Sankofa Montessori


March Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 29, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Please go to and join meeting. ID to join: 
977 7040 1432

Through a culturally responsive, child and family-centered Montessori education, Sankofa Montessori ensures that all of our students develop the knowledge, skill, and agency to have a life of purpose.

Directors Present

A. Allen-Thames (remote), A. Grant (remote), A. Nash (remote), E. Moore (remote), F. Sheffield (remote), G. Edward (remote), K. Karacalidis (remote), K. Williams (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Duffy

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Harvey (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Harvey (remote)

Guests Present

Emmalee Hacksaw (remote), James Bailey (remote), Randy Winer (remote), Valerie Newsome Garcia (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Karacalidis called a meeting of the board of directors of Sankofa Montessori to order on Wednesday Mar 29, 2023 at 6:38 PM.


Approve Minutes

F. Sheffield made a motion to approve the minutes from February 22, 2023 February Board Meeting on 02-22-23.
G. Edward seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Strategic Planning


Brass Tacks Presentation

Strategic Plan Kick-Off

Experience in Montessori Charter School and charter schools in general and can provide strategic planning experience


Sharing lessons learned through experience in starting up Urban Montessori in Oakland, CA 

Project Overview & Timeline (tentative, dates may change based on scheduling)

   Strategic Plan for 1-3 year planning

   Project Context Meeting w/key stakeholders

   Gather Stakeholder Input

   Draft v1.0 Strategic Plan

   Review v1.0 & share feedback

   Finalize strategic plan

Sarah provided information from our Board retreat

    BT provided input on important items that came out of our Board retreat--things to think           about as we launch



Will need to schedule definitive date for next step (more in depth strategic planning session) tentatively scheduled for April 4.  

III. Finance Committee


Dashboard Review

February Numbers

$88,000 in revenue

$64,000 out-salary, benefits, professional & tech services

Ended month with $24,000 positive cash flow

End of month cash flow at $310,000


$165,000 uncategorized expenses (Sarah is working on this)


Should end planning year in good position financially.


Waiting on results of two outstanding grant applications.  


Reminder to Board members to donate funds by April deadline


EdTec-expected to provide detailed monthly expense report with narrative explanations once we begin Year 1.


Staff Handbook Summary

Finance Committee reviewed and commented on Section 4 of the handbook.

IV. Academic Committee


Staff Handbook Summary

Academic committee reviewed and commented on Section 2 of handbook


Made suggestions for Sarah to update the handbook before voting.







Met March 7

Gregg Stevens joined meeting to discuss the SCSC Dashboard

   Dashboard planning-important to keep up with monthly and long term strategic planning


Discussed using Infinite Campus--for attendance, Clayton County school uses this system

Enrollment--needed 109 for March 24 deadline, had 128 

   April 28 deadline approaching

   May 17 deadline requires proof  85% enrollment--have to meet this goal for SCSC compliance


Darius possibly attending planning conference


Employment still ongoing-Sarah conducting interviews to fill open positions

  goal to have 80% hired by June 2023






V. Governance Committee


Board Expansion

Reminder to complete board assessment listed under action items on Board on Track before our April 13 Governance Committee meeting.


Need to assess where we are as a Board and what skills need to be added to our group for maximum benefit.  


Staff Handbook Summary

Governance Committee reviewed and commented on Section 5 of handbook.  



VI. Facility Task Force


Updates on Progress

Executive Session entered at 7:20pm

                             ended at 7:44 pm






Pre-Enrollment Checklist

Sarah received email to set date for SCSC walk through before June 1.  Will need to schedule visit for SCSC compliance.

VII. Executive Director's Corner


Recruitment and Enrollment

144 applications

82 of those registered (proof of residency and age)

  42- K

  21- 1

  19- 2

Met March 24 deadline at 80%

Need to have completed 142 registrations by May 17 deadline (85% target)--must meet to open




Hired founding music teacher-offer made and accepted

Hired 1 K lead guide-need 4 total 

Today offered certified lead guide job-would bring us up to 2

2 additional applicants in the pipeline for K, but not certified--they would need


Have 2 applicants in elementary lead guides who are certified

4 elementary lead guide applicants are not certified 


Montessori fellows-hiring for 7, have 6 in the pipeline


Hiring for special ed teacher-GA Charter School Association has contracted with a consultant; special ed certification alone insufficient based on requirements from our authorizer and state/federal guidelines; looks like we need a Director of Special Education Services (still one role but new title based on requirements of role)

