Shining Rock Classical Academy
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday April 18, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Committee Members Present
A. Weimar, A. Wilkins, C. White, J. Schleifer, K. White, L. Long, S. Jenkins, T. Inman
Committee Members Absent
J. Morgan, T. Sessoms
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence: Previous business
High School Credit Recovery
Standards-Based Grading
Update on SBG from the subcommittee
Presentation readiness for the Board
From 3/14 meeting
- The subcommittee will research supporting SBG.
- EC and Specials conducting a literature review for supporting evidence.
K. White
- Met on 4/15 to discuss the SBG initiative
- Meeting again next week to finalize the board packet
- Plan to provide a timeline
- Pro vs Cons
- Literature Review
- Reviewing other school districts
T. Inman
- consider reaching out to Odyssey school in Asheville - believes they are using SBG
Academic Committee Items for Policy Committee Review
Update on polices pertaining to the Academic Committee
- Graduation Hours Policy - review and revise the 22-hour HS credit pathway
- Enrollment Policy - review and revise in reference to new students starting HS here at SRCA
- College Courses and online courses “W” - establish a policy regarding "W" from college or online courses and transcript grades for SRCA
III. New Business
Happy Numbers
K. White
Using Happy Numbers in kinder course, and kids doing well with the platform.
Positive feedback from kids and parents
Happy Numbers platform may be used in k-1 grades
Targeted math activities
Generates growth reports - used in class to focus on learning needs
Consider licensing - cost
Currently no online self-paced math program for k-1 (Edementum used for grades 2 up)
C. White -
Currently no program for Kinder and 1st to give data points
Licensing estimate from website: 145 for 10 and then 14.50 per kid
$2900 school license
Further investigation into fees is needed.
High School Programs
Scholastic inventory - shorter survey - Lexile levels
Language Arts PLC considering bringing this back.
Would need pricing.
From March Meeting:
T. Inman: