Wesley International Academy
October Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 6, 2020 at 6:00 PM
Topic: WIA Board Meeting
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Directors Present
A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell (remote), C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), F. Carroll (remote), J. Hansen (remote), J. Wright (remote), K. Delp (remote), M. Guertin (remote), M. Rogers (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote), T. Tidwell (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
A. Hunter
Guests Present
A. Pullen (remote), Alicia Gates (remote), Ashley Keller (remote), Bethany Fuller (remote), Brandy Morrison (remote), Brian Hooker (remote), Clay Elrod (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), David Mitchem (remote), Daynna Bankston (remote), Debbie (remote), Donald Mason (remote), Donica Johnson (remote), Ebony Smith (remote), Emma Peterson (remote), Jatoyia Armour (remote), Jennifer Tomasino (remote), Jerry Williams (remote), Kamilah Konrad (remote), Kate Boyer (remote), Kristen Prude (remote), Krystal Jordan (remote), Kya Williams (remote), L. Price (remote), Latrice Sturghill (remote), Leticia Mitchell (remote), Lynnete Hill (remote), Melanie Velez (remote), Nicole Lee (remote), Nikia Marshall (remote), Richard Pavone (remote), S. Quezada (remote), Samantha Spann (remote), Sarah Quezada (remote), Saskia Benjamin (remote), Saskia Benjamin (remote), Shana Pennywell (remote), Shani Seaton (remote), Shereen Pierce (remote), Shonda Maddison (remote), Sonya Lowe (remote), Teri Swain (remote), Tracy Trammell (remote), Ugonna Love (remote), Valencia Sanders (remote), Virginia Cainion (remote), Yachica Douglas (remote), Yasmeen Aaron (remote), Yasmeen Aaron (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Agenda Adoption
Approve September Board Meeting Minutes
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
III. Executive Director Updates
General Update
Apply APS Charter Agreement 2020
Last year WIA along with several of the other charters here in Atlanta became part of the 83 APS charter program that allows to take a more direct approach into engaging students. The lottery application is a lot smoother now.
The lottery is an event that occurs in March but in addition to the lottery we do have just a typical enrollment that takes place throughout the year and so being a part of this pilot has really helped us be more efficient but it also increased collaborative efforts between Wesley and other participating charter schools.
We've had a lot of positive feedback from others and through our participation also we have access to a lot more data than we had before. The process was pretty labor intensive and now with the special platform that we're using we have access to a lot more data for our school which is the click of a button so it really was very good prospects for us this year we're looking forward to using it again this year.
Board Comments:
Recommend that the information is available to the board ahead of time to allow for a thoughtful recommendation about the weighted lottery.
Reopening Options
We continue to be proud of our teaching staff. That said we have a unique task in front of us in terms of putting a plan together, passing through options for bringing our wonderful students back to school. There are no good answers for something like this. There isn't a fail safe option and there isn't a perfect plan.
What we are presenting tonight is a proposed options for bringing our your people back to school. We read the APS plan, and talked to other charter schools about their plan. We've heard about the goings on at other schools in and around the Metro area and school districts and we tried to wait as long as we could to bring something to the community because we wanted to make sure that we were able to take into account all of the successes and all of the struggles that are going on around us. I'm sure that as we enter 211 Memorial Drive, we will struggle through some of those things, and hopefully the pain wont be as great because we learn from those lessons.
We know that virtual learning is most difficult on our younger students that does not mean it's not challenging in middle school but for the younger student typically the more difficult virtual learning can be to try to focus to ensure that all students have equitable learning and that their needs are met.
We've also focused on the staff comfortability and safety. It is paramount that our staff members feel comfortable and safe as part of our reentry plan.
We are offering parent choice in our proposed instructional models. Parents who wish to stay in a virtual learning environment will have the opportunity to do so. However, please note that teacher assignments may change based on staff availability.
All Wesley families will be asked to submit a declaration of intent to return.
Survey is scheduled to go out October 12
Summary of the proposed A/B Week Hybrid model:
(please review the full document located at https://app2.boardontrack.com/org/5YrtSZ/document/list)
(A): instruction in person, Monday - Thursday
(B): independent practice; work assigned by the teacher, aligned with student's needs with live check ins at the end of the day, Monday - Thursday
Option A:
Grades: K-1:
Staff Return Date: 11/2
Student Return Date: 11/16
Grades: 2-3:
Staff Return Date: 11/30
Student Return Date: 12/14
Grades: 4 -5 :
Staff Return Date: 1/4
Student Return Date: 1/19
Grades: 6-8:
Staff Return Date: 1/19
Student Return Date: Pod Options begin 2/1
Option B:
Grades: K-1:
Staff Return Date: 11/2
Student Return Date: 1/4
Grades: 2-3:
Staff Return Date: 11/16
Student Return Date: 1/19
Grades: 4 -5 :
Staff Return Date: 11/30
Student Return Date: 2/1
Grades: 6-8:
Staff Return Date: 12/14
Student Return Date: Pod Options begin 2/22
Option C:
Grades: K-1:
Staff Return Date: 11/2
Student Return Date: 11/16
Grades: 6-8:
Staff Return Date: 11/16
Student Return Date: Pod Options begin 12/7
Grades: 2-3 :
Staff Return Date: 11/30
Student Return Date: 12/14
Grades: 4-5:
Staff Return Date: 1/4
Student Return Date: 1/19
Option D:
Grades: K-1:
Staff Return Date: 11/2
Student Return Date: 11/16
Grades: 6:
Staff Return Date: 11/9
Student Return Date: 11/16
Grades: 2,3,7:
Staff Return Date: 11/30
Student Return Date: 12/14
Grades: 4,5,8
Staff Return Date: 1/4
Student Return Date: 1/19
Virtual learning, at the school under the supervision of Wesley staff member
Please review the full proposal including:
- safety protocol
- school closing protocol
- contact tracing protocol
- facilities and cleaning protocol
- communication
Proposed Reopening Plan Link: https://app2.boardontrack.com/org/5YrtSZ/document/list
Roll Call | |
C. Hill |
T. Tidwell |
A. Hunter |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
M. Guertin |
K. Delp |
F. Carroll |
J. Hansen |
D. Hrabe |
E. Cater |
B. Mitchell |
M. Rogers |
J. Wright |
Roll Call | |
A. Hunter |
J. Hansen |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
D. Hrabe |
C. Hill |
F. Carroll |
K. Delp |
E. Cater |
M. Rogers |
B. Mitchell |
Roll Call | |
J. Hansen |
T. Tidwell |
B. Mitchell |
M. Rogers |
J. Wright |
M. Guertin |
E. Cater |
K. Delp |
F. Carroll |
A. Hunter |
D. Hrabe |
C. Hill |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
IV. Board Chair Updates
Fall Session of Full Board Training
November Board Meeting
V. Board Committee Reports
Finance Committee
Academic Excellence Committee
Governance Committee
Development Committee
VI. Executive Session
Staffing Matters
Charles Jordan, IT Specialist
Concern around the returning back to in person learning, scheduling, safety, especially social distancing in lower grade level.