Wesley International Academy

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 7, 2018 at 4:15 PM EDT


314 Kelly St., SE, Atlanta, GA


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve May Minutes
    Minutes for Governance Committee Meeting on May 3, 2018
  D. Approve April Minutes
    Minutes for Governance Committee Meeting on April 10, 2018
II. Governance
  A. Policy Roundup Taskforce Update
  • Taskforce
    • Additional policies to be considered (e.g., cell phones, staff children attendance, etc.)
  • ByLaws Update - Tom/Mazie Lynn
    • Pending Action Items: 
      • Review relevant sections with Chip & Lisa - Tom - complete
      • Compare ED section to ED job description & contract - Mazie Lynn - complete
      • Compare Director Agreement document to revised Bylaws - Tom
      • Compare Officer job descriptions to revised Bylaws - Mazie Lynn - complete
    • Anticipated Timeline: delayedNeed to finalize first reader version and establish timeline for for presentation to Board
  • Document Retention Policy - Thomas
    • Pending Action Items: 
      • Review relevant details with administration
      • Craft related Disaster Recovery Policy
    • Anticipated Timeline: delayedNeed to finalize first reader version and establish timeline for for presentation to Board
  B. Charter Renewal Update
  • Status of physical contract
  • Status of APS contract addendum regarding annual per pupil funding
  C. New Board Member On-Boarding
  • Update on status of on-boarding
  • Fall 2018 action items for 2019 recruitment
  D. Draft Potential 2018-19 Committee and Board Meeting Schedule
  • Follow up to conversation at regular board meeting on May 15, 2018
  E. Establish Training Schedule for BOT-Related Training
  • Short-term: OKRs Training
  • Long-term: annual overview training to include new members
  F. Committee Goals for 2017-18 - Accountability Check-In
  • Policy Roundup Taskforce
    • Board Policies, including  need for document retention policy (Tom and Jan)
    • Parent and Staff Handbooks (Mazie Lynn and Jan)
    • Board ByLaws Update (Mazie Lynn and Tom)
  • Board Recruitment & On-Boarding Plan (Tom and Mazie Lynn)
  • Follow up on creation of measurable goals for the entire Board
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting