Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Fund Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 13, 2021 at 3:00 PM

In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Barrett Coker Krise, Meeghan Fortson (remote), Sabrina Sexton

Committee Members Absent

Narin Hassan, Susannah Darrow

Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

Barrett Coker Krise

Guests Present

Chuck Meadows (remote), Paige Teusink (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Sabrina Sexton called a meeting of the Communications & Advancement Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Apr 13, 2021 at 3:05 PM.


Approve Minutes

The approval of past minutes was deferred to a later time in the meeting because a quorum of committee members was not yet present.

II. New Business


Updated Financial Report

Paige reviewed the updated financial report. The YTD actuals through March for the Gather & Grow fund are $96,003.37. With recurring gifts and pledges, the projected total is $102,769.03, putting us within reach of our $105,000 annual goal for the campaign.


Board participation has reached 100%. Overall participation rates are otherwise low and there was discussion about developing strategies to grow participation next year.


The No Ball Wonderball event was a success, more than doubling its fundraising goal and raising $21,564.


The committee discussed the operational approach to managing all types of giving to the school and centralizing tax receipt administration with the Business Office. It was determined that the school will make a recommendation on how/whether to manage comprehensive giving to the school and restricted giving.
Barrett Coker Krise arrived.
Meeghan Fortson made a motion to approve the minutes from Fund Development Committee Meeting on 03-09-21.
Barrett Coker Krise seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.


Gather & Grow Campaign Update

Paige reviewed the campaign plan for the rest of the year, including a spring giving week from May 3 through May 7, and the segmentation strategy for the upcoming mailing.


Donor Acknowledgement

The committee discussed that gifts of $1,000 or more should trigger a personal thank you from Chuck. The school may also use discretion in taking a personalized approach to donor acknowledgment.


The committee recommended the development of a procedural document for gift processing.


Policy Review

The committee reviewed the current Fund Development Policy and suggested revisions. These revisions will be reviewed and approved in the next committee meeting. If approved, the updated policy will then be routed to the Governance Committee for approval by the full board.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sabrina Sexton
Documents used during the meeting
  • Fund Development Report Mar 2021.pdf
  • 2021 Spring Fund Development Plan.pdf
  • Fund Development Policy_Revised June 2019_FINAL.pdf