KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools


KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM


Catto at 4601 Market

A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with Board Chair Samantha Wilson-Jones presiding.

Trustees Present

A. Aerts, A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings, H. Richman, S. Wilson Jones, T. Algarin (remote)

Trustees Absent

C. Johnson, D. Reuter, G. Lewis

Guests Present

A. Sinha (remote), C. Benson, E. Otuije (remote), I. Gasiorowski, J. Cunningham Akoto, J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker, M. Carter (remote), M. Eigen, M. Poorman, N. Wiltshire

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Wilson Jones called a meeting of the board of trustees of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Feb 15, 2023 at 4:06 PM.




J. Cunningham updated the Board on the 


Student Focus - was on a group of High School Students.




H. Richman made a motion to Approve the consent agenda.
A. Aerts seconded the motion.

H. Richman had questions on some items on the consent agenda. Pending further clarification needed, the Board decided to hold on with the vote.

In the course of the meeting the clarification was provided and the vote moved on.


Educational Services Agreement (H.W.)  (02799050xAED82)_Redacted.pdf APPROVED

Trust_Agreement_fbo_H.W.___02799055xAED82__Redacted.pdf APPROVED

H_W_ESA_Summary_KWPP_2023.pdf APPROVED

KDCS Financials_12.31.23.pdf APPROVED

KWPCS Financials_12.31.23.pdf APPROVED

KNPS Financials_12.31.23.pdf APPROVED

KPCS Financials_12.31.23.pdf APPROVED

KPOC Financials_12.31.23.pdf APPROVED

2022_12_21_board_meeting_minutes (2).pdf APPROVED

KDCS Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KDCS Resumes January 2023.pdf APPROVED

KNPCS Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KNPCS Resumes January 2023.pdf APPROVED

KWPP Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KWPCS Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KWPP Resumes January 2023.pdf APPROVED

KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KPCS-KPPA Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

KPOC Board Exhibition January New Hires 2023.pdf APPROVED

CMO Report to KDCA BOT for Period Ending 12-31-22.docx.pdf APPROVED

CMO Report to KNPA BOT for Period Ending 12-31-22.docx.pdf APPROVED

CMO Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 12-31-22.docx.pdf APPROVED

CMO Report to KPOC BOT for Period Ending 12-31-22.docx.pdf APPROVED

CMO Report to KWPCS BOT for Period Ending 12-31-22.docx.pdf APPROVED

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
H. Richman made a motion to approve the minutes from KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Retreat Meeting on 12-21-22.
A. Aerts seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.




M. Eigen updated the Board on:

Insight Data Review

  • Insight is a national teacher and staff survey that gathers teacher feedback on critical instructional leadership practices like setting clear expectations, giving leaders the actionable information they need to increase teacher retention and improve student learning.
  • With the average point at a 7, our schools show very good trajectory.
  • Domain Scores from the teacher survey show we are at the top quartile. Over time we have bounced up from last years' scores surpassing pre-pandemic levels asides from 3 areas i.e academic opportunity, operations & support for instructional planning levels recorded in Fall 2019 scores.
  • T. Algarin had a question about school performance in relation to their zip code.
  • M. Eigen & J. Cunningham clarified that disparities exist in some cases.


Comparative state test data review



-There is an extremely large discrepancy in proficiency scores across the city directly aligned to economic opportunity and race.


-When you compare full charter results to equivalent schools (similar percent economically disadvantaged and special education), we perform in the top half to quarter of schools and above average every time.


-When you isolate by school (vs. charter) and subject, middle school math is a weak point and we fall below the average. 


-Compared to equivalent schools, we are especially outperforming in High School ELA, Elementary Math, Elementary ELA (KWPEA, KNPA) and Middle School ELA (KWPP)



Projected Teacher Retention:

  • We are trending higher this year in teacher retention than previous years. Overall we are at 94%

Regional Landscape: Stagnant to Slightly Stronger

Fall 2022 insight data indicates we are trending toward a stagnant to slightly stronger regional teacher retention picture for SY22-23. If historical trends hold, retention will likely fall between 66%-74% (barring a significant change, e.g., principal transitions, shifts in comp, coordinated regional effort). Last year we landed at 67%.


National Landscape: Stagnant to Slightly Worse

Both the KIPP network average and the KIPP top quartile attrition averages are trending slightly upward (aka retention is down) from last year, while KIPP Philadelphia is moving in the downward direction (aka retention is up). This suggests that even stagnant teacher retention at KPPS may mark a net accomplishment for our network.


  • H. Richman asked if there was a prognosis from other schools
  • M. Eigen offered that it was hard to get data from other schools 
  • A. Eerts asked what the plan was to keep the momentum going
  • M. Eigen explained that we are ensuring the principals have the right mindset with one on one conversations with them to do things that impact positively

School Teacher Retention Takeaways

School Landscape: Mixed Bag


Fall 2022 Insight data indicates the following - note that these numbers are able to be influenced by strategic, coordinated actions by leaders.

  • KDCA and KWPEA will see stronger retention this year
  • KWPP, KPEA, and KNPA will see weaker retention this year
  • KPOC will see retention around 75%, which is middling for founding year
  • KPPA data is unclear as only 53% of teachers responded to the survey
  • J. Cunningham offered that one of the schools will have a dip but its intentional to force more attrition to set them up for better talent success going forward to keep the right people and have tough conversations with those who are not great for kids.
  • A. Aerts asked if we are being intentional about talent recruiting by front loading with the recruiting team
  • M Eigen said the Talent team is exceptional and are on top of that.

