Shining Rock Classical Academy


SRCA Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM


2150 Russ Ave, Waynesville NC 28786

Directors Present

A. Wilkins, B. Newsome (remote), F. Lay, N. Malis (remote), S. Messer

Directors Absent

S. Brantly

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

F. Lay called a meeting of the board of directors of Shining Rock Classical Academy to order on Wednesday Oct 25, 2023 at 6:32 PM.

Address to the Board and people attending: N. Malis (Vice Chair SRCA Board and Governance Committee member) asks everyone to remember our school's core values and reminds everyone that the grievance policy and procedure is public for everyone.  She reminds everyone that all committee meetings and board meetings are always public, and no one is discouraged from attending. Please ignore any misinformation.  She also reminds everyone that the board has the school's best interest at the forefront and that we are volunteering our time to ensure that everything is handled appropriately. 


Pledge of Allegiance


SRCA Mission Statement


Record Attendance


Approve the Agenda and Minutes

F. Lay made a motion to approve the minutes from SRCA Regular Board Meeting on 09-27-23.
B. Newsome seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Presentation on PLCs at SRCA

Mrs. White for comment: 


"PLC's are going phenomenally well." Finding standards that are high stake, identifying learning gaps. Maximization of time together as teachers/staff and a lot has been accomplished. Structuring tailored around professional development, time management, meeting with teachers and having resources that staff do not normally have access to. Goals are being met and meaningful time is being had. The staff feel supported in this from Mr. Morgan and from the SRCA Board. 

III. Finance


Financial Report

Briefly discussed by B. Newsome: See Board Finance Report (Budget Analysis Report) on agenda

IV. New Business


Policies up for Review

1. Attendance Policy (see in agenda): Discussed and further explained by J. Morgan

2. Employee Use of Social Media: Defining what is and is not allowed.

3. Responsible Use of Technology:  The intent is to make everyone safe. One paragraph has changed. 


N. Malis asks, "What is the most appropriate way to request revisions and more information, and has our school attorney weighed in on this?"


J. Morgan responds, "Any changes will go through Academic Committee, and yes, our school's attorney will review."

V. Public Comment


Multiple staff members and teachers make comment

  1. Tom Gilfoy: As a staff member, he has been impressed with the compassionate, kind, and nurturing fellow staff members from teachers to custodians. He is "proud to be here" as a staff member.
  2. Terry Inman: Thanks to the board and Mr. Morgan for your time and commitment to the school. "Despite the storms, we've continued to grow." She wants to ensure that teachers, staff, and students are safe here. Would like to reduce distractions from accusations on social media. States the SRCA board has failed to counter these social media distractions and negative media. She asks for a "brief rebuttal to counter the negative chatter."
  3. Kirby Phillips: Reiterated what Mrs. Inman said. Would like to see the SRCA board counter the negative comments and spread the positivity of what is going on at SRCA.
  4. Alexandra Anderson: Stated her employment as an EC teacher at SRCA. "Thanks, Mr. Morgan and the administration for your support."
  5. Erin Norman, school nurse: Stated that the staff is in a fragile state surrounding recent events at the school. She further stated that the grievance procedure of gathering witness account statements felt like an "interrogation" for the involved parties. She then goes on to state that she "does deny any access to any student who may be injured." States she is very aware of what is going on in and around the front offices. Regarding the false statement on social media and in other comments, stating that staff and teachers are discouraged from coming to board meetings and are "not allowed" to attend board meetings, she states, "This is not a dictatorship. We are allowed to go to meetings." She states it is "past time for public comment" from the board.
  6. Shannon Carlock: States she is a former board member and understands the board's silence on the current grievance, but she also calls for public comment to combat the social media and news media negativity. 
  7. Kacey Darr: Middle school EC teacher. "Extremely appreciative of Officer Reeves and Mr. Morgan for everything they have done for the school and for her personally. 
  8. Frank Lay, SRCA board chair. "No interrogation occurred under any circumstances". As part of an ongoing investigation for an active grievance, this is the typical process, and the board is not allowed to comment during the grievance process. 

Public comment ended at 7:25 pm. 

VI. Closed Session



F. Lay made a motion to Enter closed session at 7:28 pm.
S. Messer seconded the motion.

Current Grievance discussed with full board

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
  • Personnel report in closed session. S. Jenkins and J. Morgan were present for this portion of the closed-session meeting. (9:25 pm-10:12 pm)
  • Motion to come back into open session at 10:12 pm made by N. Malis, Seconded by F. Lay Motion approved unanimously.


B. Newsome made a motion to Motion to approve personnel report.
A. Wilkins seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Wilkins made a motion to report a former employee to the state for investigation and seek removal of her license.
B. Newsome seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Malis
Documents used during the meeting
  • School_Report_October_2023.docx.pdf
  • SRJA_Intent_Letter_2023.docx.pdf
  • Board_Finance_Report_9.2023.pdf
  • 4410_Attendance_Policy_REV_10_2023.pdf
  • 8500_Responsible_Use_of_Technology.docx.pdf
  • 7600_Employee_Use_of_Social_Media.docx.pdf