Flex High School of Michigan

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM EST


In person: 4945 Clio Road, Flint, MI 48504


Virtual via Microsoft Teams: https://llac.io/FHSMIBoard
Dial in: 657-207-0015
Conference ID: 433934813# 

MISSION STATEMENT: To recover those students who have dropped out or who are in danger of dropping out. Get them into a resource center. Motivate them. Mentor them. Counsel them and of course, teach them.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order Matthew Clark 1 m
  B. Record Attendance and Guests   Tiffany Hughes 2 m
  C. Pledge of Allegiance 1 m
II. Approval of Agenda 6:04 PM
  A. Approval of Agenda Vote Matthew Clark 2 m
III. Public Comment 6:06 PM
  A. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only FYI Matthew Clark 3 m

This time is for public comment on agenda items only. Comments should be limited to three minutes.

IV. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes 6:09 PM
  A. Prior Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Matthew Clark 5 m
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on November 14, 2023  
V. Reports 6:14 PM
  A. School Leader FYI Angela Green-Izzo 15 m
  • CTE Update
  B. Education Service Provider (ESP) FYI Valerie Chase 5 m
  C. Finance FYI Tyler Cherry 10 m
  • Balance Sheet and Budget Actuals
  • Checking Account Transfers
  D. Committee Updates, as needed Discuss 15 m
  • Academic Excellence
  • Finance
  • Governance
  E. Authorizer Updates FYI Cory Merante 10 m
VI. New Business 7:09 PM
  A. E-Rate Letter Vote Michelle Simi 5 m
  B. Approval of Expenditures Vote Matthew Clark 5 m
  • BoardOnTrack Invoice
VII. Board Correspondence 7:19 PM
  A. Conflict of Interest Disclosures Discuss Andy Holmes 5 m

Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure emails sent to members Brown, Bruzewski, Hughes, and Lepine. Responses are due to the Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools by January 8, 2024.

VIII. Closed Session 7:24 PM

A public body may meet in a closed session only for one or more of the permitted purposes specified in section 8 of the Open Meetings Act.

  A. Reconvene from closed session and vote/take action on any items discussed in closed session, as needed Vote Matthew Clark 10 m
IX. Extended Public Comment 7:34 PM
  A. Public Comment FYI Matthew Clark 3 m
X. Closing Items 7:37 PM
  A. Next Board Meeting Date FYI Matthew Clark 1 m

January 9, 2024 at 6:00pm

  B. Adjourn Meeting Vote Matthew Clark 1 m