Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
Fund Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 11, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Committee Members Present
Barrett Coker Krise (remote), Jenna Civitello (remote), Jennifer Tomasino (remote), Oriol Mirosa (remote), Shannon Rutledge (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Amber Suitt, Pouya Dianat, Susannah Darrow
Guests Present
Chiquetta West (remote), Chuck Meadows (remote), Paige Teusink (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. New Business
Fund Development Report
Wonderball Event
Shannon Rutledge reported that planning for Wonderball continues. The biggest challenge currently is volunteer recruitment and volunteer management. Ms. Teusink and Chuck Meadows will help with specific pushes in the Courier and specific appeals on social media.
There was also conversation around balancing the need to increase the fundraising aspect of the event while also being mindful of attendees' experience and the cost of participating in the event. There was also discussion around the ticket price and the number of attendees permitted, could we increase from last year's 400 ppl cap. Ms. Teusink shared that the attendance cap had to do with the caterer's capacity, so that should be a consideration when selecting the vendor.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Fund Development Report December 2022.pdf
- Jan 2023 FD Meeting Presentation.pdf
Paige Teusink reported that December giving was very high, surpassing our monthly goal by more than $10,000 and putting us ahead of all prior years’ at the same moment in time. There was also in increase in giving from Grandparents and Special Friends due to committee outreach to the LYBUNT list. GPSF giving still lags a little bit behind last year but is improving.
Ms. Teusink also reported that we need to work to clarify language with room parents about what donations to the PTCA through Gather and Grow do and why it's important to support those efforts.