Shining Rock Classical Academy


SRCA Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM


2150 Russ Ave, Waynesville NC 28786

Directors Present

A. Weimar (remote), A. Wilkins, B. Newsome (remote), J. Schleifer, L. Davis, N. Malis (remote), S. Messer

Directors Absent

S. Brantly

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Morgan

Non Voting Members Present

J. Morgan

Guests Present

Augusta Adeleke, Austin McFalls (remote), Brian Reeves, Butch Mullinix, Josh Sims, S. Jenkins, Terry Inman

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Malis called a meeting of the board of directors of Shining Rock Classical Academy to order on Wednesday Jan 24, 2024 at 6:36 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


SRCA Mission Statement


Record Attendance


Approve the Agenda

L. Davis made a motion to Approve the agenda for Regular Board Meeting 01-24-2024.
J. Schleifer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

A. Wilkins made a motion to Approve minutes from Regular Board Meeting 11-29-2023.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Wilkins made a motion to approve the minutes from SRCA Regular Board Meeting on 11-29-23.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



II. Governance


Nominations for Board Membership - Butch Mullinix

B. Newsome made a motion to Approve Butch Mullinix for board membership.
J. Schleifer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Nominations for Board Membership - Augusta Adeleke

B. Newsome made a motion to Approve Augusta Adeleke for board membership.
J. Schleifer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Proposed Committees

Introduction of three new committees - 

1. Board Engagement Committee - Helping to bridge the gap and integrate communication and action between the board, staff, families, students, and our community at large. NEST president and/or members and possibly student council members to be members of this committee as well.

Motion to approve Augusta Adeleke to chair this committee. Note to add Sandy Brantly to this committee if she approves when she is present.

2. Policy Committee - updating current policies and creating new policies. Helping the other committees and the school with appropriate compliance and functionality. 

Motion to approve Jon Schliefer and Larry Davis for co-chair of this committee

3. Facilities Committee - Priorities with facilities and working closely with Bert Newsome on Finance Committee to facilitate this committee.

Motion to approve Bert Newsome and Shane Messer to co-chair this committee

N. Malis made a motion to Approve the 3 new committees with the persons listed above as chairs and co-chairs.
L. Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. School Report


School Report

J. Morgan discusses school report 

- Inclement weather policy - Weather delays and cancellations are thorough and many factors taken into consideration. We do not have to run busses to many areas like public schools do, etc.


High School EOC: Children performed better than state average


Attendance Policy - 15 absences allowed per year. No excuses, doctor's notes, etc., necessary anymore 


4th grade science fair was today. Very successful, well attended.


Josh attended NC Assoc. Public Charter Schools meeting on Monday. 


Article will be in upcoming paper possibly next week regarding test scores and school happenings.


New score board installed in the gym.


Athletic team updates - High School Boys' basketball came in 2nd overall, HS Girls' team making progress as well. Middle school teams doing well also. 


See school report under Agenda  


Question from N. Malis regarding families who are not able to make it into school when SRCA is having school. Are they excused when/if they can not make it into school? Yes. This is covered under the inclement weather policy. 

IV. Finance


Financial Report

B. Newsome reporting: See Financial Report on Agenda 


605 students currently 


BCCG responsibility regarding some malfunctioning of HVAC 


Liquidity is key - we are at about 60 days cash on hand at the moment which is great. Minimum standard is 30 days on hand. We would like to be closer to 90 days cash on hand. 


J. Morgan - we got awarded the Safe Schools Grant - cameras for entire facility. $101,000 was awarded 

V. Closed Session



-Hirings and position changes, resignations, etc. 

A. Wilkins made a motion to Approve personnel report.
S. Messer seconded the motion.

B. Newsome and S. Brantley not present for vote 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. New Business


Approve Academic Calendar 2024-25

1.025 hours are required per academic year.


Calendar we are proposing has 5 days of surplus built in 


See calendar and calendar break down under Agenda 


L. Davis made a motion to Approve the proposed 2024-2025 academic calendar.
A. Weimar seconded the motion.

B. Newsome lost power and was unable to be present for the vote. S. Brantley unable to vote due to leaving meeting early for family emergency 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Personnel Report

B. Newsome made a motion to Approve personnel report.
S. Messer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Wilkins
Documents used during the meeting
  • School Report January 2024.pdf
  • 12.2023 Financial Reports - SRCA.pdf
  • SRCA 24-25 Calendar (DRAFT).pdf
  • SRCA 24-25 Calendar Breakdown.pdf