Sankofa Montessori


April Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 11, 2024 at 10:30 AM


Please go to and join meeting. 

ID to join: 601 495 1069

Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.

Committee Members Present

A. Nash (remote), E. Moore (remote), K. Karacalidis (remote), S. Harvey (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Karacalidis called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Sankofa Montessori to order on Thursday Apr 11, 2024 at 10:34 AM.


Approve Minutes

A. Nash made a motion to approve the minutes from March Governance Committee Meeting on 03-14-24.
K. Karacalidis seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Moore
A. Nash
K. Karacalidis

II. Content


Executive Director"s Updates

3 Glows

All teachers asked to return have signed their offer letters

TNTP data came back--scored closer to national average

84/88 students are coming back next year


Full staff PD--everyone excited to end the year strong; making sure staff has what they need to be successfull



Goal 180 students-30 kids/class

192 enrolled, includes returning students

   Not enough

   Have 125 applications still trying to push through to meet 210, will stop at 268 applications submitted and approved to account for attrition

   Marketing strategy has been helpful to get Sankofa's name out there; also helps that most students returning

  Search engine optimization has been a game changer in recruitment


Org Structure

Not changing much; trying to refine structures that have been put in place

Basically doing year 1 again

Done with lower El hiring

Close to done with primary

   sending 1 offer; other candidates

Leadership team

   Hired new Curriculum and Instruction Head, original hire for position went back to classroom

Sarah manages 4


  Director of Student Support and Services

  Director of Family Engagement

  Director of Curriculum and Instruction


General updates

$6K+ from Double Good fundraiser

Off to Summer Bash

May 6-10 Testing

May 6-10 Parent-teacher conferences

Bridging Ceremony-May 22

State of the School tonight-30 minute address, then questions

New initiative for attendance-Strive for Five; for this week if you show up everyday, then you get to wear jeans on Friday

  Next week-get free lunch on Sankofa

  Following week-raffle

  April 29-leadership will take over recess duty

  If you show up for all weeks there will be a big surprise


Teacher Appreciation

Sarah discussed ideas 


TNTP Survey--60% of families completed the survey

Discussed results

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Karacalidis