Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
Governing Board Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 18, 2023 at 7:30 PM
ANCS Elementary Campus - Meeting Trailer
688 Grant Street
Atlanta, GA 30315
Directors Present
Amber Suitt, Angela Christie, Ben Sutton, Carla Wells, Irina Brimmell, Mark Boswell, Oriol Mirosa, Pouya Dianat, Rhonda Collins, Ruth Link-Gelles (remote)
Directors Absent
Barrett Coker Krise, Cory Tiede, Shannon Rutledge
Guests Present
Alastair Pullen (remote), Aubrey Sabba (remote), Chiquetta West (remote), Christopher Collins (remote), Chuck Meadows, Daron Joffe (remote), Jacob Lange (remote), Jaquoia Rockmore (remote), Jenny Gunn, Jeremy Varner, Katie Varner (remote), Lara Zelski (remote), Meeghan Fortson, Paige Teusink (remote), Shea Meddin (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance & Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Approve Minutes from the April 20, 2023 Board Meeting
Approve the Minutes from the May 1, 2023, Special Called Meeting
II. PTCA Update
PTCA Monthly Update
Jenny Gunn and Meeghan Fortson provided the PTCA report and end of year review.
Vote: Resolution to establish a Task Force to evaluate parent, teacher, and community engagement and volunteerism
Duration of task force discussed. Three additional parent slots are available on the task force.
III. ANCS Expansion Discussion
External presentations regarding Skyhaven Quarry
Jacob Lange and Aubrey Sabba from Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects and Planners LLC and Shea Meddin, commercial real estate brokers from Cushman & Wakefield provided information to the board about the Skyhaven Quarry.
Expansion Task Force Updates
Pouya Dianat provided the Expansion Task Force report.
IV. Executive Session
Executive Session
V. Action Item
Vote: Exercise the Option Agreement for the Skyhaven Quarry Parcels
VI. Committee Reports - For Your Information
Educational Excellence and Accountability Committee Monthly Report
Rhonda Collins instructed the Board to read the Educational Excellence and Accountability committee report.
Finance & Operations Committee Monthly Report
Rhonda Collins instructed the Board to read the Finance & Operations committee report.
Governance Committee Monthly Report
Rhonda Collins instructed the Board to read the Governance committee report.
Fund Development Committee Monthly Report
Rhonda Collins instructed the Board to read the Fund Development committee report.
VII. Board Announcements
Training Reminder
Rhonda Collins reminded the Board to complete required training courses by June 30, 2023.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 05_18_23_ANCS PTCA Board Report.docx.pdf
- PTCA Budget and Actual 05.16.2023.pdf
- 2023-2024 PTCA Calendar_Proposed_5.9.23.pdf
- PTCA FY24 Draft Budget for Approval.pdf
- PTCA Year in Review 2022-2023.pdf
- A resolution of the Governing Board of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School - PTCA Resolution (1).pdf
- 230518_Feasibility Study.pdf
- Executive Director's Report - May 19, 2023.pdf
- (4) Student and Family-Academic Program Policies (3.6.22).pdf
- Section 5.23 - Weapons.pdf
- StatementofActivity-April.pdf
- StatementofFinancialPosition-YTD.pdf
- StatementofActivity-YTD (1).pdf
- Finance Committee Financial Statement - Apr 2023.xlsx
- Board Governance Committee Report – May 10, 2023.pdf
- Fund_Development_Committee_Report_May 2023.pdf
- Fund_Development_Financial Report_April_2023.pdf
Jeremy Varner made a public comment.