Voices for International Business and Education
Finance / Developmeny Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday February 5, 2024 at 6:30 PM
2733 Esplanade Ave , New Orleans, LA
Committee Members Present
C. Jones, C. Robinson, D. Munchak, F. McKenna, G. Espinoza, K. Dwyer, P. Stewart
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Darius Munchak, E. Thomas
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Approve Minutes - December 2023 Finance Comm Meeting
II. IV. Financial update
Review Financial Reports
Updates on Finance committee related matters
Financial report to the State
October student count- 399
The affirmation page needs to be signed.
next meeting. March 13 at 6:30 pm
III. Development
Development Update
Hosted an Open House Nov 1 and 10 families attended and January 10 and 12 families in attendance
Advertising aven.
yard signs
List Serve and media press release
Direct mail
gambit add back to school
bus side general advertising
One App
The application deadline extended to January 26
Start to receive new student data in March
Grant update
The fund received from Selley $20,00 and ProBono Publico $10,00
Received an in-kind grant through the Everyone Graduate Center at Johns Hopkins University to participate in their on-track-to-career success OTCS program.
Work has commenced on 2024-25 supper App to request federal funding for LDOE
Have received 22, 137 in additional 23-24 federal funding
Development Updates
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Display our student talent during our ribbon-cutting
Gallery show, poetry reading, Jazz students.
Date: March 27 at 10 am.
Thinking Beignet and hot chocolate- bring the food trucks
Invite our community, and neighbors, get the press will be invited, and New Orleans leaders.
Send invites to parents, alumni, and neighbors. Add it to social media, and website.
Ribbon cutting needs to be coordinated- plan the logistics of the event.
alumni speak
HOS speak
Board president- Karen will speak
Student Council
Additional security
Second line band
Discuss details of March Fundraiser
Maybe on April 20, 12-6 pm Fundraiser- crawfish/shrimp/ boiled and or Barbecue, Bert Holloway
Get a live band- street life and have a DJ and have a festival. This is a Board fundraiser instead of the gala.
We need a raffle, a silent auction, need a committee chair for this event.
3 people will do the cooking
2 people with baskets
T-shirts- student art- chose the winners
Community groups to share resources.
Invite the president of a neighborhood association
Grace will possibly be the Chair for this event.
Audit report and will bring the copy
March 13 at 6:30
Review the FY 23 financial audit completed by Bernard and Franks
No findings, no questions on cost, and no noted exception
Receipts of the draft version
303K in available cash
52 days of cash
1.2% gross margin
15.53 at year's end
Increase due to Title 1 and IDEA funding
Increase purchase property SVC's
Increase prof services
Still waiting for the true picture to move clearer when we get the January budget.
Potential saving of $75K
The greatest unknown at this point is the total cost of the move.
Send the Excel sheet to board members.
Invoices for January not all invoices were not processed due to the repairs, and moves.
Delay our reserved spending now and see if our expenses can be used on ESSER dollars. Pam will have a report.
Is there any grant we can use to get reimbursed- Darius is saying not he knows of it.