Sankofa Montessori
Academic Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Meeting ID: 601 495 1069
Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.
Committee Members Present
A. Allen-Thames (remote), E. Moore (remote)
Committee Members Absent
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Leadership Team Updates
Special Education
29 students with IEPs, increase of 3 from previous month
Speech- decrease of 2 students
OT- 12 kids
# of students with 504 plan- decrease in 1 (7 total)
ESOL support- 4 students via teacher/student support
MTSS- 13 students
Gifted Student Services
As stated above, new Gifted teacher contractor has started to work with the 4 identified students.
SY 24-25 Goals
As stated in previous meetings. New item added to SY 24-25 goals is the 85% rating for the TNTP Survey as mentioned in Leadership team section.
1. School Wide Goals:
TNTP Insight Survey (Sankofa scores in national top quartile on Winter and Spring as measured by Index Metric. Plans to utilize TNTP survey to measure student culture, since students won't take survey. Families will take the TNTP (Spring only) along with Staff (Winter and Spring).
Data (all emails given to TNTP and they send out surveys)- Staff has already received Winter this school year.
2. Staffing: 24 flight crew members/8 FC/5 Co-C/4 Staff/5 Flight control
Gifted contracted teacher (Thursday) started this week; ESOL will start next semester on Thursdays next semester.
Social Studies/Science teacher transitioned
Every class now instructing Lexia Core5 Reading, a month ago and good feedback from parents
Hiring part time CNA in process (8-1; M-F) for next semester
3. Staff Attendance- November has seen an overall decrease in absences; significant decrease noted in Co-captains and Staff Support
4. Out of School Suspensions: K 1, 1st 0, 2nd 1, 3rd 2. Reasons- highest of physical assault among peers; goal to decrease physical assault amongst peers. Social/emotional (Harmony curriculum) has decreased with consistency and more instruction
5. Enrollment- total 138
Goal of 145 by March
6. School attendance: Nov.1-Nov.31. Increases in K and 1st, but decreases in 2nd grade. Whole ADA school in 90%, 1% inc from previous month
7. TNTP STAFF Data- 99% took survey; national average- 3 areas scored below: Peer culture, instructional planning for student growth, academic opportunity. 2 areas scored at level: Hiring process, professional development. Other areas scored above level with highest at DEI. Last year, highest level score of 5.4, this year highest of 7.1. Plans to address TNTP feedback.
8. Professional development- Plan to include mini 15 minute PD sessions in the next semester. Longer staff PD continues on Wednesday.
9. Academic Data- Reading MAP Data growth charts- 3rd grade 80% shows growth; K (Africa) 80% shows growth; K(N. America) shows 75% growth;1st&2nd (Ghana) 90% shows growth; 1st&2nd (Brazil) 58% shows growth-highest IEP class; 1st&2nd (Peru) 80% shows growth;
Students with low growth secondary to needed services for IEP, ESOL, late attendance missing reading, or self-regulation. Math MAP data will be given at January Academic meeting.
State regulations- do not check MAP data, only GA milestones
10. Calendar- Shared at PTO, Snacks w/ Sarah, and newsletter. Will add Maria Montessori's birthday and Read-a-thon/Book Fair via PTO