Voices for International Business and Education
VIBE Board meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Directors Present
C. Jones (remote), D. Barnes, J. Lampton, K. Dwyer, S. Olivier
Directors Absent
P. Manson, T. Winfield
Guests Present
C. Bourque, D. Edgerson, D. Lewis, F. McKenna, J. Carreno, J. Davis, Keva Smith, Marc Barnes (remote), S. Lenahan, S. Schulkens, W. Watts
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approval of the January 7, 2023 VIBE Board Meeting Minutes
IHSNO Student Highlight
II. Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Draft Review
Karen- SWOT is not part of the plan but a tool to get to the plan.
Lack of accountability-went back to the prior school year- faculty and staff.
Jennifer-Goal 1- recruitment of students best for IHSNO-KPI-recruit and KPI- to me seems disconnected.
Increase enrollment and Who we want to enroll. Should be two different goals.
Objectives: Have more students who embody the IHSNO Mission, Vision, and Values
Change goal 1 to increase enrollment at IHSNO
Objectives 1 and 2- academic performance
Get a budget for recruitment
Review and Revise the recruitment plan- NCAP
Create more relationships with other schools and share ideas.
IHSNO does a good job to recruit for example:
Visit another school, open houses, videos, tours,
We went to many school recruitment fairs
We had two open houses.
We should have a recruitment plan- we can review, revise it, and create a better plan.
Goal 5- move to the new campus
Dennis Barnes- asked if we are going to get more detailed information on the strategic plan. He is requesting more detailed information for each goal and objective.
Cerrita Jones- agreed with Dr. Marc Barnes to not put on too many goals on our Head of School- Dr. Berger.
After evaluating this school- what is the one best thing IHSNO has to offer- One unique curriculum- our academic and IB program.
Berger- our IB program and our unique diversity/culture - our niche is providing opportunities to diverse students.
Dennis Barnes- who are we catering to is the question and -who do we need to sell this school to? How are we going to make our school more accessible to our niche?
Dr. M. Barnes- context will be more detailed - he needs a week or so to make the adjustments. The Board will wait to receive the second draft and see if we need another meeting.
III. IHSNO / VIBE Board Leadership
Head of School Report
Dean of Culture- Wes Watts- it a good addition to our team
Aspen Challenges were submitted- on Thursday. Their challenge is the impacts of climate change.
MVP- Middle year program has been submitted- Thank you, Cody.
SuperApp- January- a plan of academics for the next school year 2023-24- calendar.
Letter of intent- are due Friday 2/10
Budgeting for 23-24 and identifying strategic priority
Pygmalion parade- our students 2/11
Black History festival- 2/27
BETA March 1 Honor society induction
Our social workers are working on absentee issues
We have recovery days twice a month on Saturday available to our students
There is a statewide problem with absentees students.
Board Chair Report
The Gala is on April 22, 6:30- 9:30 pm at the Building. Jennifer is requesting 100% presence from the Board.
Graduation May 24, 10 am
May 15, Financial reporting to the state.
Committee chairs please review what budgetary things you need for next school year by March 5, and send them to Finance.
IV. Committee Reports
Finance Committee - Vote on November/December Financials
Finance met on January 23, a net income of 25,000, due to our student enrollment
projected 40 days of cash but we want 60 days.
We talked about the vacant position, but we are using funds to pay the substitute teachers.
Entergy bill- we are catching up on payment.
We decided to cut back on any big purchases until the next school year.
We discuss strategies to budget for the 2023-24 school year.
The finance committee will meet monthly until the end of the school year.
Voted for finances for next month
Staff recruiment for 23-24
clean audit- goal to have an audit by early November for 2023-24.
Our next Finance March 20 at 12 pm
Academics Committee
Welcome our new dean of culture.
The soccer team going to playoffs.
The Basketball team is going to playoffs.
challenges with transportation- two buses arrived late daily.
School climate survey put out-
How do get a crossing guard or school zone for our school?
Our next meeting March 8 at 6 pm
Facilities Committee
Media center and looking for architects - checking with Rhonda.
next meeting March 1
Development Committee
Applied for 3 grants-
Entergy - IB book
Farm School.
Gala April 22 at the Building
A sign-up sheet for the different subcommittees. We need you to please attend.
Students and staff rode on the Christmas parade.
Telemundo Ne Orleans- our students were interviewed. It was a great experience our the kids and exposure to our school.
Governance Committee
March 22, prospective board member social
We want Board members to be present- a tour of the school, presentation, and walking to pulk for social hours.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
April 19, 6 pm Board meeting
Board members need to put their volunteer hours send to Karen by February 17
Fanny email send the form- to board members
We have a cake to Celebrate Dr. Berger and Cody!
Keven Smith- 9th grader- positive attitude and embrace any challenges, enjoys math and civics, likes watching the show with the governmental issue.
People are nice at IHSNO and I have made friends here.
Things we need to improve is more communication- for example- direct communication with the students. and just the teachers.
Our school offers many activities for all students
He likes the lunch here at IHSNO.
Where do you see yourself as a career- a political career? To make it easier for teachers.
How can the Board help our school to be better?
He answered by asking what does Board do?
The Board's job is to make sure our school operates right, create policies, and share guidance with the school leaders.