Wesley International Academy
February Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 4, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Media Center
Directors Present
A. Hunter, A. Sumter, D. Hrabe, E. Cater, J. Ziemann, K. Boyer, K. Jones, O. Okwara (remote), R. Moorman, S. Williams
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall
Guests Present
B. Little, C. Hudson, C. Wyatt, Christina Prude, D. Johnson, Hunter Haymore, L. Price (remote), Morgan Felts, R. Edwards, R. Goodman, R. Pavone, Ryan Johnson (remote), S Rivers, S. Smith, S. Spann, Y. Kemp
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Community Comments
II. Board Chair Announcements
Plan for Remainder of the Year
III. Executive Director
Ed speaks of new year off to a good start.
Introduces Morgan Felts, Consultant with Cobalt.
Strategic Plan Update
Strategic Plan Presentation:
Morgan Felts, who has been with State Charter for 15 years, discussed the Strategic Plan for Wesley . She introduced the VMOSA framework, emphasizing a refreshed vision and mission, and delved into the data plan. The team plans to develop a strategy for data collection and establish strategic plan.
Staff Intent to Return
Currently, 98% of staff intend to return. While this figure may fluctuate, the goal is to maintain a retention rate of at least 95%.
Overview of School Happenings
Agenda Items from Principal:
- National School Counselor Week
- CCRPI (College and Career Ready Performance Index) Updates
PYP Updates:
CCRPI data from 2022-2023/2023-2024 indicates:
- Increased mastery
- Increased progress
- Decrease in readiness
- The "Closing the Gap" score is not accurate; the school out performed both district and state averages.
MYP Updates:
Increase observed in all components.
Decrease in the "Closing the Gap "score.
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
The SIP aims to enhance academic achievement and address pertinent issues. The team comprises of teachers, administrators, and instructional coaches.
SIP goals focus on:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Whole child development
- Signature programs
Upcoming Events:
- Black History Month: February 25 and 26 night performances
- Parent -Teacher Conferences
- STEM Night
- Professional Development Day
- Women's History Month
Future Leadership Updates:
- Leadership will continue to provide board with updates moving forward.
IV. Governance
School Calendar
The last day of school is after Memorial Day.
Employee Contracts
Same contract as in the past yearsÂ
Update on Goals
Board Recruitment -
- Reinstate board Vice Chair position for committees along with a chair and staff member (liaison).
- K. Boyer will reach out to Lead Atlanta.
- E. Cater and D. Hrabe will head mentor program for new board members.
- J. Ziemann and K. Jones will review Board bylaws.
Review Sample Consent Agenda
Sample Consent Agenda is attached.
- The consent agenda format holds voting until end of each board meeting.
- The board can always have a discussion on items before a vote.
- Minutes and the Agenda will be last, not first on the Consent Agenda.
V. Academic Excellance
Academic Updates
MAP Winter Assessments:
Administered three times a year to track student progress.
Reading Performance
- Each grade level showed a decrease in flagged students, with many moving into the improvement category.
- Proficiency: 34% in ELA, a notable increase from last year.
Math Performance:
- Proficiency: 27%, reflection growth from the previous year.
- Focus remains on monitoring student progress through each unit and providing targeted support.
- Strategies implemented are expected to positively impact Milestones performance.
Next Steps for Growth
- Maintain consistency in instructional strategies.
- Strengthen small group interventions.
- Implement a detailed system for weekly progress monitoring.
VI. Finance
Mid-Year Budget Revisions
Budget Revisions Overview:
- The mid-year budget revisions, attached to the agenda, allow for adjustments to the projected budget, either by adding or reducing allocation as necessary.
Function codes
- Function codes provide a detailed breakdown of where expenses are allocated within the budget.
Variables Impacting 2024 Revenue
- Increase in QBE Funding: The Quality Basic Education (QBE) funding, particularly from the state health plan, helping to offset rising healthcare costs.
- Private Funding: As a private institution, we receive funding that, while benefical, does not cover all expenses.
Additional Funding:
- 500 k for FTE, in funding has been secured. The last stipend from the state was received last year of 60k.
FTE Forecast
- Initial Projection: The Full-time Equivalent (FTE) student count was initially forecasted at 746.
- Actual Count: The actual FTE count reached 773, resulting in an additional 500 k in revenue.
Unrestricted Cash Policy
- Working Capital: Our policy mandates maintaining 45 days of working capital.
- Positive Outcome: Due to favorable actual numbers from last year, we did not need to transfer $200,000 from operating cash.
Revenue Details
- Based on FTE of 773: The majority of revenue is allocated to employee compensation.
- $600,00 Increase:
- Each employee received a $2500 stipend on August 15. Additionally, $2000 is allocated for mid-year stipends.
New Capital Budget Items:
- Gym Speaker System
- Media Center Shelving
- Capital Expenses Increase: These additions result in a $64,000 increase in capital expenses
Budget Discussion:
- New Facility Grant: A new grant of $100,00 has been secured for facillity improvements.
- Expenses: Compensation expenses have increased b $690,000, accounting for stipends, Teachers Retirement System (TRS) contributions, healthcare, and FICA taxes.
- Revenue vs. Expenses: Revenue has increased by $702,000, while expenses have risen by $642,000.
Board goals to work on:
Special Board Meeting: Lottery
Lottery Details:
Lottery Consultant:
Special Board Meeting Date:
Finalized date: February 25 at 6:00PM via Zoom.
Board Training Requirements: