Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Educational Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 10, 2024 at 8:30 AM


Elementary Campus - Meeting Trailer

688 Grant Street

Atlanta, GA 30315


Attendees may join in-person or via Zoom.

In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Bethany Greenley (remote), Daron Joffe (remote), Emily Hansen (remote), LaNiesha Cobb Sanders (remote), Lara Zelski, Mark Boswell (remote), Mark Sanders, Rhiannen Laurent, Shannon Rutledge

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Alastair Pullen

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

LaNiesha Cobb Sanders called a meeting of the Educational Excellence Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 10, 2024 at 8:31 AM.


Approve Minutes from September Meeting

Bethany Greenley made a motion to approve the minutes from Educational Excellence Committee Meeting on 09-12-24.
Daron Joffe seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Educational Excellence



Emily Hansen made a motion to Approve recommended calendar for 25/26 and 26/27 school years.
Rhiannen Laurent seconded the motion.

Survey data from faculty and parents was split almost down the middle for those who favored ending before Memorial Day versus ending after.


Respondents overwhelmingly favored the week-long breaks throughout the year.


If we backwards plan from Memorial Day, a July start date will only happen once in the next 4 years. 


It is easier to recruit students from our waiting list if we start before APS, instead of after.


It is easier to keep students focused and in school when it is hot at the beginning of the year as opposed to at the end of the year.


One board member expressed concern re: starting school before August 1st.  

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

IB Evaluation Report

Dale Scott, IB Coordinator at the Middle Campus, joined to share the final evaluation report of the IB program from the 23/24 school year.  The headline of the report says: "It is obvious that ANCS fosters a developmental mindset and embraces the MYP philosophically and pedagogically. Their mission of "an empowered and inclusive community" is alive in all stakeholders. Leadership at ANCS has embraced the philosophy of developmental mindset and welcomed the coaching opportunity the visit provided."  The report found no "matters to be addressed".  The full report is available upon request.  


Enrollment Report

The Elementary campus is fully enrolled with a strong waitlist as of the October FTE Count.  The Middle campus had one seat open as of the October FTE Count.  The seat has since been filled and will count towards the March FTE count.  


New Family Support

Dr Natasha Woodey-Wideman joined to share updates on New Family Supports, inclusive of 

  • Nutritional Support
  • New family partnerships 
  • Relationship building with both the students and families
  • Direct contact/invitation to activities that undergird the transition into the school, including Parent University and the Ice Cream Social
  • New Family events aimed at building community among new families, as well as providing more background on ANCS and it’s many unique attributes 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:19 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
LaNiesha Cobb Sanders