Shining Rock Classical Academy


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 14, 2024 at 3:30 PM

Committee Members Present

J. Morgan, J. Schleifer, K. White, T. Inman

Committee Members Absent

A. Weimar, A. Wilkins, C. White, L. Long, S. Jenkins, T. Sessoms

Guests Present

Elizabth Penland, L. Davis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Morgan called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Shining Rock Classical Academy to order on Thursday Mar 14, 2024 at 3:39 PM.


Approve Minutes

T. Inman made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 02-08-24.
K. White seconded the motion.


The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Update Standard Base Grading

C. White updated the first meeting last week, several attended, 

Discussed - 

What is SBG?

EC- investigating research to support 

Specials- investigating research to support 

Subcommittee is meeting next week to bring together all items to compile research to present to the Board or AEC.


C. White will send a blurb to Josh for the board packet. 

We are making progress in this sub-committee.

Infinite Campus is a replacement for Power School, Josh updated the committee on this process. It will be next year before anyone can access it.  We are in the first round. 


III. Other Business


High School

1. Policy Committee- 22-hour credit will be submitted to them.


2. College Courses- Students will drop the course from HCC.  Mrs. Inman stated that a couple found themselves behind. When a student withdraws from a class they are Given a "W', then they are placed in a study skills class at the HS.  Will we need to count this as an "F" on their final grade?


The discussion was that they were placed into Study Skills in HS, and the "W" is a better option for the students. 


3. The right thing to do is not put in any grade, they will be short a credit on the HS Transcript. 4. This needs to be put into a policy for high school students and should include all other forms of online education. Refer to the policy committee for review.

Credit Recovery-

Ms. Harbin is here Early, so if the kids can get here Early they can make up the hours then as well as in the afternoon after school. This has been free to our students.

1. As we grow- what is the system for the recovery for the early or late sessions that are here for the students.  There needs to be a structured system that does not need to be rebuilt semester by semester. Spring is the worst time of year for absences due to seasonal variants. Mrs. Inman will work with the HS PLC for information about how to build a session setup and how to proceed. 

Do we offer something in the Summer and charge the students for the session for Credit recovery for class credit? 

a. what are the mechanics for semester recovery, the students have to have seat time for credit. It needs to be built to help with the stipends the teachers are offering this time for the students (Policy to build.) Should there need to be a timeframe for this to be completed? Should the students make it up early when the absences are reached, not waiting till the end of the semester? 

Policy revision versus creating a new policy, 

b. Graduation Hours Policy, needs to be reviewed for structure.

c. The Enrollment Policy needs to be reviewed as well in reference to new students starting  HS here at SRCA  Josh will do the research  on this item 


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Davis