Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
Fund Development Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday May 12, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Committee Members Present
Barrett Coker Krise (remote), Jenna Civitello (remote), Pouya Dianat (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Michele Kresge, Narin Hassan, Susannah Darrow
Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened
Pouya Dianat
Guests Present
Chuck Meadows (remote), Paige Teusink (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. New Business
Fund Development Report
Paige Teusink reported that Gather and Grow performed well in April and parent/caregiver participation is up to 50%.
The committee held a discussion about the structure of Gather and Grow, what "counts" towards the goal. As it currently stands, Gather and Grow only covers individual giving, it does not include sponsorships, Wonderball, supply donations, etc. The committee feels this can cause confusion in the broader community when the school is asking for money, but also creates challenges for tracking donations. In an effort to continue streamlining our processes. The committee recommends that Gather and Grow be considered the Neighborhood Charter School's annual fund, each constituency or project/program would be tracked individually, but ultimately all donations would roll up into Gather and Grow. The committee will work on how we might strengthen the messaging around Gather and Grow to help make the best case.
Wonderball Event
Wonderball numbers are still being reconciled. We have received the survey results which were overall very positive. The survey indicated people liked the location at the Middle Campus, enjoyed it being a more casual and less expensive event and enjoyed how it made the event more inclusive. There were some elements that were identified as areas of improvement-DJ, layout of the space and the drink set up were a few areas that would be easy for next year's committee to address. There was also feedback from a few sponsors who were displeased that this event eliminated the VIP tables/section. This was a conscious decision on the part of the WB committee, fund development committee and school leadership to reflect a more inclusive event that better aligns with our diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging goals. Paige has spoken with the sponsors and worked to offer solutions. Moving forward we will be revising the sponsor benefits to better reflect our equity goals and the new look and feel of the event.
Paige Teusink has drafted a Roles and Responsibilities framework for Wonderball to help ensure the event runs smoothly in future years. The document includes more oversight of budgeting reporting to the Fund Development committee and a stronger structure to help support the committee.
Gratitude Week Update
Gratitude Week will be the week of May 16-20 and will be a pure thank you rather than accompanied by a fundraising ask. Pouya Dianat is designing video and static assets to use for Gratitude Week on the school's social channels. Jenna Civitello, Barrett Krise and Paige Teusink will meet at the Elementary Campus to film students, teachers and staff sharing messages of gratitude that will be included in Pouya's designs. Jenna will commit to posting each day on the ANCS Family Facebook page. Paige will post on the school's official pages and will tag sponsors.
Fund Development Committee Planning 2022-2023
Barrett Krise has agreed to serve as chair again for the 2022-2023 school year. The committee discussed challenges with the committee, including low numbers and lack of engagement. Chuck Meadows shared a wish to continue streamlining efforts at the school and the committee's hope to better thread equity and diversity into each event or fundraising opportunity. We'll be working over the summer to recruit new members and think about the best structure to support the school.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 2022_04_14_fund_development_committee_meeting_minutes (1).pdf
- Fund Development Report Apr 2022.pdf
- May 2022 FD Meeting Presentation.pdf
- Wonderball Roles & Responsibilities.pdf
- 2022-23 Fund Development Outline.pdf
Committee did not have a quorum, will vote on the minutes from April electronically