Wesley International Academy


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 4:45 PM


Wesley Conference Room

Committee Members Present

A. Pullen, D. Johnson, D. Mason, D. Satterfield, J. Hansen, J. Marshall, J. Wright

Committee Members Absent


Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

J. Wright

Guests Present

B. Mitchell, D. Hrabe, Meagan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Hansen called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Oct 15, 2019 at 4:44 PM.


Approve Meeting Minutes

D. Hrabe made a motion to approve minutes from the Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 09-17-19 Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 09-17-19.
D. Mason seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously did not carry.

II. Academic Excellence


Student Summary

Individual Student Data  - Sample of what data we pull from and what happens as a result of the data
Data we have in IC - Lexile, testing over time, Milestones, attendance 

data sets and behavior can go hand in hand - particular students get discussed in this way 
MAP data is also used to gauge how students are progressing throughout the year - gives an indication on how the student might score on multiple exams, including SAT and ACT - gives multiple dates and charts the expected performance on Milestones - 
Conferences with parents involve multiple data points and not just one test - 
Data spreadsheets - teachers put their data into the spreadsheet so that teachers can look at the trajectory - Benchmarks are done the same way 
Students have data conferences - students can understand what they need to do to learn the material - 
Coaches then provide feedback and meet with administration to create strategies to accelerate and remediation - also creates professional learning for teachers  - conversations about individual students (holistic approach). 


MAP Data Presentation

J. Wright arrived.
B. Mitchell arrived.
MAP DATA - current 6th graders but it reflects what happened in 5th grade 
slide 1 - achievement and growth summary  3rd grade has more low achievement and high growth - 3rd is the first time that students have to read the test themselves for the first time so it looks different to the students 4th has a much more even split; 5th more high achievement spread out across the parameters; 6th grade - some large numbers in low achievement low growth - 2 teachers in the classroom right now so that teachers are differentiating; 7th more even spread in achievement - the material is more challenging (but teachers are not offering more challenging work to accelerate - trying to change the culture to include gifted certified teachers (but teachers won't take the class); 8th grade - significant lack of growth - most are low achievement/high growth

Reading - higher growth in the 1st and 2nd grade but 3rd grade sees a fall in the number of students doing well (math and reading correlate) 4th - things separate into low achievement/high growth and high achievement/high growth; 5th grade is even across the board; 6th grade - mirrors the performance of the same students on the Milestone; 7th - high performing students last year and it reflects in the 7th grade numbers; 8th - increase in low achievement and high growth


Discipline Data

21 incidences - 4 female the rest are male and 100% are African American 
administration is doing everything they can before suspension is given - a large number are new to Wesley and MYP;  they are coming from alternative schools; enrollment is larger in MYP; so what do we do when we get here? there is a new comers support group but counselors are seeing an uptick in mental health issues with MYP; counselors are coming in to help these issues as well; responding to the new needs that students seem to need and added a new counselor and they have assessed each child to gauge needs for current and new students alike; 6th grade intern also works to accelerate students; looking at counseling referrals and numbers of write ups to try to assess what the problem really is with the student
beginning a mentoring program - teachers are putting it together 
number of suspensions may not reflect the number of students (one student may have multiple suspensions)

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Wright made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
B. Mitchell seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Hansen