Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Fund Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday December 4, 2020 at 2:00 PM

In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Meeghan Fortson (remote), Narin Hassan (remote), Sabrina Sexton (remote)

Committee Members Absent

Barrett Coker Krise, Susannah Darrow

Guests Present

Chuck Meadows (remote), Paige Teusink (remote), Stephanie Galer (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Sabrina Sexton called a meeting of the Communications & Advancement Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Friday Dec 4, 2020 at 2:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

Meeghan Fortson made a motion to approve the minutes from Fund Development Committee Meeting on 11-20-20.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The minutes were approved with a friendly amendment to clarify that the revenue update was reported for this fiscal year so far.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. New Business


Updated Financial Report

Stephanie Galer presented the latest financial updates that show Gather & Grow revenue at $40,642.25. This is less than 50% of the original YTD goal set in the fiscal year budget.

Due to the constraints of the 2020-2021 fiscal year, the Fund Development Committee — in partnership with the ED — recommends revising the Gather & Grow revenue goal to $105,000 (from $140,000). This will be reflected in the revised budget that will come before the Governing Board for approval.


Gather & Grow Campaign Update

Giving Tuesday’s fundraising goal was exceeded with a total of $19,162 in donations.

The next campaign milestone is the end of the year. While our fiscal year runs through June 2021, December 31, 2020 is the last day to realize tax benefits from a 2020 donation.

Paige Teusink shared the year-end campaign plan with the committee.

The remaining campaign plan will be finalized based on the school’s resources and what is determined to be manageable given the ongoing demands of the plan for reopening. Some of the tactics discussed include targeted emails to renew past donors, outreach to LYBUNTS, and personal outreach to top grandparent/special friend donors.


2021 Wonderball Update

The committee discussed a number of considerations for the Wonderball (or other spring fundraising event), such as tapping into OneCause's virtual event center and tapping past Wonderball auctioneer(s) for suggestions and expertise. The possibility of "Zoom fatigue" was mentioned as a potential issue, and the suggestion was made to focus on auctioning a few big ticket items that would be relatively low effort to secure from past donors.

The committee would like the team of parent volunteers to propose a plan for the spring fundraising event, considering what is feasible for this year in what is likely to be a virtual environment.

Chuck will manage outreach to potential parent volunteers.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sabrina Sexton