Future Public School


01-20-22 Board Meeting January

Date and Time

Thursday January 20, 2022 at 11:00 AM


Future Public School, 511 E 43rd Street, Garden City, ID 83714 

Directors Present

Basile Beaty, Colleen Mackay (remote), Darnisha Orcutt, Julie Oliver (remote), Keith Donahue, Tracy Sedano (remote), Whitley Caka (remote)

Directors Absent

Matthew Kuzio, Will Pigott

Guests Present

Amanda Cox, Hannah Mae Schaeffer, Heather Efaw (remote), Lauren Tassos

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance & Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Colleen Mackay called a meeting of the board of directors of Future Public School to order on Thursday Jan 20, 2022 at 11:03 AM.


Shout Outs & Celebrations

Board team acknowledged school values seen in each other. 


Approve Minutes

Basile Beaty made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 09-09-21.
Darnisha Orcutt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

Keith Donahue made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Meeting: 01-14-22 Board Meeting on 01-14-22.
Colleen Mackay seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Management


School Update

Amanda presents on current activities at the school


  1. FORCE: Families of Respectful, Compassionate Engineers (family volunteer group) has been very active, holding monthly meeting since August. Feeling appreciative of their efforts.
  2. Snow School with Coach Peter: A success for kids. Very much enjoyed by grades 3-6. 
  3. Natashia's Capstone Project: Leading Charge for Middle School Transitions
  4. Winter MAP Testing: Taking place next week to see Engineer growth. Heather & Amanda will spend day digging into data once compete. 
  5. Events: Literacy Night Feb 16 & Two's Day/Tuesday/2/22/22: Taco Tuesday, dance party, academics around 'two'
  6. Student Recruitment beginning for SY23 
  7. Staff Updates & Hiring 
    • According to Indeed research, Idaho is at the epicenter of a labor shortage. 
    • All teachers leaving will not be leaving to other schools. Leaving education all together. Not loosing too much institutional knowledge. 
    • This is a national uptick in teacher turn around since the pandemic. 
  8. Covid Command Center
    • Health & Welfare Federal Subgrant of $68,000 funding for BSU weekly testing offered to family, Engineers, & staff. 100 families have consented to weekly testing. Testing helps us predict staffing needs and reducing asymptomatic spread. 
    • Funding to cover contract hours of about 10-15 hours/week 
    • One of few schools in the valley offering on site testing, most need to go to Boise State campus. We are one of few charters offering a sick bank to assist with employee absences. 
  9. Covid Committee Need
    • 2-3 Board Members to partner and consult with revisiting mask policy post-Omicron, contract rate for admin duties related to subgrant, school closure logistics and board support and alignment if needed. Anyone looking to serve? Low lift, 1-2 hours/month. Please let Amanda know if interested. 



2020-2021 Academic Goals & Growth

Amanda presents on school's academic pulse (refer to slides)


  1. Key Take Aways
    • Engineers that stay with Future the longest are showing the most improvement.
    • Although we have phenomenal growth, we are still not hitting absolute achievement.
    • Future has many Engineers with diverse needs.
  2. Launched Tier 2 Intervention Group: Engineers not identified as Tier 3 but still presenting needs meeting with Chris and Sarah
  3. Future exceeds in student growth compared to all other 14 Idaho schools within Bluum's Portfolio. Although absolute achievement is still not tracking, Future Engineers are making bounds of progress!

III. Governance


Board Chair Vote

Colleen gives update on her status as Board Chair. Team looks forward to continuing to work with her and providing support as needed.


BoardOnTrack training resources

Please set up profile in Board on track. Hannah will send instructions. 


Board Meeting Schedule & February Social

Will send out a survey to identify a good time for social hour.

IV. Finance


2020-2021 Audited Financials

Lauren presents on financial situation



  • For the 3rd year in a row we have a clean audit.
  • We completed 3rd year with 60 days cash on hand, good pattern to continue. Looking to increase even more than 60 days. 
  • Will share Marc's highlights in the follow up email.


School Campus Finance Update & Next Steps

Keith presents on status of acquiring the facility


  • Future has hit all markers to qualify for credit scores and is in good financial state for a 3 year old school. 
  • Quick meeting to approve resolution should take place in 2-3 weeks. 
  • Moving forward to create stability in the next 35 years and move away from renting. 
  • Future should own the building quite soon. Looking forward to the perks of ownership. 


Finance Operations Update

Lauren gives context to relationship with Bluum regarding financials. Bluum does back office with software and reports Lauren is paying invoices and receipts.

V. Executive Session


2020-2021 CEO Evaluation & Compensation

Keith: Executive session is not need if there is materials to be reviewed ahead of time and a vote can be made during a standard meeting. 

Lauren: Amanda's contract last year was a base salary and if goals were met there would be additional compensation, ie. clean audit, academic goals. 

Julie Oliver made a motion to Approve $1000 bonus for Amanda for having met the requirement of a clean financial audit for SY2020-21.
Colleen Mackay seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items



Rounds of gratitude from the board team. 



Lauren: Will create Doodle Poll for committees, social, and days for executive session to review academics. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Colleen Mackay