and learn more about the program. Enrollment update: at max enrollment with 322 student from K-5th. TK enrollment at 33. Intent to Return live on January 9th. Registration deadline set for March 1st. 24-25 lottery date set for April 5th. TBD if GCA will increase students in classrooms from 24 to 27. Expected to add about 10% more students for our 24-25 enrollment. Material revision to be set if enrollment percentage goes up. Shout out to Jackie and Jill for participating in our first in-person convening in Dallas, Texas. Teacher hiring/ retaining update: Long-term sub for 4th grade classroom for the new semester. Action item below for teacher PIP. Benefits package revision review later today as a discussion item. Requested audit extension for FUSD to February 15th. 


Financial Report (Jim Weber, Charter Impact)

November 2023: Forecast enrollment at 322. Goal surplus at $800k range (14%). Cash ended month at $262k. Attendance rate at 90%. LCFF is calculated at $15k per ADA. Extension of PSCGP, revenue increase. Learning recovery forecast at $322+ through 6/28. $109k through 6/26 for arts, music and instructional materials. Expenses at about $5.8 million. Ending funding forecast at $2 million, 35% should stabilize cashflow. 


Facility Update

Submit application for permits to add two additional modulars on campus for next school year. Rough $57k to be added in June 2024. Permanent facility: soil testing on lot. Robert and Mandy to meet Art Dyson on Monday for classroom landscaping. Goal to submit all Belmont facility permits by the end of the year. Once submitted, about a 60-day review process then a 90-day process to receive permits. Facility goal completion date for May 2025 and move in date for August 2025. 


CEO & Board 2023/2024 School Year Goals:

CEO Goals

1.) Facilities

2.) Permanent Facility

3.) Academic Growth

4.) Define GOLDEN


Benefit Package: Juan Bejar


  • Increase from 80% to 90% health coverage.
  • $500 to $600/ month
  • Gold - Platinum Plan


Gym Memberships

  1. Valley Fitness, 5 enrollees 
  2. GB3, 15 enrollees


  • 50% assistance up to $250/ month


Salary Schedule

  1. Credentialed staff: Step 1: %54k to $56k (8% raise)
  2. Non-credentialed: adopting similar FUSD raise up to Step 4. Step 1 remain the same at $54k. 


Sub Committee Discussion

IV. Action Items


Consideration & Approval of the Substitute Stipend Pay $210

S. Morris made a motion to approve the Substitute Stipend Pay $210.
H. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consideration & Approval for the Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) for N. Hernandez

H. Johnson made a motion to approve the Provisional Internship Permit (PIP) for N. Hernandez.
S. Morris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consideration & Approval of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Job Description & Salary

S. Morris made a motion to approve the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Job Description & Salary.
H. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consideration & Approval of Non Credentialed Teachers Salary

S. Morris made a motion to approve Non Credentialed Teachers Salary.
I. Green seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Consideration & Approval of the 2024 School Year Benefits & Salary Increase

I. Green made a motion to approve the 2024 School Year Benefits & Salary Increase.
H. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Board Member Comments


Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 4:00 PM. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Thomas