Sankofa Montessori


Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 2:00 PM


Meeting ID: 601 495 1069

Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.

Committee Members Present

A. Allen-Thames (remote), E. Moore (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Allen-Thames called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Sankofa Montessori to order on Wednesday Jan 8, 2025 at 2:19 PM.

Zoom meeting started at 1:58 PM, but meeting not called to order until officially 2:19 PM when persons present. 


Approve Minutes

E. Moore made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Committee Meeting on 12-11-24.
A. Allen-Thames seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.


Leadership Team Updates

A.  Leadership Team's Corner (PPT presentation)


1.  Enrollment: Current Student status and School Attendance

Enrollment:  Maxed out for 1-2, planning to increase enrollment in 3rd grade to 11

Student attendance:  90% K, 93% 1st, 92% 2nd, 90% 3rd  (slight decrease 2-3% from previous month)

2.  Personnel Updates- Updates on on staffing and updates regarding professional development of staff

20 flight crew members; 4 co-captains; 4 staff support; 4 flight control; 4 contractors (recruitment contractor, SPED Para, Gifted, ESOL.

Hiring for part-time CNA and lead teacher may transition due to commute (lead teacher posted).  Hiring for self-contained teaching assistant and Art/Science teacher.

Staff Absences- overall decreased in December

3. Updates on school suspensions/expulsions

Out of school suspensions- uptick in K (2); 0 in 2nd, 3 in 1st, 2 in 3rd.  Reasons for suspension- 1 for physical assault, 1 for terrorist threat, and 1 combo.  No reported expulsions.

4. Standardized testing and Screening Data Updates- Outcome data per grade for the following fall assessments from August:

NWEA MAP (Math vs. Reading)- MAP MATH DATA- Overall, as a school still not at mastering of grade levels for math and reading.  Started an intervention class for Math (students that don't qualify for IEPs, but to improve Math skills. Utilizing Lexia program for literacy to improve fluency and comprehension.  

100% growth for Africa class, 67% growth for N. America class; 72% Brazil; 88% Ghana; 95% Peru; 91% USA.  Reading MAP data discussed in December (refer to Dec Academic minutes). 

5.  Discuss School- Parent (PTO).  Currently, utilizing PTO with school wide events.

6.  Organizational Chart and Miscellaneous

Recruitment goal- 160+.  Currently, 22 applications completed.  School utilizing marketing (SPED analysis).  Bridge standard based approach with Montessori approach.  Rebranding a marketing video. Canvassing (workshop pending from funder); virtual marketing; Inviting prospective families for current school wide events.  100 days of school on January 17, 2025.  

Federal monitoring- School actively preparing and for monitoring in March



Special Education

B.  Discussion of Special Education

  • Discuss student enrollment #/% of student population with suspected and/or
    identified special needs- Total 24 kids with IEP's-  decrease in 3 secondary to withdrawals
  • Any updates on staffing for Special Needs and progress of Special Ed
    classroom- ESOL services officially started this month with ESOL contracted teacher (4 students)
  • Any updates on classroom integration of special needs and updates on external
    supports for special needs (ie Speech, ABA, OT/PT)- Decrease in 2 with speech services- 21 total; $170,000 school is spending on in-school Speech services
  • Any updates on psycho-educational testing for students- plans/progress- no new students for assesment




Gifted Student Services

C. Discussion of Gifted Services

  • Discuss student enrollment #/% of student population with suspected and/or identified
    for gifted services- Started in November, now up to 7 students (increase of 3 students this month).  
  • Discuss plans for data tracking/allocating #/% of students for appropriate funding per
    student for special services or gifted services- N/A




SY 24-25 Goals

Any updates or changes to the short term and long term goals for this school year- N/A

Any outstanding items from last year's committee- updates on grants/funding/external

In December, the school applied for 5 grants (1 rejected, 4 pending).

External partnerships- 1. Swim school, community org that teaches children to swim and a group of students have graduated.  2. Hands, heart, and soul, org that teaches gardening and healthy lifestyles; helping school with garden beds and educational classes on healthy foods and nutrition.

II. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Allen-Thames