Shining Rock Classical Academy


SRCA Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM


2150 Russ Ave, Waynesville NC 28786

Directors Present

A. Adeleke (remote), A. Weimar, A. Wilkins, B. Mullinix, J. Schleifer (remote), L. Davis

Directors Absent

S. Messer

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Morgan

Non Voting Members Present

J. Morgan

Guests Present

Christina White, Phillip Morgan, Rob Gevjan, T. Gresham, T. Inman, Travjs Gresham

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Weimar called a meeting of the board of directors of Shining Rock Classical Academy to order on Wednesday Aug 28, 2024 at 6:37 PM.


SRCA Mission Statement and Pledge of Allegiance

Shining Rock Classical Academy cultivates critical thinking skills and fosters a lifelong love of learning through rigorous academics, experiential education, and our core values of Integrity, Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Wisdom, and Leadership.


Approve minutes

A. Weimar made a motion to approve the minutes from SRCA Regular Board Meeting on 07-24-24.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Old Business


Previous business review


Policies for approval

L. Davis made a motion to approve AI policy.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Head of School Report


August report

School Report August 2024.pdf


J. Morgan presents HOS report. 


IV. Financial Updates


August report

SRCA Finance Report July 2024.pdf


J. Morgan presents finance report 

V. Retirement portal


Upgrade recommended for retirement portal

SRCA Consolidation of Retirement Proposal.pdf

SRCA Retirement Proposal Comparision.pdf


J. Morgan - We need to update the retirement portal with an increased dollar amount in the fund. This will better serve our employees. 

Recommend updating the portal and fund management.

Three plans reviewed - updating to Plan Premier Bundled will reduce our HR workload but also greatly improve the employee experience. Minimal price difference for us. 

T. Gresham will move forward with this upon board approval.

A. Weimar made a motion to Update the retirement portal to PlanPlremier Bundled.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. SRCA and SRJA updates


Update on collaborative relationship

J Morgan -J Simms is the last board member on the SRJA board. We need more participation on the SRJA board. Consider SRCA board members to sub-committee for SRJA board. 

Also consider SRCA teacher and admin to represent SRCA/SRJA collaboration. 


J Morgan- a clean merger is complicated with our non-profit status and funding. 


A Weimar - have any teachers shown interest? 

J Morgan - yes - kindergarten teachers have shown interest. 



NEST updates

Josh Simms will be the NEST - board liaison. 

No updates this month. 

VIII. Sports Fundraising


Fundraising for Sports - Phill Morgan, Highschool AD

3695 Gifts and Bequeaths.pdf

3600 - Fund-Raising by Affiliated Organizations.pdf


Phill Morgan - 

45-50% students participate

6 - aim for 8 high school (varsity) teams 

18-22 games per season - competitive performance




side goals $29K

New nets $5-9K

Warm ups/uniforms/coaches polos - $3K+ 

Hurdles $440

Travel and food costs 


Athletic Boosters - initial meeting spring 2023 - low attendance 

Consider other modes -efficient, effective, secure

Vertical Raise - online platform for raising sports funds 


B. Mullinix - Clarify how many sports programs do we have. 

States concern for students leaving over sports. 


Weimar - What percentage do they take? 15%

Weimar - would this be used in MS or HS or both? HS

Davis - is this a passthrough account? yes 


P Morgan - this would be an athletic fundraiser, not just a certain sport. 


Weimar - we want you to be successful and this to be sustainable. We need to have a solid process for launching this

Action steps - 

1) review policies from local schools and Charters on fundraising 

2) policy committee to review policies on fundraising 

3) P.  Morgan - will review additional platforms for comparison 

IX. Policies Discussion


Whistleblower Policy

1900 Whistleblower.pdf


Temporary Approval 1st Read as allowed by Policy 2420

L. Davis made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the Whistleblower policy.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Parent Bill Rights Policies

L. Davis made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the Parent Bill of Rights policies (1439,1420,1430,1450, 1450-F, 1435, 1460, 1410).
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Immunization Policy

A. Wilkins made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the 4100 immunization policy.
A. Weimar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Mental Health Policy and Plan

9600 Mental Health Policy.pdf

SRCA Mental Health Plan 24-25.pdf


Policy to comply with the current process (mental health plan) 


Mental Health Plan - board to review and discuss/vote at September 2024 meeting 

L. Davis made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the 9600 policy.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Substance, Searches, and Reporting Policies

L. Davis made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of policies 4050, 4300, and 4335.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Communication policies (handbook) – SportsYou and ProCare

SRCA 2024-2025 Staff Handbook FINAL.pdf


J. Morgan - page 22 - communication with parents 

Parent Square is the primary mode of communication between the school and parents. 

SportsYou is being used in trail for fall sports. P. Morgan will join as admin. 


Pro Care - used by Wings for communication and pay 


Board recommends - an addendum to the handbook -faculty must submit a request for administrative overview and approval of additional applications. 


February 2025 - re-visit this 


Fundraising Policies – sports and clubs fundraising

Policy committee in the process of review and creation of updating policies -

update at September 2024 meeting 


Parental Leave Policy

L. Davis made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the 6350 parental leave policy.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Administering Medicine to Students Policy

9125 Administering Medicines to Students.pdf


A. Wilkins - recommends amendment - policy should clarify who may carry medications (i.e. staff/faculty only if not self-carry)


C White - this is in the faculty handbook 


A Weimar - the policy should reflect the handbook 


J. Morgan - we will amend the policy for second read 

B. Mullinix made a motion to Approve temporary first read (pursuant to policy 2420) of the 9125 administrating medicine to students policy with amendment as discussed.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Clerical Revision - 1999-F


Was labeled as 1099 - vote to rename 

A. Weimar made a motion to change clerical error to 1999 from 1099.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Closed Session Pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11


Closed Session Pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 (6)


Closed Session Pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 (6) To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.



L. Davis made a motion to move to closed session.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Voting Agenda


Approval of HOS contract goals 24-25

A. Weimar made a motion to Approval of HOS contract goals 24-25.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XII. Approve Personnel report



A. Weimar made a motion to personnel.
B. Mullinix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

L. Davis made a motion to adjourn.
A. Weimar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Weimar
Documents used during the meeting
  • 3200 Investment of Excess Capital.pdf
  • 5300 Artifical Intelligence.pdf
  • School Report August 2024.pdf
  • SRCA Finance Report July 2024.pdf
  • SRCA Consolidation of Retirement Proposal.pdf
  • SRCA Retirement Proposal Comparision.pdf
  • 1900 Whistleblower.pdf
  • 1439 Parent Notifications.pdf
  • 1420 Required Parental Consent.pdf
  • 1430 Parent Guides.pdf
  • 1450-F Material Request Form.pdf
  • 1450 Special Procedures for Parent Requests Curriculum.pdf
  • 1435 Annual Reporting.pdf
  • 1460 Parents Concerns Regarding Health.pdf
  • 1410 Parent Bill of Rights.pdf
  • 4100 Immunization and Health Records.pdf
  • 9600 Mental Health Policy.pdf
  • SRCA Mental Health Plan 24-25.pdf
  • 4050 Controlled Substances.pdf
  • 4300 Student Searches v2.pdf
  • 4335 Criminal Behavior.pdf
  • SRCA 2024-2025 Staff Handbook FINAL.pdf
  • 6350 Paid Parental Leave.pdf
  • 9125 Administering Medicines to Students.pdf
  • 1999-F.pdf
  • 3695 Gifts and Bequeaths.pdf
  • 3600 - Fund-Raising by Affiliated Organizations.pdf