Texas Center for Arts + Academics
TCA+A Special Session of the Board - Strategic Planning Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Hyatt Place Fort Worth/Cityview
Banquet Room
5900 Cityview Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76132
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85664396069
Meeting ID: 856 6439 6069
In-person Meeting Return: Governor Abbott’s March 2020 order temporarily suspending certain provisions of the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic disaster expired August 31, 2021. Consequently, TCA+A Board Meetings will return to in-person meetings at Texas School of the Arts.
Directors Present
Charles Reid, Cheryl Bean, Daniel Bates, Leslie Scott, Melissa Goodroe, Michael Wellbaum
Directors Absent
Mary A. Zimmerman
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
Melissa Goodroe
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
Cheryl Bean
Ex Officio Members Present
Anika Perkins
Non Voting Members Present
Anika Perkins
Guests Present
Betsy Compton, Flor Cabrera, Kati Burke, Krista Langford, Lacey Gaymon, Penny Clay, Torie Skinner
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Leslie Scott called a meeting of the board of directors of Texas Center for Arts + Academics to order on Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 9:05 AM.
Record Attendance and Guests
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
- No Public Comments were made
III. Stragetic Plan Meeting
CEO updates
Good news and celebrations:
- Received Sid Richardson Foundation grant for $90K to do HVAC repairs at TeSA and FWAFA
- Teacher Incentive Allotment recipients:
- TeSA
- One teacher (before tax and TRS deductions) awarded $11,610.00
- Two teachers (before tax and TRS deductions) awarded $2,474.27
- One teacher (before tax and TRS deductions) awarded $5,730.27
- One teacher (before tax and TRS deductions) awarded $12,220.26
- Teachers will recieve checks upon their return for the 2024-2025 school year
- TeSA
- Coffey Anderson - Country music singer songwriter and Netflix star will perform at Gala's VIP reception
- Lisa Smith's retirement celebration is May 31, 2024
- Next week is Staff Appreciation - TCA+A secured a donation from Sprinkles Cupcakes to provide a cupcake to each staff member
- Today is Principal Appreciation Day - please help us recognize Mrs. Compton and Dr. Jackson for all they do
- Working to get funding to update and fix FWAFA's auditorium especially the seating
- The State of TCA+A - May 30, 2024 | 9am - 11am | Hyatt Place Fort Worth/TCU
- to share our story with corporations, realtors, & community members
- who do you know that we could invite
Other news:
- On Friday it was announced that Chapel Hill Academy will be closing due to finances
- partnering with them to offer their students and staff a place at TeSA and FWAFA
- On average 40% of charter schools end up closing
S & G Group Presentation
- The S & G Group went over their findings from their 2022/2023 research efforts to define the challenges and opportunities facing TCA+A through the development of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) Analysis. This body of work allowed them to develop their TCA+A Strategic Map.
- Research efforts included a review of existing materials, a stakeholder analysis, a study of best practices, and a competitor review. They also conducted a goal setting exercise, had the board complete its own self-assessment (January 2023), and facilitated a communications audit.
- The S & G Group recommended the following organizational strategic focus areas:
- Strengthen the TCA+A Board
- Strengthen the TCA+A Leadership Structure
- Strengthen the Schools' Structure
- Heighten Focus on Academics
- Enhance Fund Development
- Strengthen Brand and Marketing
Melissa Goodroe arrived at 9:44 AM.
Cheryl Bean left at 11:05 AM.
- from 11:05am - 11:25am
Root Cause Presentation
Anika Perkins informed everyone:
- Spend time this afternoon creating a strategic plan using a Root Cause Analysis Protocol
- look deeper and closer to figure out the root cause of a problem
- Changes like the pandemic and staff turnover over the last few years delayed our efforts.
- Where are we now?
- Protocol Description
- 10, 5, 5 - perform an initial brainstorm of the problem with 10 statements, then add 5 more, then stretch to add 5 more
- 2 Circles - mark each one of the twenty as a 'Circle of Control' or a 'Circle of Influence'
- 5 Whys - help to take the root cause even further
- look deeper and closer to figure out the root cause of a problem
- Break up into 2 groups to work on the recommended strategic focus areas
- Starting with focus area #2 as focus area #1 is for the board to work on separately
Lunch Break
- from 12:00pm - 12:45pm
- Mr. Bates left at 12:00pm and returned at 1:34pm
Group Work
- Continued to work in groups on the recommended strategic focus areas
- Did not get through focus areas 2 - 6
- TCA+A will continue to work on them and put together a complete strategic plan report for the organization
IV. Closed Session
Convene to Closed Session
- Convened to Closed Session at 3:12pm
- Opened in Closed Session at 3:13pm
Reconvene to Open Session
- Closed Closed Session at 3:55pm
- Reconvened in Open Session at 3:56pm
Action Item
- No action was taken
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:02 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Scott