Wesley International Academy

December 2018 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 4, 2018 at 6:00 PM EST


WIA Media Center
The December 2018 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center.  We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Agenda Adoption
  • Opportunity to make any necessary amendments or modifications to the meeting agenda
  D. Approve Minutes
Approve Minutes from November 2018 regularly scheduled meeting
    Approve minutes for November 2018 Board Meeting on November 6, 2018
II. Executive Director Updates
  A. Review Benchmark Data
  B. Review Discipline Data
III. Public Comments
  A. Public Comments
Public comments are encouraged and must remain in accordance with WIA policies and procedures.  The board allows any stakeholder an open forum to state their comments during any regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Board of Directors.
• Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person.
• This is not a question and answer session, but rather an opportunity for stakeholders to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner.
• Those wishing to comment to should sign up in advance of the meeting via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1F-1HHyOAtNISLHxyfyZ9e_a3DPZZBCX7bubkbqZ9nlY/viewform.  Please note, online sign up will close fifteen minutes before the start of the meeting.  Those wishing to speak that have not signed up online in advance of the meeting may sign up in person prior to the beginning of the board meeting.
• In the interest of time, all policies and procedures, specifically time limits, will be strictly enforced.
IV. Board Chair Updates
  A. Housekeeping Matters
Board Calendar
  • Wesley School Tour: Completed 
  • Holiday Event
  • China Week
    • China Night: Feb 1
    • China Week: Feb 1 - 9
    • Night of the Phoenix: Feb 9
  • Spring Training Confirmed: March 13, 2019, 4:30p - 8:30p
  B. Dashboard for Approval
  • Meant to be a living document
  C. Recent Georgia Department of Law/AG's Office interpretations of the Opens Meeting Act

Ensure all board members are on the same page and we are operating within the recommended guidelines.

V. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Committee Report
VI. Development
  A. Committee Report
  • Recruiting China Week Sponsors
  • Annual Board Giving
VII. Finance
  A. Committee Report

VIII. Governance
  A. Committee Report
  B. Board recruitment
Request for potential candidates from the Board
Recruitment timeline
>  Now through end of year - identify and contact potential candidates; review your networks for potential candidates
>  Jan. - April - set up interview committee, schedule interviews; try to get candidates to tour school, attend at least 1 board and committee meeting
> May Board meeting - meet and greet
> June Board meeting - vote on slate
  C. Lottery update
Dana Roberts continues to make efforts to reach out to the community, including Capital Gateway and Trestletree communities and attending NPU meetings. She is also working on an informational flyer to handout.
Administration is looking at the cost of providing limited transportation via 15-person bus
Governance is working with Admin to encourage community members to attend Wesley tours on Dec. 6 and Jan. 17, which may include limited transportation on those 2 days. 
  D. Document retention policy - First Read
  E. Weighted Lottery Ratio

Vote on weighted lottery ratio to be used in SY19-20 enrollment lottery.

IX. Other Business
X. Executive Session
  A. Convene Executive Session
  • Personnel matters
    • Jason to present current draft of revised organizational chart
    • Approve recently issued contract for school nurse
    • Requirements for HR manager and desired certification
    • Overall staff training around diversity and inclusion
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting