Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


ANCS Governing Board Monthly Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday October 21, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Notice of this meeting was posted on the ANCS website and both ANCS campuses in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Angela Christie (remote), Barrett Coker Krise (remote), Ben Sutton (remote), Carla Wells (remote), Emily Ormsby (remote), Hanah Goldberg (remote), Irina Brimmell (remote), Jason Rhodes (remote), Kristi Malloy (remote), Lee Kynes (remote), Pouya Dianat (remote), Rhonda Collins (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Aleisa Howell (remote), Arnold Pierce (remote), Cathey Goodgame (remote), Chuck Meadows (remote), Jerry Hanes (remote), Lara Zelski (remote), Lexi Nguyen (remote), Mark Sanders (remote), Markecia Jacbos (remote), Nicole King (remote), Nicole Lupo (remote), Paige Teusink (remote), Rachel Ezzo (remote), Susan Taylor (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance & Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Lee Kynes called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Thursday Oct 21, 2021 at 6:31 PM.


Public Comment

There was no public comment.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Jason Rhodes made a motion to approve the minutes from ANCS Governing Board Monthly Meeting on 09-23-21.
Pouya Dianat seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. PTCA Update


PTCA Update

  • Rachel Ezzo provided the PTCA update, see board packet for details.

III. Principals' Open Forum


Principal's Open Forum

  • Cathey Goodgame provided the middle campus update.
    • A student was awarded the Reach Scholarship.
    • Cross country had a successful championship, with students placing 1st, 4th, and 6th.
    • First round of summatives are almost complete and students are getting ready for student led conferences.
  • Lara Zelski provided the elementary campus update.
    • Parent/teacher conferences are complete.
    • Digital Citizen Week is this week, and Wolfie is participating!
    • Morning meeting is happening Tuesday-Friday via Zoom.

IV. Executive Director's Update


Monthly Executive Director Report

  • Chuck Meadows provided the Executive Director update, see board packet for details.


Letter of Assurances

Rhonda Collins made a motion to approve Lee Kynes, Board Chair, to sign the letter of assurances on behalf of the Governing Board.
Jason Rhodes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. DEAT Update


Monthly DEAT update

  • Carla Wells provided the DEAT update, see board packet for details.                                                         

VI. Finance & Operations Committee


Annual Financial Statement Audit Report Presentation

  • Aleisa Howell reviewed the financial audit statement, draft report included in board packet.
Emily Ormsby made a motion to accept the contents of the draft audit report barring any material changes.
Ben Sutton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Monthly Finance & Operations Report

  • Emily Ormsby provided the Finance & Operations update, see board packet for details.
Pouya Dianat made a motion to approve a resolution to authorize Charles Meadows on behalf of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School in his capacity as executive director to execute a note and security deed with Atlantic Capital Bank for the property located at 820 Essie Avenue.
Emily Ormsby seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Governance Committee


Monthly Governance Report

  • Rhonda Collins provided the Governance Committee update, see board packet for details.
  • Call to action for Governing Board: begin outreach to networks in preparation for nominations.

VIII. Fund Development Committee


Monthly Fund Development Report

  • Barrett Coker Krise provided the Fund Development update, see board packet for details.
  • Call to action for Governing Board: donate to Gather & Grow Fund.

IX. Educational Excellence Committee


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

  • Jason Rhodes provided the Educational Excellence update, see board packet for details.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Rhonda Collins made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Jason Rhodes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kristi Malloy