Sankofa Montessori
Full Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.
Directors Present
A. Grant (remote), A. Nash (remote), F. Sheffield (remote), G. Edward (remote), K. Karacalidis (remote), K. Williams (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Allen-Thames, E. Moore
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Harvey (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
S. Harvey (remote)
Guests Present
LaDonya Buchanan (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Committee Highlights
III. Finance
Committee Meeting Highlights
Financial Overview
· Funds Received: $441,399
· Expenses: $269,250
o Salaries: $95,104
o Benefits: $25,859
o Professional Services: $52,240
o Building Services: $46,867
o Administrative Services: $11,470
o Supplies: $5,609
· Positive Cash Flow: $174,149
· Ending Balance of Operating Account: $636,810
Future Projections
· YTD Revenue is $714,376 lower than budget
· YTD expenses is $211,986 lower than budget
· November 2024 YTD reforecast estimates Net Income of -$380,719 (-502,391) below the approved budget)
· Projected Ending Cash Balances:
o December 2024: $633,394
o June 2025: $82,175
· Cash on Hand: 76 days as of November 2024, projected to range between 76 and 9 days through June 2025.
We are projected to have a positive cash balance and meet performance standards through June 2025.
EdTec proposed settlement in the works. They want entire amount by end of December, but coming back with proposal to break it into 2 payments (1st payment in December, 2nd in the Spring), rather than one lump sum.
IV. Facility Task Force
Highlights and Updates
Moving to 2nd level plans-submitted to the city; once approved can begin renovations in Summer
Master Plan-working on with architectural team
V. Governance
Policy Updates
- Aligned calendar with calendars that have been released from surrounding school districts
- 180 Days of School (Regulatory requirement)
- First Day of School: July 30th
- Last Day of School: May 28th
- Changes from last calendar (based on family and staff feedback)
- Moved curriculum night earlier to August
- Welcome to school bash is a Saturday
- Love Day School Dance-Saturday
- Fall Festival is a Saturday
- Parent teacher conferences are all day events (October 20, January 26, May 18)
- Additions
- Donuts with Dad/Male Figure
- Grandparents Day
- Muffins with Mom/Mother Figure
- Career Day February
- Kindness Month
- Mariah Montessori’s birthday (new addition based on parent feedback)
- We will include the events the PTO is spearheading
Per Sarah: Added a Spelling Bee to November and Literacy Month for April at PTO's request
VI. Public Comment
Community Talk
No comments
Social studies/science teacher has transitioned from the team
Added a gifted teacher and ESOL teacher based on needs of school community
Brought on part-time certified nurse assistant (8am-1pm, M-F)
Special Education
29 students with IEPs-increase from last report
18 students with significant development delay
23 students receiving speech therapy
12 students receiving occupational therapy
Also have students with 504s
Total number=7
Total 138
0 withdrawals in November
Anticipating approximately 3 withdrawal in December, but 6 enrolling for new semester
Goal is to get to March count day with same amount enrolled as October count day
Need consistency for funding purposes
Sarah will provide comparable number for staff satisfaction, enrollment so that we can see the trends and discuss in January and provide feedback for improvement where necessary
MAP data
Sharing with parents and sending report to parents on Friday
Data shows growth
Sarah will provide breakdown with Board in January