Annual Planning Update

  • Early ideas for planning include 
    • increase in program fidelity, 
    • solidifying our high school ELA curriculum, 
    • Revamping our middle school math scores, & 
    • strategic use of our final year of ESSER funds 

Renewal Framework

Charter Framework (see pages 2-4 of renewal application)

Academic Success

-Proficiency, Growth, Attendance

-Whole last charter term, absolute scores and growth, comparative to ‘similar schools’

Organizational Compliance & Viability

-Execution of Mission, Special Education, ELL, Enrollment, Student Discipline, Personnel, Food Safety, Board Governance, Reporting

-Whole last charter term, includes site visit

Financial Health and Sustainability

-Financial Health, Fiscal Management,


  • H. Richman asked if there was a framework for how interviews are conducted for the new Board members coming in.
  • J. Cunningham & C. Benson offered that a framework exists and will be shared with the current board members prior to the actual interviews to prepare everyone.






B. Cummings turned it over to N. Wiltshire who updated the Board on:


Revised Budget Summaries 

Followed by a vote to approve the budget.



  • Audit still in process - estimated completion week of Feb. 13th
  • Expecting an Unqualified audit with an immaterial finding related to internal controls
    • Multiple voided checks not synced to AP
    • Multiple checks not synced to Intacct from Anybill
  • Moving Forward
    • Include monthly reconciliation of Anybill Account
    • Leverage contract with Abacus Partners to conduct comprehensive review of current processes and internal controls.
    • Goal of terminating contract with EdOps as soon as strategically feasible


  • More on Abacus Education Partners
    • Interim CFO Engagement beginning February 3rd
    • Founded by former CFO of KIPP Foundation
    • Will perform CFO duties and training/skill development for junior Finance team members

J Cunningham updated the Committee on:

CFO + Controller Search 


CFO Search - Led by DGW Consulting Group

  • 2-3 candidates advancing to final interview round
  • Final Interviews scheduled for March 13th 

Controller - Lead by Stronger Consulting Group

  • 2 candidates advancing to the final interview round and a possible third.
  • Final interviews scheduled for February 14th did not hold after all due to one of the having covid. This has been rescheduled to March 3rd.



KPPA @Whittier


-Entire building has been delivered by MIS

-Working through punch list items

-Awaiting schedule for window installation



KIPP Catto @ 4601 Market

-Leveling work has begun for outdoor play area and KIPP Catto-specific entrance

-Purchase and installation of playground equipment on hold until ‘FY 24.

A. Aerts made a motion to Approve FY ’23 Budget.
H. Richman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



C. Benson updated the Board:

  • Welcomed the new Managing Director of Development Anisha Sinha
  • She introduced herself and expressed her excitement in joining the KIPP Team


  • We are over the 55% mark on the goal
  • Towards the goal we have 2.4 million dollars needed to be raised


  • Scenario planning conducted this year
  • Towards the $6MM goal we have 2.5 million dollars gap needed to be raised
  • Worst case and least likely scenario is we dont raise a penny
  • Best case we get all that has been asked for i.e $12.3MM and end the FY23 with over $12MM 
  • Likely scenario will be getting the $2.5MM which's the annual goal we typically land with.
  • There is a feasible plan to hit that mark in the internal weekly team meeting that is currently on going
  • Following S. Jones request, A. Sinha will let board members know what they have outstanding yet to pay as a reminder of their giving and balances.
  • J. Davidse mentioned that he has been on calls with A. Sinha and is happy with the plans.
  • J. Cunningham offered that one of our big donors is restructuring their give process due to a family loss and will circle back with us in the Spring. That giving should get us to the 12MM mark.
  • A. Aerts asked if there were other expected giving in the pipeline.
  • C. Benson proffered that there is one donor that is in line to re-up their gift
  • H. Richman asked if we are allowed to give naming rights to donors
  • J. Cunningham offered that for the appropriate donor we do give the option of Naming Rights but we typically don't put it out there  that it is available.


  • Setting up a Real Estate Panel:

           Overview: A discussion focused on how real estate developers can drive social impact   through a triple-bottom line model in collaboration with strategic partners, like KIPP Philadelphia

         •Target audience: Philadelphia real estate community

         •Date: TBD


Bell Ringing Ceremony:

        •Overview: A celebration of the KPPA move into Whittier

        •Target audience: Donors

.       •Date: TBD



  • Leveraging BoardonTrack Public Portal - to link to our website 

      Example: Urban Montessori , KIPP Philadelphia


  • Other updates:

•Integration with social media platforms

•Equity landing page

•Regional news section


“Connect With a Recruiter” integration



C. Benson's new role handles Annual planning

H. richman asked how the process will work with Academic team

C. Benson offered that she is working with M. Eigen and has regular meetings to tackle Annual Planning



A. Aerts updated the board on:


Annual Policy Review & Approval
•Conflict of Interest Policy reviewed and approved – no edits proposed

•Public Participation Policy reviewed and approved – no edits proposed



NOTE:  A COI and Public Participation Policy exist for each charter; KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School, KIPP DuBois Charter School, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School, and KIPP Octavius Catto Charter School


Board Recruitment

•Pipeline review and interviews continue – current pipeline has 26 potential candidates currently being vetted and interviewed


•Continued focus on the following experience/skills: finance and financial management, academics


•Added experience/skills for consideration for Board – health care, social worker, non-profit leadership



Executive Committee

S. Jones updated the board on:

  • The goals review & vote will be done via email
  • Strat Plan update was just received in the development portion of the meeting today.


V. Information


Public Comment



New Business



Old Business





VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

H. Richman made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
B. Cummings seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Wilson Jones
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2022_12_21_board_meeting_minutes (2).pdf