Prelude Prep
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 7, 2023 at 12:00 PM
This Meeting will be conducted by telephone conference in accordance with the Governor’s
authorization concerning the suspension of certain open meeting law requirements for COVID-19.
Committee Members Present
Dr. Denise Miner-Williams (remote), Lauren Lewis (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
MaryAnne Malicki (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Academic achievement
See State of School
III. Other Business
Enrollment and Recruitment
Enrollment is 134. We did not meet the threshold for Title I funding.
We've had 10 students exited with reason of moving, and some who disagreed with discipline rules/requirements of Truancy Court. We have incoming students whose parents are seeking a better acaemic environment.
There have been no changes in staffing. This has been a difficult time for many teachers with classroom behaviors. Principal and CEO have provided as much support as possible personally as well as through instructional and discipline coaches.
A survey will be sent to teachers before Thanksgiving to determine how staff is perceiving the workplace, what is good, and what more help is needed.
CEO comments
1.Student behavior remains a big challenge. Students come not knowing how to be students i.e. to sit in seats, to look at and listen to teachers, to work independently. New, incoming students sometimes slow the behavior of returning students with disruption. And yet, visitors to school remark about how calm the atmosphere is.
2. Timely attendance is strictly enforced. Doors are locked at exactly the start of the school day requiring parents to sign in their children who are brought in even only minutes late. This is starting to alleviate tardiness.
3. Uniform standards are being challenged with the colder weather. Students trying to come in wearing unauthorized sweatpants are stopped and parents notified.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Minutes Academic Committee Oct 2023.docx
1. See State of school document. SpEd (26 students, with more to be tested) and ESL (20 students) scoring discussed. There is an overlap of some students who are in both groups.
2. There is a big achievement gap in 2nd grade. We received a grant from City Ed Partners to hire two aides. This will allow us to implement the successful summer school model of 4 group rotations to accommodate the different levels of achievement. We are working on developing interventions to quickly lessen the achievement gaps, especially with new incoming students.
3. The 1st grade has been using rotations according to behavior, but since that is much better it will be modified to academic achievement.