Excelsior Village Academies
Excelsior Village Academies' November Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 875 461 2347
Passcode: EVA24
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The Excelsior Village Academies' Board of Directors will meet virtually. Please see meeting details below to join.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 461 2347
Passcode: EVA24
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,8754612347#,,,,*218913# US
+13092053325,,8754612347#,,,,*218913# US
Directors Present
D. Paige (remote), K. Rutherford (remote), N. Brinson, W. Smith (remote)
Directors Absent
I. Nelson-Graham, K. Lee, R. Hutchins
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Flowers (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
M. Flowers (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Could not vote without quorum
Record Attendance
II. Updates
Pre-Opening Checklist
- We will be reviewing at each meeting
- Well ahead with to-dos, all have been updated to SCSC portal
- Feedback to our policies is possible
- We are current on all of our to-dos
- VMF form still in process
- Enrollment updates will be shared monthly for the previous month (Can be more frequent if needed)
- Each grade level has a cut-off with birth year
- Each line shows how many applicants we have so far and how many we need
- We started Mid-October
- Enrollment page has been approved for website and social media
Board on Track Profiles (Website)
- Board needs to update Bios on Board on Track
- Upload a professional picture until we are able to take uniform pictures
Governance Training Share-out
- Attended by Michelle Flowers, Nisah Brinson, and Afi Holmes
- Shared a lot about importance of charter contract and how that relates to the board
- Reminder that there are 2 more sessions available
III. Board Meetings
Open Meetings Act
- Open Meetings Act - As a charter school we have to abide by this
- We have to move to in-person meetings starting in January
- We need to start thinking about places and also possibly new day and time
In-Person Meetings
- In person board meetings will start in January
Next Steps
IV. Charter Contract
Purpose and Importance
- Can be found on the SCSC Website
- We are now listed as an approved charter
- Shows everything we are accountable for
V. Community Engagement Task Force
Phone Banking Next Steps
- Document shared - Accountability for phone banking
- We need to improve in phone banking to meet our enrollment goal
- Helps to hold ourselves accountable
- Document lives in Community engagement folder
Upcoming Events
- Task Force meetings are on Thursdays
- Task Force includes Myela, Isis, Michelle, Kristal (Lead)
VI. Dates to add to Calendar
Upcoming Board Governance Training
In-person training
- Feb 6th - Tuesday (Athens)
- April 17th - Wednesday (Atlanta)
GCSA Finance Training
Nov 27th and Nov 29th - William and Michelle Attending
NSVF Training in Nashville
- Afi Holmes and Nisah Brinson attending
- Nov 15th -17th
Could not vote without quorum