Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School of Excellence


Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 21, 2025 at 5:30 PM


Board Of Trustees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Board Of Trustees' Monthly Meeting
Time: Jan 21, 2025 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
       Every month on the Third Tue, until Jul 15, 2025, 7 occurrence(s)
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Trustees Present

Alton Jones (remote), Denise Pagan-Vega (remote), Diana Foskett (remote), James Lightfoot (remote), Jennifer Wallace-Johnson (remote), Kiyota Garcia (remote), Teremar Rodriguez-Vazquez (remote)

Trustees Absent

Darren James, Kailey Boyd

Guests Present

Bertha Weche (remote), Donna M. Carroll (remote), Kendra Salvador (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Teremar Rodriguez-Vazquez called a meeting of the board of trustees of Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School of Excellence to order on Tuesday Jan 21, 2025 at 5:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

Denise Pagan-Vega made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting on 12-17-24.
Diana Foskett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Welcome Guests

II. Executive Director's Report to the Board


Executive Director's Report to the Board

Teremar asked about enrollment and recruitment. Kendra indicated that recruitment has started and they attended the MLK event and got 20 applications. At this time, we already have 60-70 applications. Kendra indicated they are in the middle of annual mailing - about to mail out 2,200 pieces of mail including student recruitment flyer and application in English and Spanish. also a quote sheet that will let families know that we have flyers and applications available in other languages. Last year was the first time we did mailing and we got the biggest ROI. Lottery is third week in February.


We had two net students start so that makes our enrollment back at 350.


Teremar asked about open houses - they will hold them.


Teremar also asked about acceleration academy. Kendra indicated they are started to find leaders and students to hold these sessions - these are for reading comprehension and fluency. 



Diana asked about development about the friend's board. Kendra indicated that this about collective work and we'll look into it for the next meeting. 


Questions about the gala - Kendra did not have an update. Sold a few more tickets for staff.

III. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

Kiyota indicated that they were able to meet the week before. Main takeaway is that they finally saw academic progress - students are starting to get to the level they need to. Teachers had more experience which is helping with the progress of students. Looking into how we can do some mentoring for those less experienced teachers. Also - we need individuals that have experience in elementary school.


Also - commented about spelling bee and how excited students are.


Finance Committee

Diana indicate that we met the week prior. Discussed about balance sheet - there was a small discrepancy because of the holidays and payments coming out later. Looked into it and everything is running smoothly. Finances are in good shape and on target.


We talked about the FDIC limits for the amounts in the bank 0 spoke to central source - there is a plan to diversify school funds because we are over the depositors limits. Central Source has recommendations for local banks to do this. Starting to have these discussions and continue fiscal responsibility to make sure school is protected.


We will be meeting with the bank for lunch for introductions and to stay on their radar.


Approval of Discretionary Bonuses

Diana recommends that we vote for discretionary bonuses as we have the money. 


Teremar has a question on how this will be applied - Kendra took a number of factors like longevity of school, performance, and attendance. Everybody will get something - the range is not vast. Range is $50-$200. Will not call it a holiday bonus. Total allocation is $13,800.

Diana Foskett made a motion to approve discretionary Bonuses at the discretion of the executive director.
Denise Pagan-Vega seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Governance Committee

No meeting was held


Human Resources Committee

No meeting was held.

IV. Board Chair Updates



Reminder of gala. An introduction to Kendra with Junior Achievement to start collaborating and providing services to students. 

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teremar Rodriguez-Vazquez