Voices for International Business and Education

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 16, 2016 at 6:00 PM CST
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests

Distribution of Sign-in sheet

  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Mission

To educate and nurture a diverse learning community through the International Baccalaureate Programme, world languages, and intercultural appreciation to succede in a global economy.

  D. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on October 19, 2016
II. Report of the Chair
  A. New item
III. Report of Head of School
  A. New item
IV. Report of Executive Committee
  A. New item

Report on review of Committee Goals

  B. New item

Report on Evaluation Process of Head of School

V. Governance
  A. Board Action

Recommendation to approve Thelma Cabillos-Meyers to the board

  B. Other Business of Governance Committee
Reminder to Board members to complete State Compliance Requirements:  Ethics Training, and Tier 3  Financial Disclosure Forms
Report on policy and bylaws update process.

Governance needs to announce that there will be a December meeting on 12/7 at 6:00 pm to interview Ms. Vaughn. Additionally, the committee's upcoming goals for the early part of 2017 will be:
1) Interview and, if appropriate, vote to recommend remaining candidates for BOD approval.
2) Review and update all recent policy changes and ensure consistency between bylaws, policy manual, strategic plan and other board documents. Identify draft policies that need more input from Governance before they can go to the full board, and also to identify polices that have been previously approved by the board but the dates of approval were not affixed to the final approved version.
3) Create a compliance rubric to ensure IHSNO is meeting its requirements under state and federal law, as well as adhering to best practices
VI. Facility
  A. New item

Report of Facility Committee Meeting

VII. Finance
  A. Report of Finance Committee
Possible approval of Monthly Financials
Discussion of Disposal of Fixed Assets Procedure
VIII. Academic
  A. Report of Academic Committee
IX. Recommendation of Board Members to Board Committees
  A. Recommendations to Governance and Developments Committees

Recommendation to the Board to appoint Blair Schilling to Governance and Development Committees
Recommendation to the Board to appoint Thelma Cabillos-Meyer to the Development Committee

X. New section
XI. Adjournment to Executive Session to discuss ongoing litigation
  A. Update from legal team
XII. Other Business
XIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting

Vote to Adjourn meeting