Liberty STEAM Charter
Date and Time
Monday December 5, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Directors Present
Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis (remote), Elayne Brunson, Greg Thompson, Jenny Knopf, Ken Lee, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Non Voting Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Guests Present
Chris Neeley, Dixie DuRant, Kevin Mason, Tiffany Rhodes
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Elayne Brunson led the committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Mr. Thompson provided an opening statement regarding the lottery. He shared with the group about the size of classes next year. He made promises to continue to partner with the community and bring change to the Sumter Community by expanding and growing. He then thanked the members for attending the meeting.
II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement
LSC Mission Statement
Cameron Chandler read aloud the mission statement.
LSC Vision Statement
Ken Lee read aloud the vision statement.
III. Approval of Today's Meeting Agenda
Approval of the Today's Board Meeting Agenda
IV. Board Committee Action Items
Elementary Academy Guaranteed Maximum Price (Early Package for Electrical & Mechanical)
Funding Options for Elementary Academy
Interim Executive Director's Monthly Personnel Report
V. Fall Enrollment Lottery
Remarks from the Board Chairman
Dr. Ivey read the following to the audience and those watching online.
The sole purpose of today's special called meeting of the LSC Board of Directors is to conduct the fall enrollment lottery to select the scholars from qualifying lottery applicants for the 2022-23 school year at Liberty STEAM Charter.
LSC has received the required minimum number of lottery applications for its 2023-24 classes (kindergarten, first grade, & second grade). Pursuant to the SC Charter Schools Act of 1996 (59-40-10), a public lottery is required in order to determine the selected students for both founding grade levels. For next year, we will be filling all 150 new seats in the Kindergarten class, 40 new first grade seats, 37 new second grade seats, & 43 new third grade seats. The number of seats are in accordance with the board approved enrollment expansion that takes effect in the 2023-24 school year.
Representatives from the local media, city government, county government, and the legislative delegation have been invited to observe the lottery proceedings in person. Today's special called meeting of the Founding Board of Directors will be live-streamed via the school's official Facebook page with the option for parents whose scholar (s) is enrolled in the lottery to observe via the Zoom platform as well. To be considered in the initial lottery, applications must be received on or before 11:59 pm November 30 via Lotterease, the electronic platform being utilized to collect enrollment applications and to facilitate the actual lottery event. Please note that applications received between November 30 and the time in which the lottery is conducted are also included in this pool of applications.
Overview of the Lottery Procedures
- During this time, Ms. Hardy, Ms. Uoy, and Ms. Rhodes introduced themselves.
- During this time, Ms. Uoy gave data points about the probability of each grade getting accepted as well as all of the zip codes that applied for the lottery.
- 211 Kindergarten apps with a 71% chance of being selected.
- 98 First Grade apps with a 41% chance of being selected.
- 86 Second Grade apps with a 42% chance of being selected.
- 57 Third Grade apps with a 75% chance of being selected.
- Ms. Rhodes invited each of the PTO board members and their scholars to conduct the lottery. Each PTO member was responsible for clicking the button on the website with the direction of Ms. Uoy and Ms. Rhodes. There are multiple clicks involved in this process because each lottery is validated and then ran.
- During the time of validation, Ms. Rhodes asked each of the founding scholars about their favorite LSC things. They listed things from the mascot to the school lunches.
Administration of the Lottery
During this time, the online platform Lotterease will randomly select 150 new seats in the Kindergarten class, 40 new first-grade seats, 37 new second-grade seats, & 43 new third-grade seats. The number of seats are in accordance with the board-approved enrollment expansion that takes effect in the 2023-24 school year. As the lottery is being conducted, all applicant students will be listed as either "selected" or "waitlisted" via their applicant ID on the Lotterease website. The results of the lottery are considered unofficial until school officials independently complete verification.
Next Steps
1. Selected vs. Waitlisted
2. Accepting & Declining Enrollment Offer
3. Verification Process
4. Enrollease & Submitting Enrollment Information
5. Lottery for Additional Seats
- Ms. Uoy and Ms. Hardy provided the audience with information regarding deadlines and documentation requirements.
- Each scholar has 5 business days to confirm their spot before being moved to the bottom of the waitlist and 10 business days to submit all documentation.
VI. Closing Items
Good of the Order
- Once the lottery was completed. Ms. Rhodes pulled the parent section of LotterEase up on the screen to show the audience that the lottery had been completed.
- Dr. Ivey closed the meeting by sharing that the enrollment team attended over 50 recruitment events.
- Dr. Ivey gave Mr. Neeley an opportunity to share with the audience some closing remarks.
- Next, Mr. Mason congratulated the incoming new families. He spoke on the commitments that the Board and staff members have contributed to the school and community.
- Mr. Thompson thanked the staff members and current and former board members for their hard work and saying "yes" to the idea of Liberty STEAM Charter.
Rev. Newton provided an invocation.