Sankofa Montessori


Full Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 6:30 PM


Please go to and join meeting. 

ID to join: 601 495 1069


Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.

Directors Present

A. Allen-Thames (remote), A. Grant (remote), A. Nash (remote), E. Moore (remote), F. Sheffield (remote), G. Edward (remote), K. Williams (remote)

Directors Absent

K. Karacalidis

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Harvey (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Harvey (remote)

Guests Present

Krista Harrell (remote), Rhushanda Barnes (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Moore called a meeting of the board of directors of Sankofa Montessori to order on Wednesday Apr 24, 2024 at 6:49 PM.


Approve Previous Meeting Minutes

K. Williams made a motion to Approve March Board minutes.
A. Nash seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Staff Introduction


New Hire

Krista Harrell-Associate Director of Curriculum and Instruction introduced herself to the team

   Currently in Arkansas and moving to Atlanta 

  Worked for Arkansas Dept of Education

  Varied experience in the K-12 space

Excited to join the team and looking forward to adding value and learning from the team



III. Committee Meeting Updates


Academic Committee

Met April 10 


Discussed enrollment  (numbers as of April 10)

  192 accepted applications, goal is 210

   School starting a waitlist

   84/88  students returning 

  120 incomplete applications--engaging with recruitment to follow up


Personnel updates

Special Ed Teachers doing well

Adding 1 additional primary and 1 additional  lower elementary teacher for next year

   Lower elementary teacher hired, still vetting candidates for primary

Krista Harrell hired as Associate Director of Curriculum and Instruction 



0 expulsions

Suspensions-Total 5 OSS, 4 ISS 

    K-3 OSS, 2 ISS

    1st-2 OSS, 2 ISS

    2nd-0 OSS, 0 ISS


Spring MAP testing

  Teachers prepping for testing

Math:  37% proficient(Fall); 43% (Winter)

Reading: 36% proficient (Fall); 42% (Winter)

School goals 60% for both


Nate report card-national report card that shows trends for reading and math

     Shows downturn in reading since the pandemic; could be a factor for our students


Parents expressed high interest in PTA

Parents expressed interest in sports and extra curricular activities

   Looking into non-profits that might be able to provide this service little to no cost





Finance Committee

Received $72,573 of funds 



  Benefits= $18,424 

  Professional services=$24,644

  Building services= $40,277

  Administrative services=$10,880


  Uncategorized expenses=$11,979


There was -$117,179 of negative cash flow for March 2024.  The ending balance of the operating account was $365,333.


Based on Edtec’s projections, we are projected to end June 2024 with $240,265 of cash in the operating account.  This is an increase of $97,816 from February’s projections.  Based on the current projection, the cash balance or the Months of April, May, and June will be $405,579, $356,088, and $240,265, respectively.  Cash on hand for March 2024 was 51 days but is projected to drop to 33 days in June 2024.

 We are projected to have a positive cash balance through June.


1st Public Hearing

Spending is below what we budgeted

    Some of that is based on the lower enrollment

School Venture grant arriving in FY24 instead of FY25

CSP grant is $1.25 million

   will only be able draw down $75,000 for this fiscal year

   future draw downs will be in the areas of curriculum, furniture and equipment

SCSC dashboard

   In good standing to meet financial standards

   Projecting 90 points on the dashboard (short on cash on hand standard)





Facilities Task Force

Currently on hold for 2nd level

   Pushed renovations to Year 3


Waiting to hear from Architect on finalizing the plans to be ready for Year 3


Governance Committee Meeting

Org Structure

  Not changing much; trying to refine structures that have been put in place

  Essentially doing Year 1 again


Sarah open to ideas for Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10

IV. Executive Director's Corner



Current enrollment numbers (updated from April 10 Academic Comm. meeting)

  236 enrolled-have started a waitlist for each grade

   Continued recruiting--will feel comfortable at 256 to build in attrition (built in 50% attrition for returning families)



All leadership staff returning

All leads returning

Music teacher coming back

Posting for 

    part-time art teacher

    Sped teacher

    sped paras


Goal is to have offer letters out and/or hired by the next board meeting


Nurse resigned on Monday-based on pay and she was showing up 30 minutes late consistently

   We get the nursing supplement from GADOE

   Learned that we might not need a nurse on staff

   Initially had a nurse because there was a student with seizures (that student is now homebound)

   Not going to hire a new nurse for the next 5 weeks

 Thinking about hiring an assistant director of operations


Errika: Are you not planning on having a nurse on staff for next year given the uptick in enrollment?

Sarah: Yes, but currently  in the process of polling current and incoming parents about health needs of kids to assess the ability of current staff (who have 1st aid training) to be able to 


Errika: Can we keep that line item in the budget just in case?

Sarah:  Need to check whether we can add to the contractor line item to cover that cost.  Currently we cannot pay what a full-time nurse would want.  Paying salary and into TRS


June 17-28 School is shut down

   Year round employees have a 2 week break

V. Closing Items



Planning for Board retreat-need to prepare to meet again to review Year 1 and plan for Year 2

   Kim will send out possible dates/plans

   Go ahead and send Kim any dates that you are unavailable during the summer-early fall


Remember to complete online training to fulfill 12 hours each board member needs to do before April 30

    Review email sent by Naquita Smith re: requirements for completion


Board members don't forget to make your yearly contribution by end of school year-want to reflect 100% board engagement (June 30)


We have a new website-go check it out!




Adjourn Meeting

K. Williams made a motion to Adjourn April 24, 2024 Board meeting.
F. Sheffield seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Moore