Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School of Excellence
Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Board Of Trustees is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Board Of Trustees' Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 15, 2024 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Third Tue, until Dec 17, 2024, 3 occurrence(s)
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Trustees Present
Alton Jones (remote), Darren James (remote), Dean Morneau (remote), Denise Pagan-Vega (remote), Diana Foskett (remote), James Lightfoot (remote), Teremar Rodriguez-Vazquez (remote)
Trustees Absent
Jennifer Wallace-Johnson, Kailey Boyd, Kiyota Garcia
Guests Present
Kendra Salvador (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Executive Director's Report to the Board
Executive Director's Report to the Board
III. Committee Updates
Academic Excellence
James shared update via power point slides regarding December Academic Excellence Committee meeting.
Finance Committee
Finance Committee meeting held as a public zoom call this month, but there was not a quorum so no votes were taken. Diana provided update on budget year to date after consulting with Megan Garnett, the school's accountant at Central Source. Budget category noted as 4% spent is in-kind income and expenses for food and transportation that will hit the books in June, so that is not a pool of money sitting there available for use. No areas of major concern currently. Darren asked about protections on our money in the bank and FDIC insurance limits at Berkshire Bank, Diana will discuss with Megan to see if we need to address this. Kendra is working to re-invest funds that were made available after a CD recently matured. Darren is open to possibly joining the Finance Committee.
Governance Committee
Teremar and Diana met and discussed board recruitment strategies. Teremar and Kendra attended a United Way board recruitment event and are hopeful to bring in new members soon. Committee members stressed importance of uploading the minutes from all committee meetings and ensuring publication of meeting agendas, and Teremar offered to help guide board members on how to do so in Board on Track.
Human Resources Committee
Human Resources Committee met in December. One employee was let go recently. Positive changes noted in student outcomes now that Kendra is ensuring that that employee's job functions are being covered.
IV. Board Chair Updates
Discuss Board Responsibilities
Teremar encouraged board members to ask questions during monthly meetings.
Attendance is up to 96%, which was the goal. Still doing rewards to incentivize students. Denise gave a shout out to Kendra for all her efforts to make students feel safe at the school. Winter Wonderland event was held with over 350 kids/family members and was a success.