   There is a candidate in pipeline who has the necessary experience


Nurse-no longer looking for full time nurse; now looking at part-time nurse based on size of school; could change based on apparent needs and move up to full-time if it becomes necessary


Therapeutic Counselor-not currently in budget but might be a necessary role; adding this to staffing plan;  will start off part-time and can adjust as necessary


Will start gathering medical information and needs of kids in April


Grants and Fundraising

Made it to final round of Charter School Growth grant--fund up to full enrollment for each child up to $1000/child


Shared spreadsheet provided by Emmalee Hacksaw with funding sources and grants. Reviewing to see who has contacts to find out next steps in applying to those sources.

VIII. Board Decision Making


Staff Handbook

A. Nash made a motion to Accept Staff Handbook as written.
K. Williams seconded the motion.

Andrea-will we need a vote to make changes?


The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Moore
G. Edward
K. Williams
F. Sheffield
A. Nash
K. Karacalidis
A. Allen-Thames
M. Duffy
A. Grant


Executive Director Contract

Voting whether to hire Sarah as ED.


Further discussion to hammer out terms for multi-year contract and finalizing job description.


Gregory suggested a point system to determine effectiveness versus percentage of goals met.  Kim asked for more clarity in trying to determine whether that is feasible method for measuring metrics (will let us know by end of week).  


Kim asking for feedback on contract and will forward a draft of the job description.  



G. Edward made a motion to Hire Sarah Harvey as founder and Executive Director of Sankofa Montessori.
K. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Moore
A. Allen-Thames
M. Duffy
A. Nash
A. Grant
K. Williams
F. Sheffield
K. Karacalidis
G. Edward


Voting on GEER's agreement

A. Allen-Thames made a motion to Board agrees to the terms of following grants and is directing and authorizing the Executive Director as its official representative to execute the agreement. GEER II Fellowship Grant of $100,000.00 - The purpose of this grant is to provide a monthly stipend to the designated school leader to support the school’s opening Fall 2023. The condition of the grant is as follows: The Grantee shall attend all trainings required by the SCSF related to this Agreement, including convenings offered as a part of the New School Leader Fellowship program. The school leader shall complete all required assignments for the Fellowship. The Grantee shall submit an End-of-Grant report with a summary of activities to SCSF by September 30, 2023, unless an exception is provided in writing by the SCSF. The Grantee shall complete any other reports as requested by SCSF and cooperate and assist the State in complying with any and all federal tracking and reporting requirements GEER II Start-up Grant of $270,000.00 - the purpose of this grant is to support the opening Sankofa Montessori. This grant is a subgrant award from the State Charter School Foundation of Georgia’s federal GEER II grant awarded by the Office of Governor Brian Kemp. The conditions of this grant are as follows: Federal grant requirements apply to this grant: • Paid on an encumbrance/reimbursement basis. All expenses must be budgeted & approved in advance. • Records must be maintained, including quotes, receipts, invoices, purchase orders, proof of payment, evidence, personnel/payroll records, student rosters, etc. • Grant payments & expenditures must be coded properly in your accounting system. • Inventory of items must be maintained based on inventory policy & procedures (equipment & pilferable items).
A. Grant seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
F. Sheffield
M. Duffy
K. Williams
A. Allen-Thames
E. Moore
K. Karacalidis
A. Nash
G. Edward
A. Grant


Resolution allowing Board Chair to sign documents related to facilities

Review of resolution which would allow Kim Karacalidis as Board Chair to sign documents on the Board's behalf related to the facilities at 5881 Phillips Drive.


Critical in terms of lease signing date approaching.  Would allow Kim to execute the document without the need to call a full board meeting.


All Board members have had the opportunity to review and comment on the lease and the resolution.  

K. Williams made a motion to Approve the resolution related to facilities at 5881 Phillips Drive.
G. Edward seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
F. Sheffield
G. Edward
A. Nash
M. Duffy
E. Moore
K. Williams
K. Karacalidis
A. Allen-Thames
A. Grant

IX. Reminders


Month April

4/4 Brass Tacks Kim, Alfie, Adrienne, Krystal, Andrea (tentative)-3-4:30 pm


Reminder to make calls to new families.  

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Karacalidis
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2023_02_22_board_meeting_minutes.pdf