Paramount Schools of Excellence


June Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 12, 2018 at 5:30 PM


3020 Nowland Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46201

Directors Present

A. Bekele, B. Eldridge, J. Amu (remote), J. Hazzard, Jr., M. Bishop, P. Blackard, T. Rude

Directors Absent

C. Park

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Reddicks

Non Voting Members Present

T. Reddicks

Guests Present

B. Richardson, Bryan Anderson, Chis Larson, H. Okerson, J. Monk, Jasmin Burditt - OEI, Kyle Beauchamp, Mary Laflin, P. Purvis, Sarah Shaffer, Scott Frye, Tiffany Palacios

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Rude called a meeting of the board of directors of Paramount Schools of Excellence to order on Tuesday Jun 12, 2018 at 5:35 PM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

There were no public comments.

III. Consent Agenda Review and Approval


Review and approval of minutes

T. Rude made a motion to approve minutes from the May Board Meeting on 05-08-18 May Board Meeting on 05-08-18.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Voucher approval

T. Rude made a motion to approve the submitted vouchers.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Finance


Financial report

The new financial policy will be discussed in New Business.

V. Operations Report


Operations Report

Tommy Reddicks 
  • Applied for the Calder foundation grant.  This is a grant that would have unrestricted money.
    •   Tom Rude suggests the board discuss a new procedure regarding unrestricted funds.  He would like the board to be able to approve the funds and for the board to know how the funds are being spent.
  • Final interviews with the Mind Trust have been completed for school 3.
Barb Richardson
  • The summer newsletter went out today.  
  • An LOI has been submitted to Angies List for an after school tutoring grant.
Peggy Purvis
  • Nothing additional to report.
Tiffany Palacios
  • Continue to work with Centrix on the new HRIS program.  This program will go live on August 1st.
Jessica Monk
  • Tiffany did an excellent job on the Ghana trip. 
  • Construction on Community Heights began on Monday, June 11.
  • Rooftop construction will start on Brookside this week.
Hannah Okerson
  • We have started to receive the Chromebook computers for students. 
  • Preparing to end the financial year. 
  • Preparing for the audit on July 9th and 10th.
Kyle Beauchamp
  • The Community Heights staff have been doing outreach in the community daily.   
  • Enrollment applications are over 100 with 60 of these applicants choosing Community Heights as their first choice school.
  • The Mayor's office pre-opening requirements are approximately 90% complete.
  • Academic teaching staff is complete.  Still interviewing for specials teachers. 
Scott Frye
  • Preliminary ISTEP scores have been released to the schools.  Brookside's pass rates are 86 % ELA and 86% Math.  Pass rate for special education students is 22%.
  • The 2018-2019 test will all be done on computers.
  • Teacher retention is excellent.  Less than 10 applicants for teaching positions at Brookside. 
  • High enrollment helps to add additional auxiliary staff such as counselors, recovery team and curriculum advisers.
Chris Larson
  • The summer STEAM program has started with 30 students. 
  • Farm Share starts on Wednesday, June 13.  Out of 17 applicants, 10 slots were filled.  This new program will provide produce for 10 families over a 7 week period. 
  • The garden has been expanded by 24 beds.   
  • Scheduled an arborist to check out the trees at Community Heights.


VI. New Business


Financial Policy

T. Rude made a motion to approve the new financial policy.
J. Hazzard, Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PD Policy

  • Paramount must be approved of having a police department prior to purchasing badge, car, etc. 
  • Swearing in of the new SRO will be July 24, 2018 at 5:00. 
  • Communication to parents will be done at the site level. 

J. Hazzard, Jr. made a motion to approve the new PD resolution.
P. Blackard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
PD Policy Approval

T. Rude made motion to pass the PD Policy.
M. Bishop seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2018-2019 Budget

B. Eldridge made a motion to approve the 2018-2019 budget. 
M. Bishop seconded the motion. 
The board VOTED unanimously to pass the motion.


Replication Expense

The 2018-2019 budget reflects holding back $300,000 for remodeling expenses for Community Heights.  The current estimated expenses are at $190,000.  Hopeful to complete the project with an approximate $100,000 ahead of budget.

The board would like to schedule meetings with the Lutherwood board to start discussion of a new build on their property.  Tommy will lead the connection with the Lutherwood board chair on setting up a schedule.


Board Meeting Calendar for 2018-2019

T. Rude made a motion to Approve 2018-2019 Board Calendar.
B. Eldridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The new calendar will be corrected to show the correct day of the January meeting from a Tuesday to Friday.


2018-2019 Staff Handbook

The new 2018-2019 Staff handbook has had minor changes regarding vacation days, insurance updates, staff and student procedures, and transportation/driver procedures.
T. Rude made a motion to Approve the 2018-2019 Staff Handbook.
M. Bishop seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, July 10th @ 5:30


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Blackard