Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Educational Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 5, 2019 at 5:00 PM


ANCS Middle Campus
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Cathey Goodgame, Chuck Meadows, Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Jason Rhodes, Kristen Frenzel, Lara Zelski, Nancy Lamb

Committee Members Absent

Howard Franklin

Guests Present

Sabrina Sexton

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Hanah Goldberg called a meeting of the Educational Excellence Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 5, 2019 at 5:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

Kristen Frenzel made a motion to approve minutes from the Educational Excellence Committee Meeting on 11-07-19 Educational Excellence Committee Meeting on 11-07-19.
Jason Rhodes seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Educational Excellence


2020-2021 School Calendar

  • Chuck Meadows provided an overview of process to-date:
    • Leadership team used APS calendar as starting point but charter flexibility allowed them to propose a different calendar that included extended October and February breaks
    • Timeline for making this decision is consistent with prior years
    • CM presented proposed calendar at November Board meeting and has since: published in Courier twice, posted in ANCS Facebook group, and distributed hard copies at both campuses during pick-up. He's requested feedback be sent to him directly.
    • CM decided not to administer a survey again this year (will consider data from last year's calendar survey)
    • CM is receiving high-quality, detailed feedback via email. Parents have been very thorough and transparent in their feedback. CM has been able to ask questions, follow up as necessary. 
    • Faculty/staff are generally in support of proposed calendar
    • Parental feedback has spanned three general categories: 
      • Prefer APS calendar (particularly among those that have children at Jackson)
        • Most of the opposition has been around convenience, hardship (e.g., child care)
      • Prefer proposed calendar
      • Prefer some hybrid
    • The other charter schools in Jackson cluster (Kindezi, Centennial, Drew, Wesley) will also have week-long breaks in October and February
  • Communication is paramount; why was decision made, what has the process looked like, what has the feedback been?
  • CM will put out communication to school community before the Board vote that will address feedback/describe process
  • CM will provide overview/context to full board at 12/17 meeting; recommendation is to approve proposed calendar


Outreach and Recruitment Update


Review Demographic and Enrollment Data

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Eric Teusink made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Hanah Goldberg