Allegiance STEAM Academy


Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Date and Time

Thursday November 21, 2024 at 5:30 PM



7420 Locust Ave.

Fontana, Ca. 92336



5862 C Street

Chino, Ca. 91710


Zoom Link:



Allegiance STEAM Academy- Thrive charter school (“Allegiance STEAM Academy”), also known as ASA Thrive, is a direct-funded, independent, public charter school operated by the Allegiance STEAM Academy nonprofit public benefit corporation and governed by Allegiance STEAM Academy, Incorporated corporate Board of Directors (“Board”). The purpose of a public meeting of the Board, is to conduct the affairs of Allegiance STEAM Academy in public. We are pleased that you are in attendance and hope you will visit these meetings often. Your participation assures us of continuing community interest in our school.


1. Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting. Note that the order of business on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. For more information on this agenda, please contact Allegiance at:


2. “Request to Speak” forms are available to all audience members who wish to speak on any agenda items or under the general category of “Public Comments.”


3. “Public Comments” are set aside for members of the audience to comment. However, due to public meeting laws, the Board can only listen to your issue, not take action. The public is invited to address the Board regarding items listed on the agenda. Comments on an agenda item will be accepted during consideration of that item, or prior to consideration of the item in the case of a closed session item. Please turn in comment cards to the Board Secretary prior to the item you wish to speak on. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes.


4. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, Allegiance STEAM Academy may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Allegiance STEAM Academy

Directors Present

S. Odo, S. Thompson, T. Stevens

Directors Absent

M. Jones, S. Bhojani

Guests Present

C. Moreno, C. Valenta, E. Lee, J. Williams, K. Holt, S. Cognetta, S. Lopez (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Stevens called a meeting of the board of directors of Allegiance STEAM Academy to order on Thursday Nov 21, 2024 at 5:35 PM.


Record Attendance


Pledge of Allegiance


Student Celebrations

ASA Fontana


Students sing ASA fight song. 


Student Leadership updates: Ale Ramos & Alex Ramos share Leadership updates.

Leadership Welcome New Students Tours; Made Recycling Bins for the office and classrooms out of cardboard boxes; Planted Marigold’s with students encouraging positivity; Patriots' Day -Students made Flyers and posted them around campus to show remembrance; Unity Day - students wrote a few kind words that at the end of the day were going to be linked together to create one big ASA Kindness Chain; Literature Day - team leads our Literature Parade; All these many more activities. 



Principal Reports

ASA Chino 

  • Navigating the Digital World -Suggestion from our School Site Council. Parent education event. Panel discussion - We partnered with several members of the community. Great information was shared by families. We hope to continue these and encourage stronger parent turnout.
  • PACK “Thank you” -Thank you to our PACK for all their hard work and support of our students & community. Corey the Dribbler. Amazing job at the Fall Festival.
  • High School Information Night -16 local high schools came to share information with our middle school families
  • Veterans Day Assemblies -Incredible opportunities to not only honor veterans, but for our students to hear about the experiences of those that served. Tied to service learning. Classes wrote letters and made cards, etc to be mailed out.
  • Literature Day -Always great to see our students participating and welcoming families on campus. Currently, reading posters on classroom doors or by desks to celebrate a culture of reading. 
  • November 1st - Non-Student Professional Learning. Opportunity to work with our Fontana counterparts. Focused on PBL and Trimester 2 projects. Marked the end of our ELA and Math cycles. Sequoia lunch with staff.
  • Trimester Awards -Spent the last 2 days recognizing students for their Tri 1 achievements.  Enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate with families our student’s accomplishments 

ASA Fontana

  • Welcome and Acknowledgment -Welcome attendees to the meeting. Highlight the accomplishments of the Student Leadership Team. Thanked to Miss Azucena for her leadership and support. 
  • Trimester 1 Awards -Recap of today’s Trimester 1 Awards ceremony. Recognition of students’ hard work and achievements. Acknowledgment of reviewing every student’s report card. Celebration with students and their families. Shoutout to Mr. D for leading exceptional performances.
  • Professional Learning Network (PLN)
  • NOV 1 Great collaboration with Chino - Start of Cycle 2 with teacher collaboration. Mrs. Lopez supporting ELA for Grades 4-8. Dr. Moreno focusing on math for TK-3. Collaboration with both leads to support learning. Principal-led math group last week during Dr. Moreno's convention attendance. Focus on implementing new curriculum with emphasis on productive struggle.
  • Veterans Day  -a great assembly
  • Upcoming Events -Planning for the Christmas Parade on December 14. Secured a flatbed for the parade float.
  • Closing Remarks -Thanked the Board and attendees for their continued support. Recognizing Ms Sarah Kredel that had to resign due to a Personal Family Emergency and appreciate the impact she made during the short time with us.  




PACK Reports


Super active and busy season! Fall Festival, Catalog Fund-raising wrapped up, upcoming Holiday Boutique. 


ASA Fontana PACK

ASA Festival in March, Restaurant nights, Acts of Kindness in February, working on Spirit wear.  


CEO Report

CEO Report

  • Shout out: Mrs. Lazo - tonight is her doctoral dissertation defense. Students during our assembly. Mr. Delfosse teaching the Champions Creed.
  • Enrollment: Chino: 958; 2 offers. Fontana: 262; 3 offers out; 5 processing. Steady growth with 958 in Chino and 261 in Fontana. Open Enrollment for the 25-26 school year is under way.
  • Partnerships: Varsity Tutors; FUSD- Facilities; Navigating the Digital World - attending by families across both our schools; PACK: Festival, Spirit wear sales, family community nights; Dec 9, 2024 Fiscal Training for PACK; ASA Town halls held in October at both sites; After School Education and Safety Program Grant (ASES) application window 
  • Staffing and Culture: Attuned Spark Survey - Staff survey administered at end of November; Attuned compiles and shares data - under review now and will be made public in Dec.  Students survey was administered in the same time frame.  Award assemblies were held today across both school sites. Open positions in counseling (Fontana) and special education (Chino). Recruitment efforts are underway.
  • Fontana Loan update (October as of September financials are included in packet) As of end of October, no more borrowing from Chino.
  • Focus Areas: Academic Program Updates - Deeper Learning: 6 week PLN; Dashboard and CAASPP in December; STEAM Initiatives: Collaborative PBL planning with integration of community experts and veterans' assembly initiatives.  Collaboration Day: Teachers and enrichment staff aligned trimester projects with grade-level curricula on Nov 1 
  • Administrative and Managerial Capacity: Streamlined IEP meeting structures and introduced online training for paraprofessionals and behavior interventionists. Progress in implementing Medi-Cal and behavioral health systems as part of CYBHI grant.
  • Community Engagement and Outreach: Events included Veterans Day Assemblies and Literature Day. Enrollment outreach through parades, markets, digital ads, and mailers. Student surveys reveal high levels of safety and teacher support but opportunities for increased engagement.
  • Success Stories: ASA student Girl Scouts donated 1,000 books to establish a library in Kenya.
  • Goals for December: Maintain Fontana enrollment at 260 and Chino at 955. Provide fiscal training for PACK boards at both school sites; Increase open enrollment submissions to 100 for Fontana and 300 for Chino by the end of November.

II. Public Announcement for Reason for Closed Session


Public Comments On Closed Session Items



Closed Session For Discussion / Possible Action

Closed Session For Discussion at 6:13pm

III. Open Session


Report from Closed Session

Report from Closed Session at 8:30pm


Nothing to report from closed session.


Public Comments - Items Not On the Agenda

Moved Item III B - prior to the closed session.


Kellie Cameron - Following up regarding email encouraging Board Meeting participation. Suggesting possible changes to the Board Meeting outline to include closed session, when needed, either before or at the end of the Board Meeting agendas. 


Sarah Verret - ASA Fontana parent mentions concerns, about the Boys & Girls Club program. Concerns regarding staffing, calendar changes, program availability, and specific behavior concerns/ events. Requests for a possible investigation into these concerns. 

IV. Items Scheduled for Consent


Approve Minutes

S. Odo made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on 10-14-24.
S. Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Bhojani
M. Jones
S. Odo
S. Thompson
T. Stevens


Approve Check Registrar

S. Odo made a motion to Approve Check Registrar.
T. Stevens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Bhojani
M. Jones
T. Stevens
S. Odo
S. Thompson

V. Items Scheduled for Discussion or Action


Williams First Quarterly Report for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year

S. Thompson made a motion to Williams First Quarterly Report for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.
T. Stevens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Thompson
M. Jones
T. Stevens
S. Odo
S. Bhojani

VI. Finance


FY24 Budget - ASA Chino

S. Odo made a motion to FY24 Budget - ASA Chino.
T. Stevens seconded the motion.

The Board requests for the Inta-Organizational Loan information to be reflected in the monthly budget reports. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Bhojani
M. Jones
S. Thompson
S. Odo
T. Stevens


FY24 Budget - ASA Fontana

S. Thompson made a motion to FY24 Budget - ASA Fontana.
T. Stevens seconded the motion.

The Board requests for the Inta-Organizational Loan information to be reflected in the monthly budget reports.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Stevens
S. Bhojani
S. Odo
S. Thompson
M. Jones

VII. Governance


Governance - Proposed Revised Anti-Bullying Policy

S. Odo made a motion to pass revised Anti-Bullying Policy.
S. Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Stevens
S. Bhojani
M. Jones
S. Thompson
S. Odo


Governance - Proposed Revised Field Trip Policy

T. Stevens made a motion to pass revised Field Trip Policy.
S. Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Bhojani
S. Thompson
M. Jones
T. Stevens
S. Odo

VIII. Other Business


Other Business - Board Meeting Times

The Board addresses the Board Meeting start time to continue to be scheduled at 5:30 pm for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year with Board Meeting Agenda Outline Structure changes to include: 


Moving Closed Session to start at 5:30 with an approximate end time of 6:30 pm, when applicable. (Closed Session end time is an approximate time) 


  • When the Board Agenda is made public, it will indicate if a Closed Session has been scheduled. Otherwise, the default start time of 5:30 pm with regular Open Session.
  • On Board Agendas with Closed Session to be mindful of scheduling Student Celebrations, when appropriate that would take place after 6:30 pm. 
  • Additionally, the Board Agenda will be modified on agendas including Closed Session to include a combined report from the CEO. This report will incorporate both the Principal and PACK reports from the school sites.


IX. Communications


Communications - Comments from the CEO

Comments from the CEO

We are excited about celebrating the upcoming holidays with both schools participating in their respective city parades. We remain committed to pressing forward, putting in the work, gaining momentum, and focusing on achieving our identified goals. We extend our sincere gratitude to the ASA Board, ASA staff, and all the families for their continued support of Allegiance STEAM Academy! 



Communications - Comments from the Board of Directors

S. Thompson - Loved seeing the students singing the ASA Fight song! Enjoyed the Fall Festival! Was able to participate in 2 of the several award shows this week. Appreciate all the hard work across the ASA organization! 


S. Odo - Congratulations Mrs. Lazo! Calling out what wonderful job our PACK(S) are doing. Awesome job with the Fall Festival! Great turn out. Love seeing students who have promoted, come back to show support and attend ASA events. Love hearing about community engagement and partnerships being fostered. Continue to keep up the great work of ASA staff and students!


T. Stevens - Great job with the students learning the fight song. He's going to learn the fight song! Thanks to all the staff for all the hard work. Loved hearing the positive feedback from and at both school sites. The principals and assistant principals are doing an amazing job! Building great partnerships! The Fall Festival was wonderful! Encourage our Chino families to come support and join the Fontana Festival in March. Great job PACK! Great job volunteers, including the student volunteers. It's not always easy dealing with authorizers. With that being said, we are extremely thankful to both our authorizers! We are thankful for how they work with us and support our goals. It's a partnership. Challenge staff and families to continue to go into their communities and share information about ASA. Share and continue to celebrate our successes. Talk to people about everything happening at Allegiance. 

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

S. Thompson made a motion to Adjourn Meeting.
S. Odo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Odo
T. Stevens
S. Thompson
S. Bhojani
M. Jones
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Lee