Wesley International Academy

March Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 20, 2018 at 6:00 PM EDT


WIA Media Center
The March meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday March 20, 2017 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center.  We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Approve Minutes from February regularly scheduled meeting
    Minutes for February Board Meeting on February 20, 2018
  D. Approve "Emergency Board Meeting" minutes from March 6, 2018
    Minutes for Emergency Board Meeting on March 6, 2018
II. Executive Director Updates
  A. Monthly Report

Instructional Leadership-Data presentation
HR Management-Contracts
Community relations-Development Dinners

  B. Charter Renewal Update with GaDOE
  • Clarification submitted as requested on March 7, 2018
  • Anticipate recommendation for the March GaDOE Board Meetings (March 21-22, 2018) - please plan to attend those meetings, if possible
    • As of agenda drafting, GaDOE March Agenda and Meeting Schedule is not yet available online
  • Draft charter contract being vetted and negotiated on our behalf by one of our attorneys, Chris Adams
    • Weighted lottery
    • Annual financial income
  C. MYP Updates

Overall average on each benchmark for each subject area (Math, SS, Science, ELA).

Growth by grade level for each subject area.

SPED performance data for ELA/Math

  D. PYP Updates
Overall average on each benchmark for each subject area (Math, SS, Science, ELA).

Growth by grade level for each subject area.

SPED performance data for ELA/Math
  E. Public Comments
Public comments are encouraged and must remain in accordance with WIA policies and procedures.  The board allows any stakeholder an open forum to state their comments during any regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Board of Directors.
• Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person.
• This is not a question and answer session, but rather an opportunity for stakeholders to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner.
• Those wishing to comment to should sign up in advance of the meeting via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1F-1HHyOAtNISLHxyfyZ9e_a3DPZZBCX7bubkbqZ9nlY/viewform.  Please note, online sign up will close fifteen minutes before the start of the meeting.  Those wishing to speak that have not signed up online in advance of the meeting may sign up in person prior to the beginning of the board meeting.
• In the interest of time, all policies and procedures, specifically time limits, will be strictly enforced.
III. Board Chair Updates
  A. Dashboard Creation
  • Mazie Lynn asking to deferred until May 2018 in light of demands of charter renewal, ByLaws updates and pending child birth
    • Introduce dashboard concept for Board meetings and solicit ideas for what to include.
    • Original aim to begin March 2018
  • If you have suggestions for what to include, please email them to Mazie Lynn
  B. Board Donations due by May 1st
IV. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence
  A. Committee Report
V. Development
  A. Committee Report
VI. Finance
  A. Committee Report
  B. 2018 Amended Budget

Includes time for public comment on the proposed budget amendment for 2018 as the Board Meeting is also serving as the 2nd public hearing on the topic.

VII. Governance
  A. Board Recruitment Update
Recruitment Needs for 2018:
  • Beth Gay's final term expires June 30, 2018 (skills: HR, projects, facilities)
  • Elisa Buckner not returning for term that expires June 30, 2020 (skills: education, academic counseling)
  • Terms to be filled to balance the classes
    • 1y term for 2018-19
    • 2y term for 2018-2020
Interview Panel: 
  • Katie Delp
  • Tom Tidwell
  • Jan Hansen
  • Ewa Carter
  • Kate Boyer
Interview Dates/Times Being Established - Tom Tidwell Coordinating (all Board members welcome to attend any interview)
  • One interview completed March 20, 2018
  • Two additional interviews pending
  B. Board Training
  • 1hr BOT Training - Overview and OKRs - will be held in conjunction with our July 2018 Board meeting
  • Time: either from 5-6p or 6-7p depending on the volume of matters to discuss at the regular meeting
  C. Policy and Handbook Update
  • Effort is on-going with great input from the Administrative faculty
  • Anticipate offering a First Reader version to the Board in April
    • ByLaws
    • Student & Family Handbook
    • Faculty Handbook
    • Retention Policy will likely take longer (Thomas can update on this particular policy)
  D. Board on Track
• Review video training available and how to obtain GCSA credit for training
• CEO Evaluation - to be reviewed by Executive Committee and discussed at next board meeting. This is different than LKES evaluation required by the State.
• BOT Insights: What we can learn about our board
• Unapproved Committee Minutes in BOT - Please approve prior to next full board meeting
VIII. Other Business
  A. PTSA Board Meeting
February meeting held on February 6th; attended by Darryl Holloman.

March meeting held on March 6th; attended by Nicole Jones.

April meeting to be held April 10th and will be attended by Elisa Buckner
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting