Sankofa Montessori
Full Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday July 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 601 495 1069
Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.
Directors Present
A. Grant (remote), A. Nash (remote), E. Moore (remote), F. Sheffield (remote), G. Edward (remote), K. Karacalidis (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Allen-Thames, K. Williams
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Harvey (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
S. Harvey (remote)
Guests Present
A. Sivert (remote), Apryl Forte (remote), Guadalupe (not given full name) (remote), Jasmine See (remote), Jessica McCrary (remote), Julian Williams (remote), Krista Harrell (remote), Natondra Powell (remote), Rhushanda Barnes (remote), Robbie Phillips (remote), Yolanda Galimore (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Committee Meeting Highlights
III. Finance
Committee Meeting Highlights
New back office provider
Still in conversation with EdTec--need them to complete data for upcoming audit
Leader of EdTec not communicating to the people who actually handle the work
Asked him to loop in his entire staff to assist with the transition
EdTec did not provide financial information for June-they were paid through June but did not provide information
Candace will provide numbers in August
Errika: Was there follow up to make sure there is a record?
Sarah: Followed with an email requesting information
Gregory: Needs to be pointed out as a breach.
Kim: Look at email
IV. Facility Task Force
Highlights and Updates
Payment to LS3P-no response back from lender
trying to get architect back-they might decide to go over her head in order to learn what is happening
Curb demolition should occur soon
Fire alarm testing-needs to be completed in August
V. School Leader's Corner
Projected 32 in terms of special education students--however we have 57
That what is known now without meeting all prospective children
5 students who are gifted
3 students who are ESL
Will probably need an additional special education teacher
Also need to increase budget for speech therapy services because more students need service
Apryl Forte: Is taking a special education student with sensory out of traditional classroom into a self-contained classroom a step backwards for that student?
Rhushanda Barnes: Found that having a full inclusion environment meant that some students did thrive, but some regressed. Want to make sure that all students thrived.
Apryl Forte: Concerned that it appears that there is new staff and originally told that child would have the same teacher for 3 years.
Sarah: At last meeting in May did have 85% retention for teachers. However, that changed at the beginning of summer as some teachers changed plans. K students were not going to have the teacher for 3 years, and 3rd grade is a stand alone.
Rhushanda Barnes: Had a lot of staff members who decided they didn't want to continue with a founding school.
Errika: Gave some clarification about the Montessori model. But also reminder that some people make life choice changes that we need to respect so some teachers decided to leave.
Atlanta Public Schools raised their pay scale-paying 20-30% more
Seeing some attrition across the metro area because of that
Sarah looking at not only recruitment in light of those numbers and retention
Want to move Spring Break to 2nd week to align with all of the other metro areas schools
Partnered with Yes! for after care this year
Public Comments
Robbie Phillips: Will aftercare fees be prorated for the 1st week since it's a shortened week?
Sarah: That would be directed to the provider.
Apryl Forte: Do students have to
Sarah: Program is self-contained but using the building.
Apryl: When did the start date change?
Sarah: Change has been in effect since February and was posted on the website and in the newsletter. But recognizes that the date change should have been emphasized more clearly to make sure all families were clear
Apryl: Infinite Cam
Yolanda Galimore: Knows a lot of the families had problems with the uniform but had no issues last year. However, the vendor this year is sold out. Want to know how the vendor was chosen because they are more expensive?
Sarah: Interviewed 3 different vendors. Changed vendor because of the complaints from last year. But will need to revisit that choice and would need to get new bids. Will address issues with vendor
Jessica McCrary: Board minutes not on website
Sarah: Should be able to pull up minutes on Board portal
Jessica: Background check provider issue. What is the process for getting background checks this year?
Sarah: In January rolled out new volunteer process. Will share the process again in the August newsletter.
Jessica: Will there be a school nurse?
Sarah: No school nurse. Eliminated based on budget and school nurse can only provide 1st aid. Would need to call an ambulance for something more serious like a seizure. Operations team is the 1st Aid team.
Jessica: What is the average class size?
Sarah: Class size is 30. Lead guide in each class, and 4 floating aides
Apryl Forte: Additional question about purchasing uniforms with vendor.
Sarah: Assata is reaching out to the vendor to address issues.
Errika yielded floor to Sarah
Growth scores for Sankofa
Below academic bar we wanted
Took summer to assess gaps-leadership team
Parents also asking for academic rigor
Academic Vision-bridge standard based instruction with a Montessori approach
Not teaching the standards resulted in not meeting standards
Changing approach to make sure that students meet and exceed standards
Want to make sure that charter is secure by taking this new approach
Next step is to roll out the new approach to families
Newsletters will now be coming once a month, instead of weekly
August Newsletter will provide an overview, and introduce new staff
Gregory: in what areas did we excel? Sarah can follow up after the meeting, and reshare the slide deck
Julianna Williams: Clarifying whether students came in at 40% and the national average was 50%?
Sarah: Percentage of growth national average is 50% but Sankofa set goal of 60%. However, the national average went down to COVID. Adjusting to make sure that Sankofa meets or exceeds percentage of growth
Kim: Does budget meet needs for attaining goals?
Sarah: Will need to assess once we get into school and know what the student body will look like in terms of needs such as special needs. Will come back to the Board with those numbers and address any possible budget shortcomings.