Shining Rock Classical Academy


SRCA Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM


2150 Russ Ave, Waynesville NC 28786

Directors Present

A. Adeleke, A. Weimar, A. Wilkins, B. Mullinix, B. Newsome (remote), J. Schleifer (remote), L. Davis

Directors Absent

N. Malis, S. Brantly, S. Messer

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

B. Newsome

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Wilkins called a meeting of the board of directors of Shining Rock Classical Academy to order on Wednesday Feb 28, 2024 at 6:34 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


SRCA Mission Statement

Shining Rock Classical Academy cultivates critical thinking skills and fosters a lifelong love of learning through rigorous academics, experiential education, and our core values of Integrity, Respect, Compassion, Responsibility, Wisdom, and Leadership


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes

L. Davis made a motion to approve the minutes from SRCA Regular Board Meeting on 01-24-24.
B. Newsome seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve the Agenda

L. Davis made a motion to approve the minutes from SRCA Work Session on 02-28-24.
B. Newsome seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


January Board Report

A Weimar: The academic committee discussed standards-based grading as interest had been brought forward by teachers. We recognize the importance of researching standards-based grading and developing action-steps. A motion was initiated and seconded to form a standard-based learning sub-committee for further research.


Two weather policies regarding remote learning on weather days were reviewed. These two policies are conflicting. The importance of differentiating elementary versus high school weather remote learning was discussed. A Motion for policy review (policies 4410 and 4405) with consideration of applicable revisions was initiated and seconded. 


Graduation requirements were discussed. NCDPI requires we offer a 22-credit pathway as the minimum state graduation requirement. There are also new requirements for Computer Science courses in MS and HS. A pathway for credit hour updates will be drafted by the academic committee by April for dissemination to the Board of Directors. 


B. Newsome left at 6:49 PM.


School performance reports

Morgan: NCDPI is reviewing and updating the state learning standards. Continues to advocate on behalf of charter schools in NC. 

III. Finance


January Board Report

B. Newsome and T. Gresham met to Identify any outliers on the budget. Facilities (HVAC, roof) and retention ponds require attention.


B. Newsome: Review of SRCA financial report


J. Morgan: Discussion of current work and costs (retention ponds, roof). Consider approving additional funds ($25,000)for the building and grounds needs (facilities). 


J. Morgan: SRCA received a Safe Schools grant of $100,000 - which will provide funds for safety resources at SRCA and staff development. 


J. Morgan: Considering bus grant opportunities for two new buses. 


B. Newsome: The finance committee is reviewing options for cash reserves. 

IV. Public Comment


Public comment


V. School Report


School Report February 2024

J Morgan: See SRCA School Report - agenda documents





VI. Closed Session


Closed Session

L. Davis made a motion to go to closed session.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
L. Davis made a motion to return from closed session to open session.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Voting Business


Policy 4100

J Morgan - attendance policy - edited regarding check-in and check-out times. See agenda attachment 

L. Davis made a motion to approve policy revision - -policy 4100.
A. Weimar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Recommendations

$25,000 to facilities budget for grounds

L. Davis made a motion to approve $25,000 for budget and grounds.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Personnel Report

Personnel report brought forth in closed session. 

L. Davis made a motion to approve Personnel report brought forth in closed session.
A. Adeleke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Additional Voting Items if Needed

A. Adeleke made a motion to approve SRCA and SRCA Jr Academy board collaboration progress.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Conference- NC Association of Public Charter Schools summer conference

July 21-23 - Charlotte, NC

Sessions geared towards charter collaboration, teachers, board members, HR, etc. 

Network opportunities. 




Adjourn Meeting

A. Adeleke made a motion to adjourn.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Weimar
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2024_01_24_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • School Report February 2024.pdf
  • 4410 Attendance Policy REV 2_2024.pdf