Sankofa Montessori


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 12, 2024 at 10:30 PM


Meeting ID: 601 495 1069

Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.

Committee Members Present

A. Nash (remote), E. Moore (remote), K. Karacalidis (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

LaDonya Buchanan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Karacalidis called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Sankofa Montessori to order on Thursday Dec 12, 2024 at 10:31 AM.


Approve Minutes

A. Nash made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 11-14-24.
E. Moore seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Director's Corner


  • Attendance : Less than five students (2 percent) are chronically absent, as measured by 12+ absences each quarter.
  • Reading: By the end of the academic year, 85% of students show 1.5 years of growth as measured by Reading Remediation Pathway
  • Reading and Math
    • By the end of the academic year, 85% of Sankofa students will have  an average growth percentile of 60% in both reading and math across all grades, demonstrating above-average academic progress compared to national norms. Additionally, we aim to reduce the percentage of students performing below the 25th percentile in both subjects by 10%.
    • 3rd grade only- 85% of 3rd grade students outperform their zoned districts on GA Milestones
  • Social Emotional: By the end of the academic year, our school aims to improve students’ ability to engage in positive, supportive peer interactions by 20%, thereby enhancing overall school climate and student well-being. 

Staff Culture

TNTP results: Sankofa scores in the national top quartile on the Winter & Spring TNTP Insight Survey, as measured by the Index Metric.  

All but 1 took survey

Already addressing areas where scored below national average

Lack of common planning time-2nd semester adjusting schedule to add that time

Strong culture showing staff and leadership team feel valued-appreciate level of feedback and observation

Overall survey shows increase in staff culture from founding year


Family Culture

TNTP results: Sankofa scores in the national top quartile on the Winter & Spring TNTP Family Insight Survey, as measured by the Index Metric.


Staffing Updates

  • 24 Flight Crew Members 
    • Recruitment Contractor: 1
    • Maternity Leave Coverage Discipline Associate: 1
    • 1:1 SPED Para: 1
    • Gifted Teacher
    • ESOL Teacher
  • Transitions and Additions: Social Studies/Science teacher transitioned
  • Hiring for next semester: Part time CNA (8-1; M-F)
  • Decreased absences overall 
  • Flight captains-decrease
  • Staff support-decrease


Student culture update

Trending downward in out of school suspensions

    Attributed to maintaining routines and remaining accountable

No fighting incidents this month

No terroristic threats this month


Are there any trends any specific teachers classrooms?  No because kids are not in the same classroom all day; however, there is a cluster of kids where there is a trend of behavior so splitting them up  


Special Education updates

Total: 29 kids with IEP’s- Increase in 3 from previous month

3rd - 7 (+1 from last month)

2nd - 8 (+1 from last month)

1st - 5 (+1 from last month)


Eligibility Categories 

Significant Developmental Delay: 18 (increase in 1 from last month)

Autism: 7 (increase of 2 from last month)

Speech Language Impairment: 0 kids with speech being primary disability; 21 kids secondary

Other Health Impairment : 2 (increase in 1 from last month)

Specific Learning Disability: 1 

Intellectual Disability: 2 (+1 from last month)



Speech: 23 kids (decrease of 2)

Occupational Therapy: 12 kids


# of students with a 504 plan

Total students: 7 (Decrease in 1)

3rd - 2 (decrease in 1)

2nd -1

1st - 3

K - 1



No withdrawals in November

Total enrollment: 138


Student attendance

Avg daily low 90s to high 80s

Majority of kids out sick due to illness (cold/flu season)



Aligned calendar with calendars that have been released from surrounding school districts (Clayton still has not released their calendar

180 Days of School (Regulatory requirement)

First Day of School: July 30th

Last Day of School: May 28th 

Changes from last calendar (based on family and staff feedback)

Moved curriculum night earlier to August 

Welcome to school bash is a Saturday

Love Day School Dance-Saturday

Fall Festival is a Saturday

Parent teacher conferences are all day events (October 20, January 26, May 18)


Donuts with Dad/Male Figure

Grandparents Day

Muffins with Mom/Mother Figure

Career Day February

Kindness Month

Mariah Montessori’s birthday (new addition based on parent feedback)

We will include the events the PTO is spearheading 

Upcoming events

Christmas program tomorrow at 2pm


Any support needed from Board?  Sarah says no right now.


EdTech update: EdTech decreased their ask, but needed by end of this month.  Asking for breakdown to 2-3 payments.  


II. Public Comments/Questions


From L. Buchanan

Want to do a literacy week--next year around April

Library card drive-to encourage students to use local library

Have family members come to read to the kids

Scholastic Book Fair


Want to do trial run next semester for Literacy Week


Spelling Bee-with the goal of qualifying for state and national spelling bee

  Maybe 1st time during spirit week with a bee theme and students could dress up 


 Looking for ways to incorporate activities into dates/events already on the calendar


PTO is more local, does not need to register with PTSA 

  Can grow into something bigger down the line

  Can collect dues

  By laws being finalized-over Christmas break



III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Karacalidis