Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
Finance and Operations Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM
Elementary Campus - Meeting Trailer
688 Grant Street
Atlanta, GA 30315
Attendees may join in-person or via Zoom.
Committee Members Present
Chiquetta West, Drew Waddell (remote), Jonna Martin (remote), Nikia Showers (remote), Noah Young (remote), Oriol Mirosa (remote), Shannon Rutledge (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Alastair Pullen
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Previous Month's Committee Meeting Minutes
II. Business & Operations Update
Financial Performance Update
Aftercare and Nutrition Delinquency Report
Chiquetta West updated the committee on the current state of delinquent accounts in aftercare and nutrition programs since last month.
Facilities and Grounds
Alastair Pullen provided an update on a number of facilities work and projects, including the ongoing delay in the construction of the security vestibule, and the move to the new business office that starts this week.
Benefits Update
Alastair Pullen informed the committee that the school will not be moving to enroll in State benefits for its employees given the extra cost of $1M per year. Alternatives were explored, but ultimately the decision has been made to remain with the current Cigna insurance.
Chiquetta West provided an update on the school's financial performance, revenue and expenditures through October 31, 2024.