State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia
SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday June 21, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Committee Members Present
A. Welcher (remote), C. Sears (remote), L. Holcomb (remote), T. Beck (remote)
Committee Members Absent
S. Kumar, T. Lowden
Guests Present
D. Glenn (remote), F. Konteh (remote), M. Neely (remote), Y. Mack (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Financial Report
Presentation of May 2022 Financial Reports
FY2023 Budget
M. Neely provided an update on how the budget was developed. The group discussed the level of detail in the budget. In addition, the group discussed how to report grant awards in the budget and financial reports, including receivables. T. Beck noted that he felt like the budget was adequate and served as a roadmap. M. Neely presented information on prospected revenue.
III. Governance
Vote on Board Chair
Discuss Strategic Planning
A. Welcher presented information on the process of strategic planning for the summer. She provided an update meeting with Mike from Board On Track to facilitate the strategic plan. She noted that our plan needs to work off of the SCSC's strategic plan. The target for an in-person planning session is August.
Review Purchasing Policy and Procedures
T. Beck presented the proposed change to mitigate impediments to day-to-day operations. He recommends the approval of theĀ
T. Beck presented the monthly financial reports. He noted the expenditures for the Book Wagon and book vending machines.