Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


ANCS Governing Board Meeting

Virtual Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM


Virtual Meeting
Phone Number: 404-671-8414‬; PIN: ‪900 568 210#‬
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Emily Ormsby (remote), Eric Teusink (remote), Hanah Goldberg (remote), Howard Franklin (remote), Jason Rhodes (remote), Jordache Avery (remote), Kristen Frenzel (remote), Kristi Malloy (remote), Laura Melton (remote), Lee Kynes (remote), Meeghan Fortson (remote), Nakia Echols (remote), Sabrina Sexton (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Thomas (Remote), Angela Christie (Remote), Barrett Krise (Remote), Belliyou Kauffman (Remote), Ben Sutton (Remote), Carla Wells (Remote), Chuck Meadows (remote), Jaquoia Rockmore (Remote), Lia Santos (remote), Mike Boardman (remote), Penny Bean (Remote), Rhonda Collins (Remote), Santina Cambor (Remote), Tilifayea Griffin (Remote), Toshia Meadows (Remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Eric Teusink called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 17, 2020 at 6:34 PM.
The meeting was held virtually with a call-in number and meeting link due to social distancing during the coronavirus outbreak. Participants were encouraged to identify themselves at the beginning of the meeting or email their name to board secretary at so they will be marked as an attendee in the meeting minutes. 


Public Comment

There were no public comments. 


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve the minutes from ANCS Governing Board Meeting on 02-18-20.
Jason Rhodes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from Emergency Board Meeting

Kristen Frenzel made a motion to approve the minutes from Emergency Board Meeting on 03-12-20.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA President Update

No update was given at the meeting, but a report was included in the packet.  

II. Executive Director's Report


Update on 2020 New Student Applications & Lottery

Chuck Meadows provided an overview of our 2020-2021 outreach and recruitment efforts, followed by a presentation on the lottery results. The lottery was held on Monday, March 16. So far we have offered spots in Kindergarten and 6th grade and have a lengthy wait list. Families have until April 17 to accept or decline their admissions offer. We have expanded interest from socio-economically disadvantaged families but it is still hard to get in because of so few spots. Most socio-economically disadvantaged families who applied are outside of our primary attendance zone. See Board Packet for full report. 


Charter Renewal Update

Chuck reported that our charter renewal process is on track. There has been no shift in the timeline yet. 


COVID-19 Update

Chuck presented on the new platform for online learning (H.O.W.L.), which will be the primary place for Elementary and Middle Campus faculty, parents, and students to communicate while the school is closed due to COVID-19.  This presentation was recently given to all faculty (following social distancing guidelines); currently faculty do have the option to come in to the school as needed. Food will be available for purchase and pick up for the school community. We're looking carefully at fundraising asks to support families in need.

Grades will stay consistent so that all classes are learning the same thing. For the first two phases, focus will be on maintaining where we are for now; no new material will be taught at first. There are built-in metrics to track performance and participation. Parents are encouraged to reach out to faculty or staff directly with any questions. 

The state has suspended Milestones and Teacher evaluations, and we're waiting for more clarification. 

HOWL platform will be announced to parents and go live in the Courier email on Wednesday 3/18. 

Several board members expressed their gratitude to the faculty and staff for their dedication and hard work to get the platform up and running on very short notice.

III. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

See board packet for full report and minutes from the last Governance Committee meeting. 


Vote on Slate of New Board Members for 2020-2021

Nakia Echols presented the 2020-2021 slate for new board members. We received applications from 17 candidates, of whom 12 were interviewed, and 5 were offered a spot on the board. All 5 candidates accepted the offer and appear on the slate in the board packet. 
Nakia Echols made a motion to approve the slate of new board members included in the Board Packet.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to Create Task Force for Committee Composition & Support

Kristen Frenzel proposed that the Board vote to create a Task Force for Committee Composition and Support to look at how we vet and evaluate participation from non-board members who serve on board committees. Background information had been shared with the board prior to the meeting. Once the task force has been created, the Governance Committee will look at who should be invited to serve on the task force and determine a timeline for the work. 
Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve the creation of a Task Force for Committee Composition & Support.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Business & Operations


Monthly Business & Operations Report

Business & Operations Committee did not meet this month but they have been in touch. Laura Melton provided a series of reports in the Board Packet. Financially strong position with $3 million in cash and $900K in investments.  Still waiting on distribution from APS. Business Office is reviewing two potential scenarios and will let the Board know when a draft of the budget is ready for review and feedback. Board will vote on the budget at April or May board meeting. 
Business & Operations Committee has reviewed all business policies and will send final redlines to Governance Committee. 


Facilities Update

Jordache Avery reported that the roof project is on track. 


Vote on New Intercom System

Jordache reported that he received the last of the 4 proposals for the new intercom system today, so we are not in a position to vote on a vendor at tonight's meeting. Proposals range from approx. $90K to $280. We have two $30K grants to put towards the new system. Grant funds expire on April 15, so we need to choose a vendor before then. Board discussed next steps since next board meeting is after this date. Jordache will request that deadline is extended to April 30. Eric proposed that we vote to give authority to Jordache Avery, Chuck Meadows, and Laura Melton to enter into a contract with any of the vendors before next board meeting if needed. 
Sabrina Sexton made a motion to give authority to Jordache Avery, Chuck Meadows, and Laura Melton to enter into a contract with any of the proposed vendors for the new intercom system.
Lee Kynes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Fund Development


Monthly Fund Development Report

The Fund Development Committee did not meet this month as stated in the agenda. A report on the 2020 Wonderball Auction and Gather & Grow Fund financials will be shared at the next meeting.

VI. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Hanah Goldberg shared a report from the Educational Excellence Committee, which was included in the board packet. A discussion about Beating the Odds metrics will take place at a future board meeting.


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Howard Franklin gave an update on the general assembly's legislative session, which has been suspended indefinitely, and other updates related to COVID-19. Howard will continue to keep the Board and Chuck Meadows updated on anything of relevance. 

VII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Lee Kynes made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel related matters.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
All guests were asked to leave the virtual meeting and board members were asked to call in on a different number for the confidential executive session.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The Board entered Executive Session at 8:21 pm. 
Kristen Frenzel made a motion to to exit Executive Session.
Lee Kynes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The Board exited Executive Session at 9:31 pm and entered back into the regular meeting. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Jason Rhodes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:36 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson